What was your wakeup call?

jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
So we are all doing this really hard thing but each of us has a different motivation, that moment of insight that changed you and started your new healthy life. For me, it was completely breaking down in tears at work twice in 3 months. I totally lost it. I no longer had the self confidence and resiliency that I had relied on for years. Food no longer masked the emotional stress I was experiencing. I made an appointment for a complete physical before the end of the day. Lucky for me, the only health risk they found was elevated cholesterol. And I started taking a mild anti-anxiety medication. But I knew I needed to change how I coped with stress. So I started talking to people about my struggles and someone recommended The Hunger Fix by Dr. Pam Peake. I read it over and over for 3 months and thought about what I wanted and how badly did I want it. I decided to start following the plan on February 22, 2013. Detoxing from white flour, sugar, high fructose corn syrup wasn't awful but it was revealing. I am a food addict. I also started meditating, working out daily, and setting daily achievable goals. Journalling is a am/pm routine for me now; I use MFP but my notebooks are better....I flip through them and see the progress in my words, pictures ( every month), and accomplishments (SW 347 lbs). I had lost 113 lbs. but I was injured at work this spring and couldn't workout much so gained 35 back over six months. But I resumed working out last month and I''ve lost 11 pounds. So, that's what changed things for me--humiliating myself in front of my coworkers and my students because I had lost the ability to manage my emotions without food. If you are able, please share your "EpiphaME", as Dr. Peake calls it, that "sudden, mind-blowing, sometimes life-changing insight into some essential meaning in your own reality. The process of change most frequently requires some kind of wakeup call..." Jennifer


  • jjeanmneis
    jjeanmneis Posts: 83 Member
    I had my wake up call back in April 2014 when my 55 yr old mother fell ill. She was really in bad shape and I flew out to see her. I felt stuffed in the airIine seat and I couldn't even get the belt across my waist! I spent 2 weeks in the ICU with her, my knitting and my thoughts...
    I'm 33 and...
    I waking up with racing heart
    My feet (up to my knees) are swelling most nights
    My lower back/hips hurt so bad at times I can't walk/sit or stand and if I am laying down I can't get up
    I'm getting around like somebody three times my age. (above note: I wished I had a walker!)
    How can I take care of Mom or my own family if I can't take care of myself?
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Thanks for sharing your EpiphaME; I hope it helps motivate you like mine does me. You are so right, you have to take care of you first.
  • AllieLosingIt
    AllieLosingIt Posts: 150 Member
    I have been half-assed trying to lose weight since the day I started gaining it a few years ago. Cut a calorie or two here, attempt some workout DVD for a few days at a time, nothing ever sticking because I wasn't really trying hard enough and I was just content with not caring.

    Until the day I moved from my apartment to my house and realized that I was useless. Like, I got so fat and weak that I basically just made sure that my kid stayed out of the way while everyone else packed and moved MY stuff. Nobody said anything negative, but it was humiliating. That was my turning point. I don't want to just stand on the sidelines anymore, I want to do things and go places and my weight was holding me back from everything!
  • dannyxtyler
    dannyxtyler Posts: 72 Member
    When my daughter was born 3 months ago, I just held all 3 of my babies in my arms and cried hysterically. I didn't have ANY photos of myself with my babies because I was so ashamed of the way I looked. I can't go back. I can't fix it. I know they will be disappointed when they grow up and look at their baby pictures, and I'm not in ANY of them. I know that I HAVE to get this weight down so I can take pictures of them without feeling ashamed (or worse, deleting it!).
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    I say take the photos now, even if you just print them and put them away in a box in the back of a closet. I know by looking at photos from 20 years ago, I didn't look the way I thought I did and I am so glad to have those photos I hid in a drawer for all those years. If you still don't like them in 20 years, get rid of them then. And I love any photo of my mom regardless Moms transcend the physical, you know? All I see is the love.
  • KValmera71
    KValmera71 Posts: 82 Member
    Dannyxtyler, please take the photos now! Please! As a mom I know how important it is to have photos of you with your children. Not only for you but for them as well. As jltheis said, they only see LOVE, nothing else. These are moments you will never get back so please take pictures now before you miss out on capturing those precious moments. And when you lose the weight, you can tell them, this was your motivation To be healthier and to be able to live a longer life so you can be there for them. I've missed out on moments because I hated my weight. I have some, thank goodness but not nearly as much as I could have had. Now they are grown and "almost' grown. Do not miss these moments!
  • dannyxtyler
    dannyxtyler Posts: 72 Member
    Thank you! A friend of mine sent me a "before" photo, from before I even lost the 40 pounds. I forgot it had been taken because I never saw it (she took it with her phone). Of all 3 of my babies and me! I was so happy (ugh, so sad, but so happy) to see it because at least I know now that one exists. I have made it my goal to continue taking pictures, no matter how hard that is for me.
  • Joseph_Mauer
    Joseph_Mauer Posts: 9 Member
    Was having a hard time getting up off the floor. Then had some blood work done and almost every result was borderline high.

    I am looking for some more friends so anyone feel free to add me.
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    The simplest things can be that aha moment, can't they? Looks like you have made great progress, as has everyone else that's replied. Have a great day tomorrow!
  • joannlohr9
    joannlohr9 Posts: 17 Member
    My sounds silly but I took my oldest godson to King's Dominion and I couldn't fit in the roller coaster with him not even the big seats..that was my wake up call.
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Not silly at all; I have had that moment when I found I couldn't do something because of my weight that most people take for granted. I hope you take that roller coaster soon!
  • wonderwoman325
    My father had a heart attack this past Monday. He's going to be okay, but had to have two stents put in. He's 64...and I realized, I may not live to even be that age if I keep going on at this weight.
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    So glad your Dad is going to be okay. This is your chance! You have a great resource at your fingertips with MFP and us! You can make healthy changes.
  • justcindy59
    justcindy59 Posts: 904 Member
    August 30 of this year is the day it happened for me.. From last December until that day I had totally quit even wanting to live. Eight months of deliberate over eating and never being satisfied proved to me that I can never fill up the void in my life with food. I finally said, I'm done with food ....done trying to use food to feel better....done using food to calm my emotions....done believing food is my happiness. God must of believed me this time because Aug. 30 I just knew I could do this the right way ....that I am willing to do what it takes. So many years I wasted, forty one to be exact. The hard part in this is letting go of the forty one years that I kept choosing food over life. Until that day , Aug. 30, I could not admit that it has been my doing alone that put me in this place and I don't want to cry over it any more. So here I am 19 days in feeling so much better and working hard to not think of the past to just let it go because I know now that tomorrow may not come so I better make the best of today...
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Welcome and so glad you have chosen to live. When food no longer works to numb your feelings, you have to do something different.
  • sosure77
    Health-wise, I have had many wake up calls like high blood pressure, Borderline Sugar & Cholesterol but they never fazed me. It didn't bother me that I was morbidly obese or that I am carrying a significant health risk . When i think about it now, I was just trying to be ignorant, turn a blind eye as i knew that getting fit was a challenge and it was journey that i was not ready to take.

    I love my kids, they are the world to me. Emotionally i had never felt so low as the day when i was not able to participate with my 4 year old at his sports meet while the other dads could do so. They disappointment i saw in his eyes was my ultimate wakeup call.

    I have been letting myself down all this time but I will not let my son down.

    I am exercising now, watching what i eat and i can see improvement :happy:

    Here is hoping that it continues :smile:
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    While I am sure that was a painful moment, I am glad it happened now, when your child is 4 so you have the chance to change things. Good luck! Be sure to include physical activities and healthy foods with him.
  • forgivensins
    forgivensins Posts: 90 Member
    Guess I had a few of these. First it was hard to walk a few blocks AND up stairs to a classroom, then after that it was being unable to walk a block or two with the dog at a normal pace without back and feet pain, and I guess the third thing is that the physical inability combined with the way I fit into my clothes really started making me feel weird. I like feeling like I can DO stuff, like I'm capable, and there are so many things I'd DO if I wasn't as big as I currently am and those things are my real wake-up call, because they call to me all the time and now it's just a matter of WHEN and not IF.
  • chilly1470
    chilly1470 Posts: 178 Member
    First I want to say I appreciate how you follow up on your post, answering and commenting. Most just post and never really go back and check it or comment. So, I will open up to you. It all comes down to one day I had been hanging my hat on surgery. It seemed any easy fix so I would do it. All the other easy fixes never FIXED anything, and I mean fad diets. I had been dabbling with them for 30 years! My doctor would not refer me for surgery because he did not believe in it. I really didn't want it either and was leery of being cut open and altered. Long story short, I called the clinic directly and was told this and that, and all the hoops I would have to jump through and the kicker, I needed a medical line of progression in my files showing I had tried dieting, my doctor following my progress, etc to be approved. I broke down at this point with my wife present and she hugged me and told me about a lady at her work her was on MFP and doing well. I loathed counting calories, as I had seen my mom suffer for years eating 800-1000 calorie diets. I never knew about BMR, and the like. So I got the app and put in my info and was pleasantly surprised what I would be able to eat when in started, which was around 2900 daily. I could do that! And I have been, for 3 months with 36 pounds lost. The best and most evenly I have ever done and kept off. There is my story.
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    First, to forgivensins, so sorry I didn't see your response before today. I thank you for sharing. It seems as if you are very aware of how your weight is limiting your life and you aren't okay with it anymore. Yep, sounds like an EpiphaMe. I hope that you can soon enjoy those walks with your dog and feel comfortable wearing your clothes. Those are just such simple yet important aspects of our lives and you deserve to enjoy them just as much as the next person. Good luck!