Re-motivate Monday 8/18.

13Strong Posts: 502 Member

How'd last week go?
What's the goal for this week?
What motivates you not to give up or give in?

And of course, check in. Monday is a day too. :)


  • LisaBear1986
    LisaBear1986 Posts: 85 Member
    Last week came and went, and what's sad is I don't even know how it went lol

    My goal this week: Because I fell off the exercise wagon a few weeks ago and I still haven't jumped back on, I'm aiming for 20 minutes of exercise x 3 this week. It isn't much, but it's at least a starting point. At least I have a plan.

    I'm covered in mosquito bites. Ugh!! Ahh!! I itch everywhere. Benadryl cream is my friend today.

    Happy Monday to all.

    I am soooooooo sleepy today.
  • texasbeu2y
    texasbeu2y Posts: 95 Member
    If I could eat like I ate last week, I'd be on my way to competing in a bodybuilding show! I did very good getting my protein and keeping my carbs low. I was sick last week, but now my appetite is back and it's raging! I met my goal to lift more weights and cut down on the cardio. This week will be challenging because my appetite is back in full force.

    Exercise: I didn't log it but I worked out yesterday and my legs need a rest. Thus, today I will rest.
    Food: coffee, protein pancakes, naked chicken tenders, mixed green salad with a bit of shredded cheese, and shredz protein.
    Water: well I didn't start early enough so I will probably only get 3 liters in.

    Goals: keep eating like I'm sick! Lol.....stick to the foods I have prepped.....soup....naked chicken tenders, salad, and whey protein.
  • rcksiren21
    rcksiren21 Posts: 23 Member
    Fell of the Exercise wagon too, so that is my goal at least 3x this week for 30 minutes. My other goal this week is to try and meet my water goal every day since I don't even think I have had a total of 64 oz in the last 4 days. Re-Motivate is the word this week.
  • Last week was kind of discouraging. I kept track of my calories and exercised my butt off, but feel like the scale is not reflecting that hard work. It appears maybe I have hit a plateau. I added weekend classes at the gym to push past it. If I don't see some movement by Thursday's weigh in, I am going to schedule some time to meet with a nutritionist to go over my food diary.

    My goals for this week include making sure I eat at least 3 times a day and having a protein/whey shake after heavy workouts.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • wvukp
    wvukp Posts: 22
    Last week went ok for me. I had a few days that I didn't eat as well as I could have but I did stick to my gym goals. I also added a few groups here on mfp which I'm hoping will help me keep motivated and accountable as I transition back into working this week.

    My goals are staying mostly the same as they've been the last two weeks (5 hrs cardio, 3 hours weights) but I am adding a few yoga stretching you tube videos into my goal because I'm starting to feel stiff.

    My biggest motivator right now is seeing the clothes hanging in my clothes that I could wear at this time last year that no longer fit after stress eating through my entire first year of my grown up job.
  • So last week was a somewhat lazy week. I walked some and didn't do a any running. So what do I do Saturday morning, run a 10k that I had signed up to do 3 months ago. Never do that again. (Run without properly training for it. If I sign up for a running event I'm going to train til it's over). My quads hurt that day and all day yesterday. Ran 3 miles this morning, that was rough, but I think it helped. Think I'll rest them again tomorrow (meaning walk don't run). Next week, I'm going to start doing P90X3. We'll see how that goes.

    This weeks goals: implement tips I learned while doing Weight Watchers. It is a good program. Lost 40 pounds. (I had a great leader, who has since retired from WW.) With any weight loss plan, though, one needs determination. My Fitness Pal is very similar, except here calories are counted. I still count my points, I include calories.
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    Last week went pretty good for me. I did yoga mon-thurs, ran on Tuesday n Thursday, got my steps in through fri. Water n food/tracking have been good till the weekend. The weekend had been hard cuz I'm out of town n won't be back till Tuesday evening. I'm at the mercy of other people so I can only do what I can.

    This week is gonna be a late start for me, I'm gonna stick to tracking and I'll run on wed n fri. Next weekend I'm working double shifts on sat n sun so prolly no exercise there. I will get some yoga in too.

    Have a happy week everyone! We can do this!!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    It's 1:40pm and only drank 12oz so far. (Bad!)

    Last week - Did OK. Again Monday - Thursday, not bad, Friday and Saturday not nearly as good, and Sunday OK. I see a pattern here with this!

    To stay motivated, I find other people with similar goals or who are working on a goal. Seeing others push through inspires me, and I push through to help others so it's a positive spiral for me. So... I'm very thankful for everyone posting regularly here!

    This week.
    - 20 squats, everyday!
    - Stretch for at least 5 minutes everyday
    - Post all my meals here, so if dinner is TBD, I need to come back and say what it was. :)
  • GMStb10
    GMStb10 Posts: 158 Member
    After my weekend food treats re-motivate monday is so right.

    This week I intend to drink 2 litres of water daily. Strength training daily, yoga x2 and cardio x2. And lastly treat myself with non food treats.
  • Happy Monday! Last week was ok for me, it was a little better than the week before so at the very least I'm making progress. I was good about logging my food all week, except for Friday when I cheated (A LOT).

    This week I'm changing my goals a bit. I'm changing my number of workouts from 3-4 days a week to 5 days (Monday through Friday). I also want to control my sodium intake. I've noticed I'm over my sodium allowance almost every day because I LOVE salty food.

    What motivates me changes almost daily. Sometimes I'm motivated by recent weight loss, sometimes I'm motivated by stress and I'll just have to get a good workout in to relieve frustration. Also FOOD is a big motivator for me lol, the more I workout, the less guilty I feel about eating things I enjoy (within reason of course). I also remind myself that I NEVER want to go through back surgery EVER again. It was the absolute worst time of my life and the only way to avoid that hell again is to stay healthy. I'll never take for granted the ability to walk, run or even something as simple as being able to get up and go to the bathroom without help. I still have my wheelchair and every time I look at it I shudder, but then I feel good about myself that I survived it and I've come a looooong way. On days when I'm feeling less motivated I just tell myself to get it over with and before I know it I'm already doing more than I expected.

    Good luck this week everyone:happy:
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Food for yesterday.
    Breakfast - 1 egg, 1 piece of bacon, 3tbs egg whites
    Lunch - Rolls, Ham & cheese - 1 fiber bar, 1 banana, 1 cup of grapes
    Afternoon snack - 1 cup popcorn
    Dinner - 1.5 brats, 2 servings chips, 1/4 cup beans, 1 apple ale.

    Water - ONLY 30oz (very bad)

    Went over on calories by 430 (total 1810)

    Completed my 20 squats for the day.