Processed food vs real food:

Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
As some of you know, I tried to eat a nutrient dense diet, with the fewest heavily processed foods possible (but am not a big fan of the actual *label* "clean eating").
Do any of you subscribe to Summer Tomato? This is a good article.

I think she's right that nutrition science is in its infancy.
I know that I believe two of the BIG offenders are HFCS and refined grains.


  • Quirky_but_nice
    Quirky_but_nice Posts: 102 Member
    Interesting and well thought out. I have a personal theory that your own gut flora needs the nutrition it was built on to be healthy. By that I mean what it grew up with, local food, in season for me.
    A child of a wandering tribe might be able to be healthiest eating many things as that is what was learnt from infancy.
    My mum breast fed me and, as I was born before rationing stopped in the uk, I didn't consume sugar as part of my everyday food.

    I do best on an omnivorous diet of foods that have not been tampered with.
  • radmack
    radmack Posts: 272 Member
    I lived all over the child including Southeast Asia, so I guess that means I get to eat everything!