


  • DianeinFL
    DianeinFL Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for the encouraging words. If I can even lose 1/2 of the 20 I will feel like my old self and get these negative self depreciating thoughts out of my head. I try every day to remember that the scale is just a number and its the life we live and the people we love that's all important
  • Hi My Name is Cynthia and I am looking forward to talking/helping each other meet our goals. Since I injured my knee I have been finding alternative exercises to enjoy, such as water aerobics. I found that the website Pinterest has a lot of great creative food ideas for meals. I need to loose some weight, become fit and strong. I find leaving sugar behind my biggest challenge.
  • bcovely
    bcovely Posts: 57 Member
    Hi, I'm Brenda and I live in Pennsylvania. It took me 2 years to drop almost 40 pounds and I would like to lose another 10. In the past 3 weeks I gained 5 back and I want to "nip that in the butt" before it gets out of hand. I hate to exercise - so the only thing I do is walk on my lunchtime at work. I want to lose weight to feel better and live longer than my Mom (she passed at age 54).
  • Hello all I have been trying too lose the weight i gained from my daughter 4 years ago...and something always stops me .....wither life or my back...its hard for me to work out bc I have hurnated disks and fibroymialga.......And recently tthis year I almost died from an embolism in my lungs and ammonia.....which from those 2 months off being sick I gained over 20 pounds and I need to now get it off I still like to walk it helps and tai chi ....please if anyone has any ideas I am an open book.....
  • mollyrconnolly
    mollyrconnolly Posts: 3 Member
    Morning All!! :)

    My name is Molly and I got engaged on 5/24 to the most amazing man! We are getting married 8/22/15 in a gorgeous tented reception. i have a huge road ahead of me but i'm taking it day by day. I am changing my lifestyle dramatically and i need to loose a significant amount of weight.

    I'm looking for some people on here who are on the same type of journey i am. I figure it might be easier with people to lean on and motivate each other. Please friend me if you are looking for the same support.

    Good luck to everyone!!
  • andielyn
    andielyn Posts: 233 Member
    Hi, Andielyn here. I've been back here since late April but my streak won't reflect that (nor my weight loss!) Recently took a few weeks hiatus to focus on non-weight loss issues. During that time I gained back some of the progress I had made. I struggle with stress-induced emotional eating. And I like beer a little too much. :) Been dealing with a bad shoulder/arm injury which limits the what I can do exercise-wise. Just recently started biking again in baby steps. Glad to meet you all!
  • andielyn
    andielyn Posts: 233 Member
    Hello all I have been trying too lose the weight i gained from my daughter 4 years ago...and something always stops me .....wither life or my back...its hard for me to work out bc I have hurnated disks and fibroymialga.......And recently tthis year I almost died from an embolism in my lungs and ammonia.....which from those 2 months off being sick I gained over 20 pounds and I need to now get it off I still like to walk it helps and tai chi ....please if anyone has any ideas I am an open book.....

    So glad you are okay! You are one lucky person. I am limited in my workouts, too. I have nerve damage from a shoulder/arm injury and can't imagine what it's like to have fibromyalgia.
  • lwb258
    lwb258 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey, my name is Lois, I am from South Carolina, I am hoping to lose 25 lbs. I need the motivation to help me also.
    I started back walking this morning at the YMCA.
    Feel free to add me, as I could use the help also.

    Thanks for letting me join.
  • Eliza_Less
    Eliza_Less Posts: 3 Member
    Hello- My name is Eliza and my goal is to start living again. My husband and I lost our daughter five years ago and since then our lives have been at a standstill. We really haven't been living,but just surviving. Trying to get through each day without feeling any pain. After a frank conversation about how we are not honoring our daughter's memory by just surviving, we have adopted the motto "get busy living, or get busy dying". (Side note, that is the best movie ever). So we have committed to getting healthy again, and to start doing things outside our comfort zone. My dream is to lose 125lbs and to rock a bikini for the first time in my life. :)

    Have a great week!
  • Suzie126q
    Suzie126q Posts: 8 Member
    Hiya, Suzanne here and I'm starting again:) had a bit of a setback from 2013 but I'm ready to lose my 100lbs total goal and be able to take pictures of me cringe free. I'm in New Jersey and have struggled up and down with weight since 9 years old. Some major medical issues always hold me back and the negative ones around me :( I've kicked the negative to the curb and am moving on and 'downward' again. Just walking for now but it's a start, it's always the time when I get home from work that kills me with snacking.
  • 64fitkat
    64fitkat Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I'm Kathy and I live in Kernersville, NC with my husband. I'm pushing 50, but age is just a number. I'm a yo-yo'er. I stay on track for a while, then fall off. My hubby is very supportive -- he's lost about 25 pounds over the last few months -- but I know the importance of having a network of friends to help encourage them and for them to encourage me. Feel free to add me a friend so we can help each other along the way. I'm closer to my goal weight than I used to be. Over the last few years I've lost almost 50 pounds. Wow, it's easy to forget how I used to be. My BMI says I still need to lose 28 pounds but my goal is to be down 11 more pounds. Depending how I feel/look I'll either stay there to keep working in it.
  • Hi everybody! My name is Sam and I'm a 31 year old wife and mother of a two year old daughter, from Cincinnati, Ohio. I am 4 years post-op from a sleeve gastrectomy and while I did great for a while, I have somehow managed to get close to pre-surgery weight. I'm ready to get back to a comfortable and healthy weight. I seem to get easily discouraged and give up so being in a group with people who will help me when I'm low and cheer for me when I'm doing well is what I need. I'm happy to be the same for all of you!

    Feel free to add me - the more the merrier!!
  • mistytobefit
    mistytobefit Posts: 15 Member
    Hey There! I'm Misty and live in Dallas, where everything (portion sizes) and myself are bigger in Texas! ;) I am out to make a healthy lifestyle change to be a better example for my family. I have a 2.5 year old son and 11 month old daughter. It's time to not crop myself out of photos with them and to be the change I want to see in the world. The husband is supportive but not looking to lose weight, so having support from those with similar goals will be motivating for me!

    I've used myfitnesspal for a 3 weeks now and am down over 7 pounds with it, plus an additional 3 from prior to using it (10 total!). I hope to lose at least 50--taking into consideration health and body tone.

    Let's do this!
  • sissykk
    sissykk Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. My name is Kelly. I have recently changed positions at work and now do far less walking than I used to. I also have a desk. So I find that I'm snacking more. So this morning I said enough! I went to the store and got fruit and vegetables. When I got home I got on the treadmill! I walked 1/2 mile in 10 minutes and plan on sound that 2 more times today. My plan is to work up to 30 minutes in increments. Glad I found this group!
  • maddyk91
    maddyk91 Posts: 193 Member
    Hi Everyone!!

    My name is Maddy, I am 23 and from Indiana. I am looking to lose 30-40lbs by Halloween, and I started about two weeks ago. I joined MFP mobile, and didn't know that it had a community until I did some googling about questions I have been having regarding caloric intake! I was excited to find the community, because I have been too embarrassed about the state of my body to reach out to friends and family for support. I am losing the weight because I am due to be engaged this year and want to be all foxy in my pictures, and on a deeper level, feel great about myself again. I used to have such high self esteem, but it has dropped so low with the amount of weight I have gained!

    I have been dedicated already to logging and watching my diary, and I hope to keep it up. If anyone wants to "friend" me on here, I will accept you all!

  • bhicks014
    bhicks014 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi! My name is Lily. I'm in my mid-teens. I live in the Emerald City (Seattle). Since I was kid, chubbiness has been part of me. I stayed sedentary (sitting on my *kitten* while everyone else went to be normal as I was still evaluating how uncomfortable I'd be in a given situation) up until recently... The past six months I'd say. I lost a solid 10 pounds while I was hospitalized last December. After that I said I'd go ahead and do something with myself. The highest weight I've ever been was in upwards of 220 pounds. I've never "felt" my weight, I've always stored it in somewhat flattering places. Of course, there are the downsides of lumpiness, cellulite and stretchmarks. Currently, at 174ish (official weigh-in on Monday) and 5'8, I'm very excited as to how close I am to a healthy BMI range! I tout this gym membership and I hope I tout it well.

    Hi Lily and welcome to the group! You have a slight advantage over some of us older folks and that would be your metabolic rate. It's great that you go to the gym and are active. That helps a lot. You will get there. Just believe in yourself and everything else will fall into place. On a side note, I've been to Seattle and Tacoma and it is beautiful there. So much to see. I'm not a fan of rain so that's the only bad thing I can think of. In a study a while back, Seattle was rated as one of the most honest cities in the US. That's a nice title to have. Best of luck to you and stay focused. You can do this. ;)
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Wow, what a great bunch of people and goals!

    i'm Doug. I have the the usual goals of losing weight (60 lbs), being a good dad, husband, and staying around longer for the kids, but then ... I am going to bicycle a century. That is 100 miles in one day. And I am working towards my early adult weight of 170-180 lbs, but only 10% body fat. At 60yo it is a little more difficult, certainly not impossible.

    My kids have special needs and as slow as the d@mn state moves, I HAVE to stay around longer to see them situated as adults. The avatar is a Labrador pup we got to train as a service dog for one son. the training is coming along very well..

    Please do add me as a friend. we need all the support we can get!
  • bhicks014
    bhicks014 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi... Hope I'm doing this right... Lol. I'm a Gramma... 56 this month... Love my grands but (think I'm) young at heart.... Not looking for tight jeans and single digits -- just wanna get healthy for once in my life... alone here in Memphis (well, I'm married, but he's not into this fitness journey as I am)... all my friends have moved far away so no one to walk with... I started My Fitness Pal a few weeks ago, I think, and still learning to use it. I have it on my phone (which I HATE to type on) so I put it on my iPad, too... Thankfully, they sync up just fine. If anyone wants to add me, you're welcome to... I make my diary viewable to my friends... Good, Bad or Ugly... I'm posting it... I love how it breaks everything down... let's me see where I need to make adjustments (less carbs, more protein) LOL!! Good Luck to us all!! ????????????

    Welcome aboard Gramma! I'm glad you have decide to try and become fit. 56 is just a number and you have many good years ahead of you. Being young at heart is a good trait to have. As a fellow Tennessean from Knoxville I wish you the best on your journey and we are here for you if you need us. Memphis has a lot of great food, especially barbecue (drools) lol. You've got a friend here and I'm sure there are more than just me. Be strong and work hard. We believe in you!
  • bhicks014
    bhicks014 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi there, I'm Yousif from Bahrain. I started dieting 2 years ago and managed to drop 50 lbs before I had to stop dieting. Thankfully I didn't gain the weight back as I tended to avoid overeating in general. Few weeks back I started dieting again and dropped 5 lbs so far, hopefully the loss will increase in time as I changed my exercises into weight training + HIIT. Good luck bros and sis'

    Wow Yousif! 50 pounds is quite an amazing feat. That is something to be proud of. More importantly, you didn't gain it back which is a strong indicator that you have healthy heating habits. One thing to keep in mind about weight training is it may be tough to lose weight as you will be losing fat, but gaining muscle. Muscle, of course, weighs more than fat so don't be discouraged if the pounds are a little slow to come off. Good luck on your journey and we are here for you bro. Be strong!
  • bhicks014
    bhicks014 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm Meri from Finland. I'm living with my hubby and my 1,5 years old baby boy, or can I say baby anymore.. :D
    I started losing weight maybe around March 2014, not so actively. Now I've dropped almost 17lb and my goal is to be 90lb lighter next summer. This summer has gone up and down and havent been using myfitnesspal, but now it's time to start again. Need motivation and friends who are trying to do the same thing! :) Good luck to US!

    Hello Meri and thank you for representing Finland in our group. I hear it is a beautiful place and if I'm lucky I might get to see it one day. Congrats on your marriage and son. Of course you can still call him your baby. My mother still calls me that when I see her and I'm 35!!! lol. 17 pounds is a great start and 90 pounds is reachable. Just be careful not to burn yourself out. It takes a lot of dedication. One of the biggest things that have helped me is the fact I've only had water to drink for 68 days now. That was hard for me to give up tea and sodas, but I did it and it seems like the pounds are flying off. I'll support you all the way. Be strong and stay focused. Imagine how great you are going to fill when you lose those 90 pounds. It's very exciting to think about. You can do it!