Men on a Mission thread



  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hey Guys,
    I'm not posting the chart early this week. But, I am gonna go ahead and post up a belated chart from last week.

    Glad to see Tim J back and he had a good loss. Iowa Josh, I know you have been down in the dumps lately, but I've got to hand it to you. You still lost a pound. Hope things start picking up for you buddy.

    3 others us really blew it big time with a 14 + pound gain. I am betting a couple of you will be posting some nice losses this week.

    Again, this is last week's chart that I was not able to get to. Still planning on doing tomorrows too.

  • BJBroxton
    BJBroxton Posts: 49 Member
    BJ Broxton Apologies for not posting last week, I misread the post about what was going on here. (To much fat has left my head, so I am now light headed....that's my story and I am sticking to it!)
    SW 340
    GW 200
    LW 07/03/2014 283.4
    CW 07/10/2014 279.4
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Checking in:
    LWW = 205.1
    CWW = 202.6
    Loss = 2.5
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Here you go- copied from my regular home page.

    I think it's time for a "come to Jesus" moment for me and fess up some embarrassing and humiliating news. As of this morning I am 0.8 pounds heavier than when I started on here several years ago.

    These past several months have been ruthless. I absolutely can't think of any excuses because there really aren't any.

    I would like to think and sincerely hope that I have been able to motivate or help someone on here or over on my Men on a Mission group thread to lose at least 1 pound.

    Today is my 1278 day on here. A great consecutive streak means absolutely nothing, nada, zilch if I can't even manage to keep one pound off.

    Guess I'm just going to reset my starting weight and give this another go around.

    To say that I'm feeling just a bit discouraged is putting it mildly. I hate what I see when I look in the mirror and just need to get past this.

    Wish me luck.

    Here is this weeks chart guys. Outstanding job to each of you this week.

  • Ffgjosh
    Ffgjosh Posts: 15
    I'm 303. Lost my mess up week. I'm goin to start a new thread about what I am doing and how I'm getting my resalts. Mabie everyone can post what they do on ot so we can try it out
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hey guys,

    I am updating this week's chart. I go on vacation next week and will not be doing a chart. Hope you all have a great week and stay and play safe this summer.

    Huge high five to Josh for his 3.4 pound loss this week too. All of you are doing an awesome job. Keep up the great work and push some of that weight losing mojo my way please.


  • Ffgjosh
    Ffgjosh Posts: 15
    Hey Guys it's time to fess up. I was cutting two manny calories. I was feeling like **** and my weight was going up and down like crazy. I tried to cut to much to hit my goal of 299 by the 4th of July that I stopped eating like I should and just dropped my calories to about 1000 a day normally I eat 2500-2800. I put. My body into starvation mode and was making my self feel like ****. So I gained 3 pounds this week but I'm eating right and am setting a new goal 295 by August 16th and 279 by October 25th.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hey Josh, appreciate the honesty and accountability. Yep, we are all trying to get over some hurdles here lately it seems. I have faith in you hitting your goals.

    I am down 1 pound this week. Not much, but at least in a different direction from recent weigh ins.

    LW 334.8
    CW 333.8
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Checking in.
    LWW = 202.6
    CWW = 200.7
    Loss = 1.9
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hey guys, today was my first day back to work. Sorry I didn't get to the chart. Doesn't look like too many of us posted last week and none this week. If I get some by tomorrow, I'll do up a chart.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    FYI - I am still at 333.8 this week. I consider this a win since I was on vacation and didn't gain anything. :smile:
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Howdy men. It looks like just about everybody has lost interest in this Group thread. I think I am going to hang up posting charts for a while and maybe once summer is over, folks will have a little more time to get back to this. Just fyi, I gained another 2 pounds this last week.

    Take care my friends. If anyone has any comments, feel free to post them up. I'll probably still check this thread everyday.

  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Tim - Probably a good idea to start up again in the fall. I will try to keep checking in, even though I haven't been good about doing it regularly this summer.

    CWW = 198.9
    LWW = 200.7
    Loss = 1.8

    The loss really surprised me since I haven't been paying much attention to what I've been eating lately and I was on a trip back to the midwest for my nephew's wedding. It could be lost muscle mass since I've also been missing my morning workout class at the Y.

    I've been mentally trying to come up with some personal rules for weight loss. So far I have:

    1. Every day is important and counts
    2. You don't need to eat to please other people - if you've ever been a guest in a midwest farmer's house you should get this one
    3. Every day is a new day - just because yesterday didn't go well doesn't mean today has to suck.

    That's it so far.

    If anyone has ideas to add that works for you feel free to chime in.

    Best wishes,

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hi Dave,

    Yep, thinking the fall is a good time to get back into this.

    I love your personal rules. I need to remember and incorporate #2 myself. We do quite a few functions with other family members that are always pushing the large servings with lots of red meat and carbs and somewhat lite on the veggies.

    Happy that you are back in the 100's and rocking it.

  • Ffgjosh
    Ffgjosh Posts: 15
    Broke the 300lbs limit it took all summer but I'm down at 298.6 had sushi and pizza today to celebrate then back to counting my calories.
    Some things that have helped me

    1. Started doing sprints on cardio
    2. Changed my cardio every week.
    3... As stupid as this is I have bin weighing out 90% of my food
    4 upped my calories to 2600 2800
    5 plan on dropping 50 calories a Monty till I get 2300-2500
    6. Created a work out plan
    7. Cooked. My food for work.
    8. Make all my snacks
    9. I get 2 table spoons of peanut butter if I work out that day
    10 work out 5-6 days a week
    Last but not least eating low sodeam tuna

    Hope you guys have a good summer I start school on the 25th I want to be 290
  • Ffgjosh
    Ffgjosh Posts: 15
    Btw my one year of a healthy diet is September 16th and I'm going too be under 280
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Broke the 300lbs limit it took all summer but I'm down at 298.6 had sushi and pizza today to celebrate then back to counting my calories.
    Some things that have helped me

    1. Started doing sprints on cardio
    2. Changed my cardio every week.
    3... As stupid as this is I have bin weighing out 90% of my food
    4 upped my calories to 2600 2800
    5 plan on dropping 50 calories a Monty till I get 2300-2500
    6. Created a work out plan
    7. Cooked. My food for work.
    8. Make all my snacks
    9. I get 2 table spoons of peanut butter if I work out that day
    10 work out 5-6 days a week
    Last but not least eating low sodeam tuna

    Hope you guys have a good summer I start school on the 25th I want to be 290

    That is outstanding!!! Even as long as I have been on here and hear it over and over, it still amazes me when upping your calories that high and still losing weight is possible. You are obviously doing something right. Way to go!!
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Just to stay honest with myself and all of you, I am up nearly 2 more pounds this week to an all time high of 338.6. This train wreck just seems to go on and on. :(
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Checking in:

    CWW = 204.1
    LWW = 198.9
    Gain = 5.2

    I think I need to add another rule
    4. Find other ways of dealing with stress than making poor food choices.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hi Dave,

    I appreciate you continuing to update your status. Tough going on the gain this week. I've noticed that you are able to catch yourself before it gets out of hand though.

    I was certain that I was going to be posting a loss this week. At the beginning of the week I was feeling it would be a pretty decent size loss. By the end of the week I was still betting it would be approximately 2 pound loss and maybe a bit more. Imagine my surprise this morning to see another gain. 339.9. I am just so frustrated right now. I can see myself headed to serious medical issues or worse and just cant' seem to turn it around.

    Wish me luck on this next week.

    Take care all and have a good week. Tim