Welcome and General Daily Gabbery



  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    We usually say what days a mini challenge runs through as we come up with them. As for weight loss, you can earn a point for any time you lose a pound. You just can't keep earning points for losing the same pound over and over. :laugh: :tongue: It is cumulative weight lost. Does that answer your question?
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Steph, I'm so glad you joined! I also have an MFA (creative writing, fiction) and can fully appreciate your search for a career that incorporates all of your creative and practical interests. I also get where you are in your binge eating recovery. When I look at my pounds lost, the number sadly doesn't reflect how much success I've had in the last two years of recovery. I've lost and gained 100 pounds, but I don't binge any more, and I've almost stopped all night eating and eating sugar. HUGE steps. Now exercising and eating healthy is edging the scale down, thank goodness, and I feel very much on track. I'm waiting to be scheduled for bariatric surgery, too, and will use this tool to jumpstart as I need lose over 300 pounds.

    I invited you specifically because I thought you would like the structure of a challenge, and our group is wonderfully motivational.

    The main challenge right now is the 50-50. Patrick can help you set up your page on the spreadsheet. You likely won't catch up, but you can challenge yourself to score as many points from now until the end as possible. You earn one point each every day for food, water, and exercise. Right now you can also earn a point each week for reading an article and posting a summary. (That week is loosely sunday-Saturday.) I just posted a prize challenge for the week, which runs until Midnight Saturday. This challenge is to cook a healthy new recipe and post it to the recipe thread. If you scroll through, you can read about some of our other fun minis, like the new exercise and new fruit/ veggie challenge.

    Again, welcome! Jump into the conversation. We're all awesome!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
  • sharimedina
    Hi guys!! Sorry I haven't been around the forum. Still doing my MFP routine and friend support. I start student teaching on Monday, just got the call on Wed for my assignment and I have this huge nesting syndrome going on...wanting everything organized. I will be full time with a teacher and going to classes two nights a week. Feeling a bit overwhelmed, but getting things to the best I can before I start will help calm my nerves. I got GREAT news too!! I was offered a sub position with the district I have been working in as an aide, and where my student teaching would be. I guess I got some really good recommendations and there will be no 'red tape, interview, or orientation." I just have to get fingerprinted and put in the official application!!! YES!! I was worried with the teaching economy in CA and finishing my student teaching mid year I would not get a job...so that eases my mind greatly!!

    I have been on my food and exercise plan for over 2 months now and I am really proud of myself. I had a 4 pound gain last week on vacation, but also my cycle. This week it came off plus a bit more. I weighed in this morning (but only log my weight on Fridays) and got under 310 making it over 20 pounds lost now. Feeling really good about that! And so close to 300 I can taste it. I also see the pattern now of my gain followed by a loss after my cycle so it makes me feel good that all my hard work isn't in vain.

    I am going to be super busy over the next 5 months. I hope you don't mind I stick around. I am going to have to be organized to get all my schoolwork, homework, family and exercise in. I am dropping of FB and most of my message boards for a bit. Have to prioritize. But MFP is a must to stay on track.

    How are you all doing as we are heading back into school, for those that have kids? I am done school shopping, but my kids start a week after I do. Luckily grandma is able to help out until they get in school.