60 years old is comin' at me like a freight train...

ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
...and I'm stuck in the grade crossing.

September 17th I will have made 60 trips around the sun. That's 585 MILLION miles, or 942 million km, just short of a billion. In case you were wondering.

Somehow, 30 years went by without even noticing, except I did not trust myself anymore.

At 40 there were no black balloons - it seemed I was just getting warmed up and comfortable with myself. The kids were now adults and having special needs, i knew it was time to get busy with the state - it takes 15 or 20 years for the gv'ment to finally start helping them.

Fifty was a little scary. The company downsized a bunch of people and everyone *knows* it's near impossible to get a job at that decrepit age. Except, now I work for the best company in my life.

Now sixty. Sixty seems real. When I was a kid, 60-year-olds got fat and complained about everyone. Now I am almost 60 and I'm getting in the best shape of my life. Attending the gym 5 days a week. Learning new computer languages. Working up to cycle a "century" next year - that is 100 miles in a day. Training dogs. Fixing the roof. Getting more in touch with my religion. Loving my wife more than ever.

I don't have time to be old. Heck, if this keeps up, I can't wait to see what the next decade brings.


  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 341 Member
    well said
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Many years ago, I worked part time in a nursing home planning activities. I held a discussion group and asked, "Do you feel old." Everyone there said, "No." Their minds and thoughts were the same as when they were young. Just their bodies were feeling old. At the time, I wasn't sure I believed them, but I do now. So, the answer, as you have discovered, is to keep our bodies as healthy as we can and age becomes just a number!
  • ustillcan
    I remember when I turned 60 and it did a bit of a number on me. I truly let down my guard and I think it was partly just like you said - when I was young 60 was just plain OLD! I stopped worrying about what I ate or how I looked.

    Now I'll be 62 next month, and this summer I started thinking about retiring soon and all the things I still want to do. It didn't take long to realize that I don't feel 62, I feel GOOD - and quickly decided I had to start acting like the person I wanted to be.

    I'm about 10-15 pounds from my ideal healthy weight and I'm very focused and very proud of my little turnaround. I am really looking forward to my retirement years, traveling all over the country in our RV, running around with my grand babies and watching them grow up. I'm hoping they will always remember me as the 'fun' Mimi who was always willing to play with them.

    LOVE the book 'Younger next year' - I don't follow it closely but it's very inspiring and helps you understand how you can turn back the clock a little bit.

    60 is the new 40 - but only if you live like you mean it! Welcome to MFP, I love it.
  • RLF022012
    RLF022012 Posts: 70 Member
    You're all so right. Being 60 (or so) is very different now. We can do things at 60 now that would have been unheard when we were young. We work, we exercise, we travel... We live!

    I've really come to believe that age is only a number. There are many who are "old" at a young age because they don't take care of themselves and they find no joy in life. Personally, I intend to take care of myself and to fully enjoy every single minute of my life.

    And, with my MFP friends, it just gets better every day!

  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Happy Birthday Ukaryote!

    Today 60 is a fun age. I know people who turned 60 and let themselves go. It's like the age gave them permission to do that.

    If we continue to take care if ourselves, there is still so much we can do and see and enjoy life.

    Happy Trails,

  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,120 Member
    Great post Ukaryote, just like a fine wine you are just getting better! Very pleased to see where you are at, such a good place, well done and carryon! Cheers, Marian
  • KathleenC12
    KathleenC12 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm 67; this is a great decade, and also the time when taking care of yourself really shows up!

    As for "60 is not what it used to be", I see it differently. My parents and their friends were very active people in their 60s, fit and interested in the world. They did not complain much, and contributed to the community. TV was relatively new; they did not plunk themselves in front of the tube for hours every evening and watch sports all weekend. :huh:

    Maybe it's where you grew up?

    Most of those people lived well into their 80s and 90s, so let's hope the same for us.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Now I'll be 62 next month, and this summer I started thinking about retiring soon and all the things I still want to do. It didn't take long to realize that I don't feel 62, I feel GOOD - and quickly decided I had to start acting like the person I wanted to be.
    I'll be 62 in October. I feel great. Since my health is good, the only real downside to my age is that people talk to me like I'm 100. P.S. Mentor is my hometown.
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    Totally agree with you all..... as we have said we are maybe expected to slow down and take it easy...but we are REBELS and refuse to do as we are told...... :bigsmile:

    Rebel Rebel Jean
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! And here is to all of us being 60+ years and older, because feeling ALIVE is great! Enjoy the moment!

    I have noticed at my age of 62 that there are things I miss. But I also notice the things that I enjoy. So I return to thinking about what good I can do and what makes me happy. I am not my parents, and I am not like everybody else. I find my way though, the peaks and valleys are here for me to climb and walk through. I look for something more adventurous than a clean house these days. ENJOY!
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    A good day today, I will be starting the weight loss program at work tonight!!! They will use MFP, so I will be putting in my food today and keep you all informend about any changes or new "tricks" I learn.

    I feel very "old" at 62 but I think that is totally related to my weight :frown:
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! And here is to all of us being 60+ years and older, because feeling ALIVE is great! Enjoy the moment!

    I have noticed at my age of 62 that there are things I miss. But I also notice the things that I enjoy. So I return to thinking about what good I can do and what makes me happy. I am not my parents, and I am not like everybody else. I find my way though, the peaks and valleys are here for me to climb and walk through. I look for something more adventurous than a clean house these days. ENJOY!
    Smilesback, You said it so well.

  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    :drinker: I am supposed to refigure my caloric intake with the Nutritionest today for my activity level as well as sugar and carbohydrates. Going to start getting much more active as ( I know I should ). I am going to work hard and stay committed
  • TressaDishman
    TressaDishman Posts: 9 Member

    GrandmotherCharlie suggested I join this group - I just wanted to say - I am only 3 years from 70 - and wanted to agree that now is the best time of your life! Jump on that freight train and get ready to ride!:happy:
  • hayleyandpaigesgrandma
    Great posts. I am less than 2 years from 70 and am working hard to get the weight off and in better shape. I only feel old when my body gets stiff but I am too young to put up with it. Each day gets better than the last.
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    I am going to work hard and stay committed


    Play hard! It is easier to stay committed when you are having fun.

    I like to bicycle, can't go far yet, but I can put in 20 minutes a day on either the stationary bike or the recumbent trike on the road.
    I play mind games in the gym - can I do this one bicep curl with *perfect* form? And the next?

    Food mind games - instead of eating a bag of chips, I'm gonna eat ALL the remaining strawberries. Bwahahaha!
    After a month or so, it got to the point - I'm not interested in chips. I am going to has some of the strawberries.

    Silly things like that.
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Great topic.

    I love being 60 (not quite true - I hate being "old") and have younger folk giving me right of way in the supermarket etc - most, not all!

    I was surprised when on holiday last year that people were moving to the side on a narrow footpath to let me pass, and I realised that it was because of my age. A bit of a downer in one way, but if it makes life more pleasant I'll take it. Maybe it was the determined look on my face as I was trying to run through them!!

    I love being 60 and the oldest woman in the gym lifting heavy weights, probably lifting more than most other women there, even the young ones, and sometimes even more than some of the men - particularly on the deadlifts. I love seeing the surprised look on their faces when this old lady turns up in the testosterone zone and owns her space.

    Downside - I hate being 60 (nearly 61) and knowing that in 4 years time I'll be of retirement age, but won't have a retirement pot as I had to use it to prevent bankruptcy after a failing business when OH became ill. There will be a small Civil Service pension and state pension, but think I will have to continue working at least part time to maintain some kind of lifestyle above just "making ends meet".

    Never mind, to finish - I love being 60 and being fit and healthy - let's hope I can maintain it.

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Tressa, I'm so glad you joined us. You have been a good friend and now you can "meet" all the great friends in this group! Really some inspiring stories here. We have fun.

    Jen, the people didn't move aside because you were old, they moved aside because you were faster than they were. You were putting them to shame!

    Wanda, what did the nutritionist say?