Weekend Warriors 8/9 - Check in both days!

13Strong Posts: 502 Member
What we eat affects our body functions and composition. How we move and workout tones, strengthens, and protects.


Check in both days this weekend. :)


  • LisaBear1986
    LisaBear1986 Posts: 85 Member
    I take daily supplements to help me get some of these important vitamins in, but within the last couple days I've really been focused on what vitamins are in what foods!

    I wish today I could sit around doing absolutely nothing but I have lots to do today. :noway: I lost my wallet, which had my driver's license (I still needed to replace THAT one because it was broken) so I need to go to the MVD to get that replaced because I've been driving around for almost a month without one; gotta go exchange my scrub pants (I ordered one size and it's too big woohoo!), gotta finish up the last minute school supply spree, and get groceries. It may not sound like a lot to y'all, but I just don't want to do a single thing...I just want a lazy day. :sad: Okay, now that I threw my temper tantrum, it's time to get ready for the day.

    Happy Saturday everyone!
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    Good morning! I am feeling lazy too. Been trying to get out of bed and start my day. I went to TGIF Fridays last night, but I ate lobster tail n broccoli. I did have spinach dip and dessert so I went out for a walk when I got home. I got 9,983 steps yesterday, ugh! It sucks not meeting my goal.

    Today I'm heading to Chicago to see my man. I'm pretty excited as it's been awhile since we've hung out. I need to go for a run so I can get a head start on any extra calories I eat. We usually walk everywhere so that makes me feel good. Sometimes we walk 3-4 miles just to go to dinner and it's just as far to get home. One time we did like a little tour and stopped at one place for breadsticks, then another for sushi, then frozen yogurt. It was so fun.

    This week has been so hectic that I'm ready to relax and take it easy! I love my job but sometimes it is stressful.

    Lisa... sorry you never found your wallet, that would suck. And how great it must feel to fit into smaller pants! I'm happy for you. I'm down to size 12 and my scrubs are starting to be loose. I don't want to buy too many clothes cuz I wanna get down to 10's and it's been a long time for me! I don't even have any smaller clothes.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Lisa - its great you are down a size.
    Kashaas - Have fun in Chicago. I like the walking dinner idea!

    I have a wedding today and part 2 of family reunion so today's food is provided by others. My choice in the matter will be if I eat it and how much. I noticed at breakfast my sister in law choose not to eat an English muffin - but I did, with eggs, and tomatoes, and cheese, and sausage, and coffee, and milk(whole). So, a lot of calories compared to my normal breakfast.

    I'm without service so won't be able to track foods that aren't already in my phone. I am hoping I'll make good decisions today with eating, and movement. Even if its not exercise, just moving vs sitting would be good.

    Hope everyone has a great Saturday. I'll try to find internet tonight or tomorrow morning to read up on everyone and post again! :)
  • Mere144
    Mere144 Posts: 24 Member
    Whew, it's been a crazy week. My niece arrived on Monday and lives nearby, so my schedule got tossed up in the air - for a lovely reason though! I missed having the target of goals this week. I have managed my Orange Theory workouts but my trainer bailed on both scheduled workouts due to her illness. I walked instead and will be going to the gym in the next few minutes for a fat-burning cardio session.

    I've eased my calorie ceiling down to 1,300/day without too much stress. Shifting my intake from carb-heavy to protein-rich has got me wigged out. Many times I just don't know what to eat. Taking a breath and adjusting my goals more gently. Substituting a protein shake instead of cereal has helped.

    I just wanted to chime in here so I don't lose my positive momentum.

    Have fun at the wedding Ann. Congrats Lisa on downsizing your scrubs (not on losing the wallet :frown: ) Kashaas - enjoy your man time - good strategy on walking more to stay ahead of extra calorie intake.
  • texasbeu2y
    texasbeu2y Posts: 95 Member
    I'm lazy too y'all. I'm lying down on the couch as I write. I went to a wedding last night so @13strong I understand how you will have no choice in food. My feet are sore from dancing in too tall heels lol. I did eat about 600 cals over my 1500 calorie allowance and had some wedding cake but I have no regrets. I will not be going to the gym today, but will definitely go tomorrow. Food wise I have no idea what I'm eating. So far I had protein pancakes and 2 cups of black coffee. I have some cans of tuna in the fridge so it may be a tuna sandwich type of day. I have my gallon of water beside me though:)

    Have fun this weekend y'all!
  • texasbeu2y
    texasbeu2y Posts: 95 Member
    Ok today (Sunday) I am up prepping my salmon for the week. Since I had lots of pork last week I will only eat chicken and salmon this week. I am going to make a chicken vegetable soup, and salmon with brown rice will be my lunch. I'm taking some leftover grilled chicken and shredding it up for my pot of soup, then I will had broccoli, carrots,and cauliflower to the soup. I will divide all meals into Tupperware so that it is already portioned for me through the week. I will go the store and replenish my fruits and gallon water jugs.

    Exercise: today I will be back in the gym. 1 hour of cardio and 30 minutes of light lifting...and of course a nice deep stretch.
    Water: as always I will strive for a gallon since I will be sweating heavily in the gym.

    How is everyone doing? Yesterday I got some much needed rest I was on the couch with the hubby ALL day.
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Just woke up. The wedding was a lot of fun- no idea how to track it and I bet the liquid calories sent me wayyyy over.

    Very tired this morning and probably very dehydrated. Will start drinking water like a champ so that come tomorrow I'm refreshed and ready to go.

    Texas- glad you had a well needed rest day yesterday. :)
  • mamamageno
    I forgot to check in yesterday, but there was nothing to report. I didn't do anything but clean and hang out with my family. I guess you could call that my rest day, but I have too many of those lol.

    Today I had a great start! I went to the gym and ran a mile in 7 minutes! I don't know if that's good compared to other runners or anything but for me that is a HUGE accomplishment. I cut my time in half!! I also worked on legs with the weight machines so my legs are DONE. It was hard just walking home, I thought my legs were going to quit on me.

    For breakfast I had a small bowl of rice and 2 eggs. That's my go-to breakfast when I don't have much food in the house lol. For lunch I'm going to make sandwiches, watermelon for a snack and for dinner I'll make spaghetti and salad.

    I feel like singing James Brown's "I FEEL GOOD!!" :bigsmile:
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Drove 4 hours today.

    Breakfast was huge- bloody mary, 2 eggs, 2 sausage links, 2 slices of toast and hashbrowns.
    Lunch- small cheese burger and an Apple
    Dinner- 2 home made turkey tacos (4" shells)

    Going to bed early tonight (8:30) since I've stayed up to at least 11pm the last 3 nights.

    Mageno- haha love the theme song for the day.

    Hope everyone has had a good Sunday too.
  • queendebor
    queendebor Posts: 112 Member
    It's been a very rough week for my dad. It's hard to admit you just can't have the same life you had when you were younger. It looks like I'll be with him every weekend for the unforeseeable future. My weekends may not be great, as I'll be cooking lots of meat and potatoes, rice, and stuffing - anything to put pounds on him. The good news is... every Saturday and Sunday afternoon while he's napping, I have a beautiful pool to swim laps in. Hopefully I can check in using the free wifi from the clubhouse next to the pool.

    There's always a plus to every situation if you look hard enough!
  • H0llyG0lightly
    H0llyG0lightly Posts: 214 Member
    I was feeling lazy this weekend too, but had to put in about seven hours of work. And then also some chores. When work calms down in a few weeks, I'm going to have a true lazy Sunday and eat cupcakes and watch The Chronicles of Narnia. :glasses:


    I also went to a friend's bbq (which required a four hour round-trip drive), and ate A LOT. But, I did convince myself to log it all as best I could, and I'm going to eat 200 less today through Friday to make up for the damage.

    Oh, and for dessert today, I had a beer float, made with a left hand nitro milk stout and vanilla ice cream. Might sound gross, but it was in fact delicious. Looks something like this:

  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    We went to a street festival Saturday night and saw a rock band. They're called hairbangers ball and the play 80's hair bands. We walked to the festival and I did some jumping during the concert. I clocked 19,398 steps for yesterday! Today, we went to the dunes and hiked. There was some tough hills and my bf was having a hard time. I felt good because I was barely huffing and puffing. He said he was impressed with me! 13,781 steps today so I did good this weekend.

    Late lunch yesterday was a Greek salad with grilled chicken. I had a few drinks last night and not much food. I really wasn't feeling hungry. Today for breakfast I had half a cliff bar, lunch was chicken lemon rice soup and a chicken kabob pita. For dinner we ended up at our favorite pizza place. I had a salad and three small pizza slices and one glass of beer. I was starved after our hike but I don't feel like I over ate.

    It was a pretty good weekend. I'm looking forward to the week.