Food Friday 8/8 - Vitamin A for Carrots?

13Strong Posts: 502 Member
Vitamin A: Mostly known for vision :glasses:, Also supports bone development, healthy skin, and ability to see better in the dark (night vision anyone?). This fat soluble vitamin is found in food like liver, egg yolk, and dairy.

Beta-carotene is a molecule found in leafy greens and vibrant veggies like squash, carrots, and sweet potatoes. Our bodies break this molecule down into vitamin A but it's also an antioxidant which will reduce the damaging of some cells and thus slow/inhibit increased aging.


Where does your vitamin A come from?

Plus check in:
How's it going?


  • texasbeu2y
    texasbeu2y Posts: 95 Member
    I guess my Vitamin A comes from the animal protein I consume, and the green veggies I sometimes eat, my whey protein contains Vitamin A also.

    Exercise: None (rest day)

    Food: Banana, whey protein, and grilled chicken, and whatever they serve at the wedding tonight, Wedding Cake!

    Water: I won't make a gallon, but will try for 3 liters.

    It is going very well for me. My stomach has become flatter just from the high protein, low carb, and gallon of water I've been consuming over the last few days. I feel sexy!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    It is going very well for me. My stomach has become flatter just from the high protein, low carb, and gallon of water I've been consuming over the last few days. I feel sexy!

    Congrats! That's great! And have fun at the wedding. :)
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    It's finally Friday!! I'm feeling a little anxious today, but I'm starting to catch up on stuff at work! I got paid today, so I took care of some things and I'm feeling a little bit better about it.

    Food so far was cafeteria eggs and a muffin, lunch is my evol meal from yesterday that I didn't eat. Water, I have one bottle down and working on #2. Dinner is unplanned. Exercise, I'm feeling like yoga and saving my run for tomorrow.

    For the weekend I'm going to my boyfriends in Chicago. That usually leads to eating dinner out on Saturday and Breakfast on Sunday. We usually do a ton of walking, so I don't often go over my calories. It's been a while I've been there so maybe that's why I'm feeling anxious. That's why I want to do my run tomorrow morning.

    I take a daily multivitamin so I guess I get my Vitamin A there. I don't go out of my way to get certain nutrients in my diet. I just try to have a diet that I can live with everyday and sometimes splurge. I don't try to cut out certain food groups because I don't believe that that is sustainable. With a background in science, I am very skeptical of cutting out carbs or drinking too much water or doing low-fat and I believe that you need a well balanced diet to be healthy.
  • krnorris28
    I have been REALLY bad about checking in! I am trying to get back on the wagon. Checking in with the group keeps me accountable for the week. It also gives me a few minutes to step away from work for a few minutes!

    Food-So far so good today. I had a GNC shake for breakfast and some almonds for a snack. Just finished lunch which consisted of Chicken Schwarma and a grilled shrimp Kabob with some Hummus.

    Exercise-Classes were great this week. My husband wants to find a trail this weekend and go for a jog, so that will be fun. I need to make sure I am putting forth the effort to work out on days when I don't have class-especially on weekends.

    Water-This is never an issue for me. I think I run into the opposite where I may drink too much water! It is a great feeling to not want soda anymore though.

    I hope everyone is having a great Friday!
  • H0llyG0lightly
    H0llyG0lightly Posts: 214 Member
    krnorris - I wish I could go jogging on a trail instead of on concrete sidewalks. Well, I probably could, but I can hardly squeeze in a jog around my neighborhood right now. I should try to make it happen, though. Have fun!

    My beta carotene and vitamin A come from:
    -dairy products
    -the occasional sweet potato
    -bell peppers

    Exercise: So-so. Two 30DS sessions and two yoga sessions this week. Gonna try to get back into my 5k jogs next week.

    Food: Fine. Going to a BBQ tomorrow, definitely going to go over. Just a question of how much and whether I make up for it during the workweek.

    Water: Terrible. I was at 48oz while at work, now I'm lucky if I make it 32. Busy, but I know that's not a good reason.

    In a couple weeks, assuming I don't gain, I'm going to start adding 100 calories a week, from 1600 to 2000, and then staying there for a few weeks before moving back down to around 1500 for the second (final?) round of weight loss. Looking forward to the break! Well, not a total break, since I'll still be logging.
  • LisaBear1986
    LisaBear1986 Posts: 85 Member
    It is going very well for me. My stomach has become flatter just from the high protein, low carb, and gallon of water I've been consuming over the last few days. I feel sexy!

    Good for you, girl! Keep up the great work! :)
  • LisaBear1986
    LisaBear1986 Posts: 85 Member
    (I'm late! But better late than never!)

    Exercise for last week, as well as this just didn't happen. At all. I've noticed I've been a bit more fatigued, and I'm sure not exercising isn't help me one bit. By the time work is over, I commute to get the kids, and get home, I'm falling over while the kids are running around wide-eyed bushy tailed. I also fell off the wagon of water two days this week. I just didn't wanna go pee so much because work has been so busy lately. LoL. I know, they are excuses and I will take responsibility 100%. I think it's more emotional/psychological stuff going on than anything, so it's something I need to address.

    Like I said in the other post for this weekend, I take supplements daily, but since I am going to go grocery shopping I'll pick up some fruits and veggies at the produce market...get some fresh spinach, carrots, cantaloupe, and other goodies. I've been on a banana kick, and I'm actually quite tired of them lol. A banana and vanilla greek yogurt kick....I need to change it up.

    Hope y'all had a great Friday.
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Food yesterday I had a hard time tracking as I was on the road without internet. I know I ate over calories but I also know I'm eating less and healthier than I use too.

    Exercise did not exist yesterday. Honestly I sat in a car most of the day.

    Water - way under which is why I don't feel the greatest today. Drinking any fluids while driving is hard for me.

    Vitamin A. I also probably get most of it from a multivitamin. I take half of the vitamin in the morning and the other half at night if I need it - since the body cannot absorb/use 100% at once. Other than that my vitamin a comes from egg, dairy, and sometimes greens.
  • mamamageno
    Late check-in:

    Yesterday was a lost day. I was too depressed to do anything. I only ate at the reception and I was gone all day so I didn't make it to the gym. Then I slept for almost 12 hours.

    Today will be better.

    As for my vitamins, I take a daily Multi-vitamin and I also eat various fruit and vegetables every day.