August Chat



  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Good Afternoon Friends, I hope each of you are having a great day!!! I am off to the pool for some swimming and sunning :glasses: I have not had any time outside since my vacation in Florida in JUNE :sad: That can take a toll on my frame of mind.
    I have 4 days off in a row :happy: I am going to eat well, log faithfully, swim and take walks!!

    Thank You everyone for your great words of advice you are all so much appreciated :flowerforyou:
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Glad you are having fun Wanda :) I love swimming. Yesterday before the hurricane was supposed to hit on the Big Island, I went swimming. It was a bit windy but really good. Today I cleaned the pool up of the leaves and it is waiting for me, only it is too cold today. Tomorrow is a new day. I started my garcinia last night but ate a bunch of brownies. Today is better as I focus more on protein than sugar. I like BBQing and cooked up batches of salmon burgers, chicken thighs, artichoke-spinach dogs and a tri tip steak. I froze them in meal size ziplock bags and am prepared for the next hurricane. It is supposed to miss us, but we will have some winds on Sunday within its *cone*. Seemed somewhat stressful, but we were fortunate to not have a big disturbance with Iselle. I think part of my relationship with food is that it is something I control and I don't like to deny myself. So I cannot think *diet*, but I can think healthy choices. So far so good today as I come off my sugar high from all those brownies. Thanks for listening. I will be back and keep trying.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Smilesback: Okay you really have me intrigued. What are artichoke-spinach dogs? Any artichoke and spinach has to be delicious!

    Jean: Glad you had a good trip. Where to this week?

    Wanda: Enjoy the swim.

    Me: I'm going to "Rock the Ville" tonight. Tomorrow a family cookout and BDay celebration for my ex. If it is nice, might hit the final Chamber Music concert in the evening.

    My fitbit isn't working and I feel lost. I charged it, but I think it drained it instead of charging it, although all the lights were on.

    My daughter showed me how to use some of the machines for a lower body workout at the gym. Next week upper body. Reminds me, I need to do my resistance bands right now as it is lunchtime!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    strong-wind-smiley-emoticon.gif At Smilesback -- So glad to read Hurricane Iselie passed through your area without too much damage. Now it's time to hunker down for Hurricane Julio to hopefully blow by to the North. No matter where we live, Mother Nature always finds a way to make things exciting!

    vil2-drink.gif When I find myself in a feeding frenzy, I make ice coffee. Fill the largest glass you have with crushed ice and then a combination (to your taste) of coffee and almond milk (sometimes I add a scoop of protein power) . Add a package of Splenda (not needed with protein power) and drink through a straw. For me, ice coffee is thick and sweet enough to trick the brain into thinking I'm eating.

    Please add a post after Julio blows through so we know all is well.

    Take care, ~w3
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 401 Member
    I had a lovely mini vacation on Anegada away from it all. The snorkeling turned out not be very good right now but I had an amazing 6 year old snorkel partner. She is part mermaid and got so excited over every little fish we saw. The big safety pin in my tankini bottoms worked until a big wave came and then I mooned. Lol. We had 2 days of great weather and horrid weather for the trip back.

    I had hoped that my new found habits with food would prevail but.......put me in a hotel room with lots of junk food and I returned to inhaling junk food. Ah well, lessons are best learned from the bad stuff. I do not feel like getting back into things yet but I will start with recoding what I eat and then work on finding more motivation. Today's start is to catch up on how you others are doing as your support reminds me I am not the only one in this boat. t31121.gif
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Smilesback: Glad the storm missed you and hope the next one does, too. Be safe.

    BVIfun: Glad you had fun. You'll get back in the swing of things quickly.

    Wanda: Enjoy your time off. It is important to renew yourself periodically and enjoy. Sounds like you've got a good plan in mind.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,762 Member
    Hi, I have finally got myself back on track, mostly. and am ready to try and win my battle with my weight AGAIN. I have made my diary private as I am tweaking with the food/exercise balance still but I have to start sometime and today seemed like the right time to do it. I had come so far and just feel off the wagon hard. I am starting lower than my first round with MFP, but higher than when I left.
    I am looking forward to catching up with my friends here in the group.

    Gramanana, Happy 65th, I turned 65 in July, it isn't bad at all. My sister who hit 55 this June, 4days before my 65th, and my other sister who is in between us went away for a 3 day weekend. We even did a zip line across the Colorado River. That is what started bringing my motivation back. If I can face that that holey bridge between the towers and speeding across the river, I can probably handle measuring, weighing food and doing exercise regularly again. Now that my husband is retired, we go for a walk 5 days a week now. I will be joining him in retirement on Sept. 1. only 9 more actual working days left due to my crazy schedule. He got the TRX installed I still have to learn those exercises but it is in there anytime I want to give it a go. And my medicare advantage program has the Silver Sneakers membership included with it. So no excuses not to start a real exercise program when I am free :bigsmile:

    Going to go get a dose of motivation by reading what all you gals and guys have been up to while I was away. Hope some of you remember me!!! :laugh:
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Thanks GRamma, Wooken and everyone here for caring. Love that emoticon in the wind!

    The hurricanes didn't hurt us, we got no rain and little wind. My son however has 2 albezia trees on his roof. He lives on the Hilo side where the storm hit first. He has no power but didn't get hurt and is okay. We do have hurricane insurance, but the deductible is high. I have a lot more empathy for people who have disasters strike their house or business.

    GM - Costco carries these Sabatinos - Smoked Mozerella With Artichoke & Garlic Chicken Sausages that are low in calorie and delicious. They are my new find :) Bummer when you cannot count steps! I love technology too and can't stand it when I need a new battery for my FitBit.
    BV - awareness is half the battle, you can turn this around and it will take time. Vacations are meant to shake you up and enjoy!
    W3 - love iced coffee and the thought to make one to fend off a food eating frenzy.
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    I am starting to exercise a whole lot more. Yesterday I did 2 hours and today the scale went down. I want to keep the momentum going. Wish me luck :)
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    What all are you doing, Smiles?
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Smilesback--congratulations on the exercise and the lower number on the scales. What are you doing that's making exercise fun or interesting?

    My only big news is that I've been logging consistently on MFP for 2years, as do today. I don't know if that's good or bad, but I know for sure that I'll need to log for the rest of my life. Exercise, too is very important, but has to be fun or I won't do it. Even with that, every few months I get bored and have to find something else to do. I'm concentrating mostly on toning and getting some strength in my arms using small hand weights. It's not much, but I've found that everything helps.
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 401 Member
    Gramanana. 2 years! Good for you staying the course.

    Today is a sad day in our house as one of our fur babies (the one with cancer) Spiffy went to join her friends at the rainbow bridge. She went in her sleep last night and now no longer feels sick or is in pain.

    I will not be doing the Wed. Check in today but will get back to it next week.....for sure.
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Oh, Wanda, so very sorry about your fur baby. I know how hard it is, and am sending you comforting thoughts.

    Today, I'm suffering from a serious food hangover. :sick:

    My brother called yesterday afternoon to tell me that mom was going to have some emergency heart surgery. The cardiac surgeon said without the surgery she would die; at least the procedure would give her a little bit of a chance. And they wanted to do it immediately before she deteriorated any further. I got to talk to her for a minute, but she was pretty out of it. She's 95, and getting more frail by the day. I wasn't in the mood to cook, so Rick brought food home - it's a meal that I've had before and fits my plan. But I didn't stop there, of course. I stayed within MFP guidelines, but not my own and KNEW better even as I munched. The good news is that mom came through surgery very well; the problem is fixed and they were going to let her come out of the anesthesia naturally overnight. Waiting for my brother to get to the hospital and bring me up to date, but in this case no news is very good news.

    And today I feel really icky. What I really want to do is just lay on the couch and 'sleep it off'. Instead, I forced :grumble: myself to put on my walking shoes and do most of my morning routine. Since I waited longer than normal, it's really hot out there. And although I don't feel better, I don't feel worse, and am kind of pleased that I resisted the couch. I'm going to let my body tell me when and what to eat today; half of last night's dinner is in the fridge & either I'll get Rick to eat it for a snack or it may find its way to my friend the trash can.

    Reminds me why I don't drink often. I don't like beer, wine gives me a headache, so I am 'stuck' with hard liquor. And just never can figure out when to stop. Yeah, picture this old chick being taught how to twerk. In public :laugh: Luckily there are no videos, so I can deny it ever happened.

    Another bit of mixed news, and then I'll shush. The good news is that my weight loss efforts are FINALLY starting to show up on this big hanging-over pouch that I carry around like a kangaroo. (sorry about the TMI) The bad news is that it's starting in one spot, and it isn't pretty. I'm trying to convince myself that it will all even out, while in the back of my mind I'm trying to figure out how I can stash enough cash for plastic surgery :bigsmile:
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hello to everyone!! :flowerforyou:

    I have been away for a few days, but not b/c I am gone.

    We had our customer appreciation dinner on Tuesday evening. We served approximately 135 people. We have been doing this for many years.
    "In the old days" we served it in our warehouse (not AC) and we (I) did all of the cooking. We served as many as 200 then. But 5 years ago we had one of those hot very humid days - I was literally sick. So told dear hubby - I am not doing this again.

    So we moved it to a local church which has an AC fellowship hall and the ladies prepare the meal. Oh, so much nicer!!

    It is a great evening and great fellowship.

    But, even though I do not do the cooking I still have a lot of responsibility - but not as much as DDIL is stepping up to do it all! Oh, how I love that girl!! :heart:

    I really have been doing better with the food but not the exercise - just need to DO IT~~

    I am going to catch up with each of you as I haven't done that for a couple days!
  • AlicesGrandma
    AlicesGrandma Posts: 48 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I am new to MFP and this group. You all seem like close-knit friends, and that's what I'm looking for in losing the weight. I am 65 years old and live in Seattle now, although I have lived many places both stateside and overseas (Panama, Honduras, China, Taiwan, France). I have one son and a granddaughter who is almost 7. Her picture is on my weight scale.

    I really enjoy swimming and have recently gotten very active in doing water HIIT (high-intensity intervals) at our local YMCA. Do not know what I'd do without the Y!

    Also, MFP is such a great tool because I get immediate feedback after entering my food. I have learned the value of at least trying to plan ahead for what I eat.

    Looking forward to sharing with you all.

  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 343 Member
    Hi ALL

    Just wanted to check in.. .hope everyone is having or planning on having a good weekend... I believe our weather here in Utah is going to be dry and warm - I have no special plans - just getting the 'normal' stuff done... shopping...maybe if I am lucky I will got to a movie. And yes I am looking forward to "Expendables 3" ... all the old action hero's !!


  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Welcome, Sue. I am so glad that I found this group back in April. so much support and understanding. Oh, and fun!

    Ker: I assume the achy head is gone and you have learned your lesson. Yeah right! It is one lesson, I still have not entirely learned either. However, my hangovers are also likely to come from carbs. I will feel the same way if I overdo.

    Reba: Sounds like it was a wonderful event and what a fantastic thing to do for your customers!

    Pam: After work today, I will meet a friend for dinner and then we are going to the "100 Foot Journey." Seems my favorite movies are about food! Last one was Chef. I will try to hit the theater in the park tomorrow night (weather determined). This month's production is "The Merry Wives of Windsor." For me, nothing beats the bard. Otherwise, I would really like to have a low-key Sunday (day off) as my Mondays are always so busy (even though it is my day off).

    Working out will be limited to lunchtime today. Beautiful August day. Who would ever believe that I would go to work this morning, mid-August, in the mid-West and the temperature was only 46 degrees. Going to be a beautiful day again today! I'll try a good workout tomorrow as the gym will be closed then for three days. Plan is to walk outside and pull out the clubs for a trip to the driving range!

    Have a great weekend. I need to get started here!
    Hugs to everyone,
  • Having a good weekend - hope you all are too!
    Really hope to knock down one more pound this week. Leaving next weekend for a week of RV vacation. No scales and too many temptations. My controlled routine is my friend and it's always harder with a new restaurant every day! But I will ramp up my exercise with my extra time away from work and hope it all balances out in the end.

    Looking forward to the last week of summer vacation and the fall season, which is my favorite of all.
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Great reminder to start the week off with...

  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 632 Member
    Hi gang....back home again after a lovely weekend on the South Coast in Devon......back on track until Saturday when I go to London for a couple of days! lol

    I have spent today sorting out a pile of Weight Watchers magazines, tearing out the recipes and filing them in a folder all together......

    I was reading the latest mag while we were away and it struck me that all the success stories were very puzzling to me.......ladies who are taller than I am.......and who have got down to their goal weight all seem to weigh more than I do but take a UK 8-10 in clothes size! Today I realized why when I was doing Zumba in a dance studio with a wall of mirrors. My arms and legs have always been and still are very skinny....... so all my weight is gathered around my middle making me look quite plump even though I weigh less than 9 stone! It is all about distribution! So that has made me realise that my goal should maybe be a little less than I have thought...especially as I keep reading that it is not good for us healthwise to have a thick waist.... so I really need to get my finger out and lose that last few pounds and then a few more!

    That mirror is very unforgiving lol:ohwell:

    Sorry I am not around much this month........things will calm down again soon ...... :bigsmile:

  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Our 3yo Granddaughter is having a terrible bout with asthma. She has been to the ER twice and to her Dr today. She is really suffering. All prayers would be greatly appreciated.

    I am going to there house tomorrow so that both parents can get back to work. Our DD said she was sleeping much better. Has been asleep for 1 1/2 hr. so maybe they have a handle on it. Just so very hard to see a little one go through this.

    I will talk to you all tomorrow evening after I get home.
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 401 Member
    Oh Reba I pray your granddaughter is breathing easily now. Poor thing and very frightening for the adults too.

    Charlie. How was The The Hundred Foot Journey? We tried to download it but could not get a good copy so will probably need to wait for DVD. I do not think our cinema will show it.

    Jean. It is good thing we come in all shapes and sizes or life would be really boring. Most of us are not really good judges of ourselves in the mirror. It's hard to be objective especially if there are areas we never liked.

    Today is just a beautiful day here although rather hot. The beach would be the place to be. (But I'm not)

    Yesterday I finally felt happy again about being on MFP thanks to just doing it and reading what you share.

    Wanda t108005.gif
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    Reba, you are a really good gp and hope your gd feels comforted with you are there.
    Jean, so true about distribution, would like to be a tube of toothpaste and push it where it belongs or squeeze it out :)
    BVIfun, Ustillcan and Wooken and everyone - have a wonderful week!

    TODAY IS IMPORTANT! Because of what I do - Thanks for that reminder :)

    I am finishing up house maintenance chores today. Still anxious to hear power is back on for son from hurricane Iselle so roof can get repaired etc.

    For myself, I am working on losing a 0.5 lb a week. I weighed 155 lbs July 1st and today I am 152.8 lbs. I tend to eat too much so it doesn't stay off. I am using all my MFP friends for support, eating less and shaking things up here and there. I started garcinia a week ago and that started to help me control my appetite while increasing my activity level.

    Sending out positive thoughts for everyone who struggles. Stay strong! Live long!
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member

    Wanda t108005.gif

    Love the fan -- stealing!!
  • babynurse123
    babynurse123 Posts: 50 Member
    I just love Fitness Pal, it is so easy to just put in what you eat, and it makes you accountable. My daughter and I are doing it together, which makes it a lot easier. I look forward to making some friends on this long journey.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Good morning :flowerforyou:

    Our Granddaughter is doing better. But they are continuing the steroids for a week, but lessening the dose as they go. Thanks for the concern and prayer for her.

    We are beginning to have 4 of the 5 rooms upstairs spruced up. That is 3 bedrooms and a bathroom. We had done ours very recently, but the others haven't been done is oh so long.

    Our DDIL is helping with all of the decisions, which I love!!

    We are not doing the painting ourselves, but a lady that has done all most all of our painting is doing it for us. I enjoy having her around.

    Hope you each have a great day!!
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member

    You have been in my thoughts. So glad your little girl is doing better.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Reba: Hadn't read this thread in a few days. So glad to hear your gd is doing better. Now, take care of yourself, too.

    Wanda: I really liked The 100 Foot Journey. I fell in love with the young man who plays the chef! However, if you haven't seen the movie, "Chef" that was out a couple months ago with Jon Favreau, you really should (unless bad language bothers you). It is an excellent movie about food and about parenting. Here's a link: (By the way, there is another tv drama series called Chef that is Korean. I watched it a year or so ago and have been hooked on Korean and Taiwanese tv ever since. It is what I watch when on the stationary bike.)

    Babynurse: Welcome to the group. You will like it here.

    Smiles: Glad the CG is working for you. I know it seems to be working for a mutual friend we have (not a member of this group).
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member

    Wanda t108005.gif

    Love the fan -- stealing!!
    ME TOO! :laugh:

    My mother had emergency surgery earlier this week, and is (very very) slowly recovering in the hospital. They will be releasing her this weekend or early next week, but she needs to be in a skilled nursing facility - so yet another move out of the residence she was in. Doc says she's living a 'fine line'.

    I've been talking a lot with my brother, who is handling the medical and logistics of all of this. We both know that if i want to spend any more time with Mom while she is still somewhat aware of our visits, now is the time. In addition, he has asked me to take the lead on handling the sorting and clearing out of her home, as well as getting it ready for sale. Will need a bit of creativity since I'm about 1200 miles away, but it's a task I'll take care of gladly.

    Sooo... I'm preparing to leave early tomorrow morning to drive up there by myself. I plan on being in Wisconsin for several weeks working at the house and driving into Madison to visit Mom. I don't really look forward to the drive; my night vision isn't what it used to be and it's been 15 years since I did the drive alone, but the convenience of having my Jeep with me and to haul donations and bring stuff back as needed is worth it. I'm going to see how it goes - I will end up spending one or two nights in hotels because it's about a 22-24 hour drive (not much calorie burn in that :laugh: )

    This is an open ended trip - don't know how long I'm going to be gone. Will be staying at Mom's house, and there is no longer internet service there so may be kind of scarce on MFP. I can use my phone to check in, but I'm probably only going to keep my diary to check on 'eat out' food - not quite sure yet. The bottom line is that while I plan on being careful about what I eat and I know that I'll be getting plenty of walking and toting exercise, I'm just not going to be around much for a while, so please forgive my lack of commenting and involvement.

    While I was out yestderday doing some of my errands, Rick let me know that I better also pick up some hurricane prep stuff because of a big orange X out there:frown: . They've moved the expected path more towards Florida now; I hope it just peters out, but if it doesn't - you all be safe please. It is that time of year, though, so I've added 'organize hurricane stuff so Rick can find it' to my ToDo list... sheesh.
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Sooo... I'm preparing to leave early tomorrow morning to drive up there by myself. I plan on being in Wisconsin for several weeks working at the house and driving into Madison to visit Mom....

    "To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors." ~Tia Walker ==>Drop us a post when able and prayers being sent up for your safe travel, strength for you and brother, and peace for Mom.