
bhicks014 Posts: 50 Member
Please introduce yourself and share your goals and dreams :)


  • Well now, lookie here a freshly started group in which i can participate. Glad to be aboard. My name is josh. If you'll look at my profile you can get to know a bit about me. Took me a long time to type it and i figure its easier that way. xD I'm looking to lose about 85lbs and I live in Cadiz, KY. Anyone who is a member of this group is encouraged to add to me so we can keep track and motivate each other in our individual goals. Also, feel free to use my diary if you friend me, to bounce ideas back and forth off of. Lets get it done!
  • -Okay, hi there! I live in Buenos Aires, was raised in Brazil but was actually born in the US... My family is very concerned about being healthy and fit, while I was always the chubby one. It wasn't that bad, and I didn't gain much weight over the years. But ever since I moved to Argentina, I got to a point when I didn't take pictures because some of my family (very kindly) would say: "honey, I think you need to lose some weight! I've never seen you so big!"

    Well, that just made me sad and of course I would eat more to compensate! I'm small (like 5.2) and I started MFP weighing almost 140.
  • aubaby
    aubaby Posts: 48 Member
    I live in Wetumpka, Alabama. I want to be fit in order to live a healthy and active life. I am not firm in my goal as I lost a lot of weight quickly two years ago and I am slowly putting it back on because I do not think my body is fit. I would like to lose at least 15 pounds. I like walking, jogging, hiking, and most water sports. I have a very stressful job with lots of travel which adds another wrinkle to eating right and staying active.
  • DianeinFL
    DianeinFL Posts: 20 Member
    Hi. Im Diane. I have been up and down in my weight since I was a kid. From 118-206. I have a lap band in 2005 and stayed around 137 since a year ago when I found out I had major problems with it so its completely unfilled. I gained about 20 pounds and dont want the lap band anymore. I want to lose the weight the healthy way. clean eating. I cant to too much exercise until I get my knew operated on. I have a small tear in the meniscus. I love Zumba and Yoga
  • DianeinFL
    DianeinFL Posts: 20 Member
    Oh, one more thing. I joined the 10 week challenge because Im getting married soon and want to at least lose some of the 20 pounds.
  • Donna8M
    Donna8M Posts: 6 Member
    Hi My name is Donna,
    I continue to try and stay on track but life happens. I am always looking to have new buddies to encourage me to keep on.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm Jamie. I live in Washington state with my husband and my two spoiled diva feline fur-babies.

    I originally came to MFP to lose the 40 pounds I gained after I got married, but my focus has shifted to other things. I have several fitness goals, and the scale is at the bottom of the priority list. I still want to lose that weight, though! The last few months, I get to the 25-29 pound loss, and then the wheels come off the wagon. I'm ready to get this thing done so I can transition to maintenance and focus more on my fitness goals. I struggle with depression, and that tends to get the best of me at times, but I'm really working on managing it with exercise along with my medication.

    Anyone is free to add me... the more the merrier when it comes to MFP & weight loss goals! :smile:

    Good luck to you all!
  • ThinningPenguin
    ThinningPenguin Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Gwen. I have just re-started my journey on my fitness pal ... first time was back in 2011 and I lost about 20 lbs ... gained it back after breaking my leg ... tried again in 2012 and lost about 25 lbs ... but I have gained it back also. I have always struggled with my weight, but I am starting a new job tomorrow that is going to require me to wear a bathing suit. At 45, I don't expect miracles, but I don't want to stand out for the wrong reasons either! Lol!

    I am happily married to my best friend and we have a 9 year old son who is very active on a local swim team. I would like to make my husband proud to be with me and would like to be able to swim with my son! We have a 15 month old Great Dane dog named Thor who is going to be my walking/jogging buddy unless my husband, Tommy, decides to join us.

    I need to be held accountable. I want to be held accountable! For this reason, I have sent each of you a friend request ... I need your encouragement and will gladly give you mine! I hope we can help each other meet our goals!
  • bhicks014
    bhicks014 Posts: 50 Member
    Well now, lookie here a freshly started group in which i can participate. Glad to be aboard. My name is josh. If you'll look at my profile you can get to know a bit about me. Took me a long time to type it and i figure its easier that way. xD I'm looking to lose about 85lbs and I live in Cadiz, KY. Anyone who is a member of this group is encouraged to add to me so we can keep track and motivate each other in our individual goals. Also, feel free to use my diary if you friend me, to bounce ideas back and forth off of. Lets get it done!

    Hi There Josh and welcome aboard. I'm not sure where Cadiz is put glad to have a neighbor to the north. 85 pounds is achievable, Sir. Believe in yourself and surround yourself with supportive people. That is the main purpose of this group. I will check out your diary soon and see what you chose here and there. Welcome aboard and good luck!
  • bhicks014
    bhicks014 Posts: 50 Member
    -Okay, hi there! I live in Buenos Aires, was raised in Brazil but was actually born in the US... My family is very concerned about being healthy and fit, while I was always the chubby one. It wasn't that bad, and I didn't gain much weight over the years. But ever since I moved to Argentina, I got to a point when I didn't take pictures because some of my family (very kindly) would say: "honey, I think you need to lose some weight! I've never seen you so big!"

    Well, that just made me sad and of course I would eat more to compensate! I'm small (like 5.2) and I started MFP weighing almost 140.

    Brazil! Did you get to see any of the World Cup? I can see your frustrations in regards to things you might have heard and how they could have been hurtful. Sometimes people say things without thinking about the impact it has on others. I truly believe your family loves you and wants the best for you, but perhaps there may be a lack of support. You are at the right place! This group is about being honest with one another, but in a respectful manner. We all have good days and bad. I will do my best to support you in your goals. Do you have a goal weight in mind? Stay strong and I'm here anytime you need to talk. :) Best wishes!
  • bhicks014
    bhicks014 Posts: 50 Member
    I live in Wetumpka, Alabama. I want to be fit in order to live a healthy and active life. I am not firm in my goal as I lost a lot of weight quickly two years ago and I am slowly putting it back on because I do not think my body is fit. I would like to lose at least 15 pounds. I like walking, jogging, hiking, and most water sports. I have a very stressful job with lots of travel which adds another wrinkle to eating right and staying active.

    Alabama! A neighbor to the south. Welcome to the group. Being active and exercise is a huge part of a healthy lifestyle. 15 pounds sounds like a good number and is very achievable. I do see your point about traveling and the difficulty in eating appropriately. We are human and we do what we can. Maximize your efforts where applicable and never give up. Also, always offer yourself a choice when selecting what to eat. "I could eat this and gain protein, or I could eat this and reduce cholesterol, saturated fats, sodium, and so forth". You can do this. I believe in you!
  • bhicks014
    bhicks014 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi. Im Diane. I have been up and down in my weight since I was a kid. From 118-206. I have a lap band in 2005 and stayed around 137 since a year ago when I found out I had major problems with it so its completely unfilled. I gained about 20 pounds and dont want the lap band anymore. I want to lose the weight the healthy way. clean eating. I cant to too much exercise until I get my knew operated on. I have a small tear in the meniscus. I love Zumba and Yoga

    HI Diane and welcome to the group. I too have struggled with weight gain and have been overweight most of my life. Lap band works for some and others just don't like the thought of it in general. The key is creating healthy habits and sticking to our goals. That doesn't mean we can't splurge a little here and there, but we must do so within reason. Sorry to hear about your knee troubles, but you don't want to do any further damage. Take it easy and do what you can. Zumba and Yoga is really great, but again be easy on your knee. We don't want you getting hurt any further. I see you have a goal of 20 pounds and 10 weeks to do it in. Keep in mind there are about 3,500 calories in a pound of fat. 2 pounds a week is approximately 7,000 calories, divided by 7 days equals 1,000 calories per day to achieve that goal. I do not know what your resting metabolic rate is, but I feel confident that if you keep your carbs and caloric intake down (say roughly 1,500 calories daily) and are active in Zumba and Yoga. You will reach this goal with ease. Remember to drink lots of water and with the right foods 1,500 calories goes a long way. You can do this. Best of luck to you!
  • bhicks014
    bhicks014 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi My name is Donna,
    I continue to try and stay on track but life happens. I am always looking to have new buddies to encourage me to keep on.

    Welcome aboard Donna! I agree that life happens and its okay to have something a little "sinful" at times. My weakness has always been pasta and cheesecake, but I digress... I believe it is okay to treat ourselves at times, but we must do so in moderation. I've heard many people say "absolutely nothing bad for you". Well, that may be their belief and they are entitled to that, but it's difficult to stay dedicated when we push ourselves to the point we lose interest. This is why so many people fail in their dieting endeavors. Moderation is the key. It's okay to have a piece of pie every now and then, but how about a smaller piece instead of the usual? That's just one example where we can make positive gains and minimize the impacts of these foods. Even certain types of yogurt offers flavors that taste similar to pies. I know that is just one example, but my thinking is bigger portions of the good, smaller of the bad. Thanks for joining and good luck :)
  • bhicks014
    bhicks014 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm Jamie. I live in Washington state with my husband and my two spoiled diva feline fur-babies.

    I originally came to MFP to lose the 40 pounds I gained after I got married, but my focus has shifted to other things. I have several fitness goals, and the scale is at the bottom of the priority list. I still want to lose that weight, though! The last few months, I get to the 25-29 pound loss, and then the wheels come off the wagon. I'm ready to get this thing done so I can transition to maintenance and focus more on my fitness goals. I struggle with depression, and that tends to get the best of me at times, but I'm really working on managing it with exercise along with my medication.

    Anyone is free to add me... the more the merrier when it comes to MFP & weight loss goals! :smile:

    Good luck to you all!

    Hi Jamie and welcome to the group! You are almost there and you are at the right place. We are all about support here and I'll do my best to see you to the finish line. Depression is a very cruel and nasty thing, but sometimes it's hard to stay focused because of life and circumstances around us. I'm glad you are being proactive about it and that's a positive first step. My psychology professor once said "Depression might knock you on your tail, but you have to get off you tail to beat depression". Of course he used another word, but I thought about that and maybe he was right. I too suffered from depression a while back and was on Paxil which is a serotonin uptake. I found that after I started taking a walk here and there and stayed busy, I no longer needed the Paxil. I weened myself from it and the rest is history. You can reach your goals and I'll help you all I can. Be strong and work hard. You can do it!
  • bhicks014
    bhicks014 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Gwen. I have just re-started my journey on my fitness pal ... first time was back in 2011 and I lost about 20 lbs ... gained it back after breaking my leg ... tried again in 2012 and lost about 25 lbs ... but I have gained it back also. I have always struggled with my weight, but I am starting a new job tomorrow that is going to require me to wear a bathing suit. At 45, I don't expect miracles, but I don't want to stand out for the wrong reasons either! Lol!

    I am happily married to my best friend and we have a 9 year old son who is very active on a local swim team. I would like to make my husband proud to be with me and would like to be able to swim with my son! We have a 15 month old Great Dane dog named Thor who is going to be my walking/jogging buddy unless my husband, Tommy, decides to join us.

    I need to be held accountable. I want to be held accountable! For this reason, I have sent each of you a friend request ... I need your encouragement and will gladly give you mine! I hope we can help each other meet our goals!

    Hello Gwen and welcome to the group! Swimsuits... I think some of those things are some kind of space-aged material that was developed by NASA!!! Although for me it would be a Speedo, but you would NEVER catch me on one of those things. I'm way off track here, sorry, lol. Congratulations on your marriage and it sounds like you are raising an incredible young man. Nice job! Thor sounds like a cute name and appropriate for such a large dog. I would like to call something to your attention if I may involving a potential self-esteem issue. Your husband, Tommy, should be proud of you regardless of appearance. While you may feel otherwise it is my hope that he loves you unconditionally. You have to believe in yourself and see yourself as a worthy and wonderful person. Your son loves you as well. We will help you get to where you want to be. Little steps are progress on the road of success. You can do this Gwen. Remember that you are always valuable and worthy. You have a beautiful family and you help make it beautiful. Be proud of who you are. If you truly want to do this. I'm with you every step of the way. Best of luck!
  • wodeblue
    wodeblue Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! My name is Lily. I'm in my mid-teens. I live in the Emerald City (Seattle). Since I was kid, chubbiness has been part of me. I stayed sedentary (sitting on my *kitten* while everyone else went to be normal as I was still evaluating how uncomfortable I'd be in a given situation) up until recently... The past six months I'd say. I lost a solid 10 pounds while I was hospitalized last December. After that I said I'd go ahead and do something with myself. The highest weight I've ever been was in upwards of 220 pounds. I've never "felt" my weight, I've always stored it in somewhat flattering places. Of course, there are the downsides of lumpiness, cellulite and stretchmarks. Currently, at 174ish (official weigh-in on Monday) and 5'8, I'm very excited as to how close I am to a healthy BMI range! I tout this gym membership and I hope I tout it well.
  • stormy007
    stormy007 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi... Hope I'm doing this right... Lol. I'm a Gramma... 56 this month... Love my grands but (think I'm) young at heart.... Not looking for tight jeans and single digits -- just wanna get healthy for once in my life... alone here in Memphis (well, I'm married, but he's not into this fitness journey as I am)... all my friends have moved far away so no one to walk with... I started My Fitness Pal a few weeks ago, I think, and still learning to use it. I have it on my phone (which I HATE to type on) so I put it on my iPad, too... Thankfully, they sync up just fine. If anyone wants to add me, you're welcome to... I make my diary viewable to my friends... Good, Bad or Ugly... I'm posting it... I love how it breaks everything down... let's me see where I need to make adjustments (less carbs, more protein) LOL!! Good Luck to us all!! ????????????
  • YF92
    YF92 Posts: 2,893 Member
    Hi there, I'm Yousif from Bahrain. I started dieting 2 years ago and managed to drop 50 lbs before I had to stop dieting. Thankfully I didn't gain the weight back as I tended to avoid overeating in general. Few weeks back I started dieting again and dropped 5 lbs so far, hopefully the loss will increase in time as I changed my exercises into weight training + HIIT. Good luck bros and sis'
  • MarineCanvas
    MarineCanvas Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm Meri from Finland. I'm living with my hubby and my 1,5 years old baby boy, or can I say baby anymore.. :D
    I started losing weight maybe around March 2014, not so actively. Now I've dropped almost 17lb and my goal is to be 90lb lighter next summer. This summer has gone up and down and havent been using myfitnesspal, but now it's time to start again. Need motivation and friends who are trying to do the same thing! :) Good luck to US!
  • AnanoBanano
    AnanoBanano Posts: 20 Member
    Hey guys,

    I joined to find some buddy's to get a little more motivated.
    I am 23 years old and live in Berlin, Germany.
    I want to lose 35 kg until the end of the year.
    You guys are welcome to add me to your friends. =)
