Daily check in thread - all welcome!

psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
So folks, I thought that it was about time we had a daily check in thread for all those who are here everyday! Catch us up on what you've been doing, how you're going, a new product you've tried, your latest NSV, your upcoming fitness goals and more!!!

Lets get some more kiwi chatting going on ay?!


  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    So the sun is out here in PNorth but the wind is terribly cold brrrrrrr! Looking forward to lighting the fire and snuggling up tonight! Rest day for me today, I'm currently 9 weeks into StrongLifts and loving it. Have been lazy on the ol' cardio lately but once the weather warms up then I might be a bit more inclined to go out and run!!
  • kkooge
    kkooge Posts: 70 Member
    Hi, I'm in Palmy too ... we got tricked on the weekend with our mild weather. Back to reality today.
    I'm just getting back into the exercise after a back injury but have managed to keep up walking and cycling, just a lot less of both.
    However I can now see a glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel, so here's hoping I can get back to the gym soon.
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,687 Member
    My husband's dodgy tummy is beginning to seriously hamper my running mileage. Day three today and I wasn't able to get anything in. Poor boy, he really is rather ill but it's starting to impact my half-marathon training plan so I wish he'd hurry up and get better. Good diet for him though and at least it hasn't been passed on to me. Fingers crossed.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Sorry to hear about sick hubs contrary Mary!! Which half marathon are you doing?

    Hope the back is healin ok kkooge!

    Lifting for me tonight brrrr! But got it done :) an addicted to Whittakers hokey pokey chocolate! Yum! Hard to limit myself but I weigh out as much as I can and eat it lol

    Anyone try the tiptop cranberry and coconut fruit toast? I'm tempted but my gosh the slices look massive! I'm a sucker for fruit toast tho - never had a sweet tooth until I got pregnant in 2012!
  • kkooge
    kkooge Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks Psych101 - I'm hoping I have finally turned a corner re my back healing. I'm doing a 10k walk on Sunday with a friend, but I will let her take off after the first couple of ks and just finish it in my own time.

    That fruit bread sounds delicious, is it at all supermarkets?
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,687 Member
    Hi Psych, I'm doing Auckland, really looking forward to it as I'm on target to knock up to 10 minutes off my 2010 PB.

    Hubby has recovered and we think it must have been food poisoning as no one else In the house has succumbed. Thankfully.

    As for Whittakers, it's so good it should be outlawed. And I just simply don't buy fruit toast as one slice is never enough, and I have to slather it in butter too. I save it all for Easter and then go a little nuts on hot cross buns!
  • Michelledownunder
    Michelledownunder Posts: 24 Member
    I'm soooo envious of people who can carefully weigh their allocation of treat foods and only eat that. If I have chocolate in the house I have to eat the whole bar!
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Awesome goal to have Contrary Mary! 10 minutes of your PB is a fabulous effort, plus with the excitement on the day I'm sure you'll do great!

    kkooge - I think its available in all supermarkets - but they have really thick slices, it looks so good! My Mr-almost-2 love fruit toast with a passion so might get it for him to try.....lol

    Michelle - taken me a long time to get to the point that I can have a serve of chocolate and not eat the entire block! But I find that if I give myself that treat every night then I don't want to go crazy one night cos I'll be having more the next....if that makes sense!

    Lifted last night and then foam rolled - holy cow it was so painful but so so good! feeling sore today but I'm thinking that's more from the rolling than the weights! Am almost at the point of squatting my bodyweight on the barbell - am up to 73kgs 5x5 so not far from 77 where I'm currently hovering! I can already deadlift more than my bodyweight - I'm constantly surprised by how strong I am when I put my mind to it....and I feel like its made me stronger in all aspects of my life :flowerforyou:
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,687 Member
    Lifted last night and then foam rolled - holy cow it was so painful but so so good! feeling sore today but I'm thinking that's more from the rolling than the weights! Am almost at the point of squatting my bodyweight on the barbell - am up to 73kgs 5x5 so not far from 77 where I'm currently hovering! I can already deadlift more than my bodyweight - I'm constantly surprised by how strong I am when I put my mind to it....and I feel like its made me stronger in all aspects of my life :flowerforyou:
    Wow. Awesome.
  • eviebee03
    eviebee03 Posts: 101 Member
    Hi, checking in from wellington. Windy as today, and raining so not able to go out for my walk. Might do a jillian michaels vid. Otherwise did my first meal plan yesterday but bit stuck for different snacks. So far I have veggie sticks, fruit or rice crackers everyday. But boring. Oh, and did an inspiration board where my meal plan goes. Feeling good about that. But not the lack of exercise. Will have to eat less tonight. :) hope everyones wrapped up warm!
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Horrible day here in PNorth!

    Am taking a rest week from exercise - have felt a little twinge in my back so want to rest up. Plus I'm hungry all the time so gonna ramp up to maintenance for a week and then drop 20% down again

    Have a great week everyone!
  • eviebee03
    eviebee03 Posts: 101 Member
    Oh wow psych101 u have lost so much weigbt! Thats amazing! Tips???
  • kkooge
    kkooge Posts: 70 Member
    I was feeling smug yesterday because I managed to get a decent walk in during my lunch break (in Palmerston North), I had no sooner got in the door and it absolutely pelted down. One up for me.
    Feeling very positive: I consulted 'Dr Google' last night and I read that the best treatment for a prolapsed disc in the lower back is exercise. I'm good with that! Apparently I should be 'guided by my pain' - it was so good to read because I had got to the point where I thought I couldn't do anything without my back being sore.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    haha kkooge - I was hoping for rain at my lunchtime walk....cos i packed my walking shoes for work, but now can't be bothered lol

    evie - thanks! umm calorie deficit, include treats, find an exercise you like, take breaks when you need to x
  • bridgieNZ
    bridgieNZ Posts: 113 Member
    Hello all, I've been rubbish for the last couple of months I let a few things slide then it spiralled into a wasteland of no exercise and outrageous eating. But I'm determined to get back to it. will be nice to check in with others daily. See ya tomorrow :smile:
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,687 Member
    18.1km run today. Just bragging.
  • kkooge
    kkooge Posts: 70 Member
    18.1km run today. Just bragging.

    Wow! Fantastic effort! We had an amazing weekend for weather in Palmy so I got a 40 k bike ride in yesterday, loved it.
    Almost feels like spring is in the air - and it's not getting dark until nearly 6pm. Yay!
    Have a great week everyone, cheers, Kathy.
  • mullycathNZ
    mullycathNZ Posts: 64 Member
    Hey team,
    Happy Monday!
    Well I've been on the slippery slope backwards of late so today is the start of a new day! I have signed up for 4 weeks of bootcamp, will hopefully be enough to get my mojo back and cut my nightly crap food binge!
    Weather in ChCh is lovely again today, I can feel spring in the air!
  • mullycathNZ
    mullycathNZ Posts: 64 Member
    Hello all, I've been rubbish for the last couple of months I let a few things slide then it spiralled into a wasteland of no exercise and outrageous eating. But I'm determined to get back to it. will be nice to check in with others daily. See ya tomorrow :smile:

    Me too :grumble: Lets get back on track together :bigsmile:
  • zummerzet_lou
    zummerzet_lou Posts: 159 Member
    Hi - another Chch gal here :-)

    Well, exercise wise, the weekend was excellent for me, but as always I "rewarded" myself with cakes and pudding and now feel quite bloated :-(