August Challenge Sat Aug 16th to Fri Aug 22



  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Quick check in. Hubby and I are enjoying an early dinner after hiking to the peak of Mt Edith... Just a mere 9400+ feet at the peak!
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    Hope all goes well and they get the fire under control Mark. I was lucky enough to find a sight that once I gave them a few names they linked me in with the rest of the Broyles and I have my family history clear back to Germany 1600s. It's interesting to be able to look back and see where and who you came from.
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    Thanks John I appreciate the support.
  • GoodDaytoYou
    GoodDaytoYou Posts: 53 Member
    I'm back from camp trip. Pretty beautiful area. I am tired though and can't wait to sleep in a real bed. My team took 1st place in the Beerolympics. Managed to stay active. Most of the events required physical activity and beer was optional but of course I had some.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Happy Monday Folks! Hope all is well with all of you.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Was wondering how you guys view your food intake. Do you look at what you eat and make a conscious decision about the emotional or psyc benefits of your meal?, or just go for it and beat yourself up, or congratulate yourself later? How much do you think about food when you're doing other stuff?

    Good questions!

    I try to think before eat... make sure I'm truly hungry, that I eat something that will not only fill me up but satisfy me, and fits into my meal plan.

    Noticed I said "try" because lately I've been having a great many internal arguments where I know I shouldn't eat something (because it will cause an eating binge, won't be filling, and I'll beat myself up for it later), but I eat it anyway and then feel bad both emotionally and physically.

    As for how much I think about food... well, I'm awake for about 16 hours during the day... so I probably think about food for 15 to 15 1/2 hours a day! (And man, I wish I was kidding... :ohwell: )
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Howie - You are in a tough fight and I salute you. For me, the background of hunger and craving faded away when I did a whole 30 challenge and totally eliminated sugar, grains, dairy, and legumes for a month. I had already lost 70lbs but did not really have control of my hunger) I followed the process in the Book "IT Starts With Food" Highly recommend it though I couldn't promise it would have the same effect for you. Keep in the fight though, it really is life or death for all of us.

    I just started reading this book. I am hoping to try the Whole 30 at some point, but for now my husband and I are doing the "Practical Paleo" 30 day fat loss menu. Very similar, I think. No grains, very little sugar (the occasional apple, orange, or organic maple syrup to be added to a recipe), no diary or legumes. Wish I could say I've stuck to it (see previous post LOL), but when I have, I've felt great and lost weight. But my sugar/carb addiction is pretty damn strong, so it's difficult for me to stick with it for days at a time. But I figure I will just keep working at it and eventually I will get to the point that those foods no longer have a hold over me.

    Howie - some other good books to read... The Calorie Myth, Practical Paleo, and Eat the Yolks. My husband has been reading the Primal Blueprint and getting a lot of good information from that. Basically all these books talk about the same thing... eat natural, properly raised foods, and stay away from processed foods. All the books (I believe) give the reasons and explanations as to why it's so hard for people to get away from the processed foods...
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    Thanks for the advise but with me it's not just cravings for the processed food. I over indulge on the good stuff too. It's the feeling I get when eating and stuffing myself, I don't know it's hard to explain.

    I did a lot better this weekend. I just had my one dinner treat night on Friday and was pretty decent the rest of the weekend.
  • markd_cronenwett
    markd_cronenwett Posts: 150 Member
    Monday morning folks! Not really much to report or say. We seem to have dodged a forest fire by our place, so that is a plus, but has nothing to do with food :D
  • MarkMcElvy
    MarkMcElvy Posts: 68 Member
    Morning Monday. Did wire a bit of walking this weekend. Did ok with the diet. Mainly having motivation issues, but what's new.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Monday....finally got out on the bike a bit yesterday. Miss the dirt.

    I'll add Jason Seib's "Paleo Coach" to Stacy's list. I'd read all the others she listed and flirted around with paleo/primal concepts for a couple years. Jason's book really hit a nerve last fall. The realization I have to stop looking at this all as a " diet" and instead get everything in line into an overall sustainable lifestyle. Not really sure why that one did it.

    I also love that super full feeling. And get it often at dinner but only eat two meals most days and little snacking (yesterday I did eat post ride), and most nights I eat some berries before bed. For me the key is high fat, moderate proteins, lowish carbs ( not ultra low) I do 75-100 grams a dat often - but primarily in evening. It's kinda amazing how similar my macros are day in and day our without trying. Most days I'm about 65% calories from fat! remainder evenly split protein carbs- regardless of total calories. My current fasting blood sugar is in the low to mid 70s. I think that's the critical piece to getting rid of cravings and being able to eat intuitively - blood sugar below 80. Sarah Gottfired talks quite a bit about that lower range. I'm hearing Mark Sissin also recommend.
  • angelaneale
    angelaneale Posts: 102 Member
    I've read all the books previously mentioned except for Jason's book. I do listen to their podcasts and was a member of their online training group at one time though. I just refused to buy another "paleo" book. :) Good info in all of those books and the websites/podcasts of the writers. I just read Keto Clarity and have been eating HCLF (moderate protein) and I've been testing my blood sugar. I haven't felt ravenous at all and have been eating two meals a day (weekdays) and on the weekend I had three a day. My fasting blood sugar started at 107 and 108 consecutively and now is in the 90's. I hope to get to better numbers after a few weeks. My lowest fasting blood sugar was 87 yesterday morning and that's after drinking rum and beer most of Saturday. I find it all interesting and look forward to learning more about all my body's reaction to the things I eat/drink and to exercise. I also ordered the Ketonix breath ketone analyzer and look forward to tracking that.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    John, for my day to day food, I eat what i like that fits my macros. I eat Spam and I actually like it. *gasp* I don't view food as "bad" or "good" I think people get into trouble if they view food in that sense. I try not to reward myself with food either because I do not want to attach an emotion to a food. I used to do that a lot but I've learned over the years not to. I still enjoy food and I LOVE good food and trying different cuisine but food is not a barometer for my happiness. I still get cravings but I try my best to curb that.
    For my carb nite I just eat lots of high carb stuff. I don't find it very difficult to stick to the Carb Nite food choices. I though his food choices are pretty common and nothing fancy. I try to good quality or ethical food as much as possible. For example if I'm shopping for eggs and one is organic and the other is humane certified I would choose the latter. Yes I eat spam and I am under no delusion as to how our meat is raised and harvested but I also buy half pastured lambs and pig and use every part of the animal. I have my own vegetable garden and when I do buy produce i usually buy it at my farmer's market. I think I'm striking the best balance on nutrition and animal welfare I can based on my circumstance and that's good enough for me now.:smile:

    I am still trying to figure out my calorie consumption and its very frustrating and a little scary but I will get there.
  • GoodDaytoYou
    GoodDaytoYou Posts: 53 Member
    Good to catch up on everyone's posts. Yep, I ate Chipotle and I'm feeling that full feeling you guys are talking about right about now. At night I especially want to feel full and have treats. I will even wake up in the night and rip through the kitchen and eat up my husband's treats! I keep telling him to hide them, because I cannot control myself in that state, lol.

    Thanks for not marking me absent, Howie! And Stacy the Beerolympics main events were beersbee, bocce ball, beer pong, battle shots (giant battle ship) and relay race.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Almost forgot Monday. ... been one of those weeks
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Have a Terrific Tuesday Folks!

    Not a much time this morning thanks all for the great replies to my earlier question, it's very interesting to see how diverse we are within the same like minded goals. Yet have some very common 'Mental Macros' .Keep on Jammin'!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    I've read all the books previously mentioned except for Jason's book. I do listen to their podcasts and was a member of their online training group at one time though. I just refused to buy another "paleo" book. :) Good info in all of those books and the websites/podcasts of the writers. I just read Keto Clarity and have been eating HCLF (moderate protein) and I've been testing my blood sugar. I haven't felt ravenous at all and have been eating two meals a day (weekdays) and on the weekend I had three a day. My fasting blood sugar started at 107 and 108 consecutively and now is in the 90's. I hope to get to better numbers after a few weeks. My lowest fasting blood sugar was 87 yesterday morning and that's after drinking rum and beer most of Saturday. I find it all interesting and look forward to learning more about all my body's reaction to the things I eat/drink and to exercise. I also ordered the Ketonix breath ketone analyzer and look forward to tracking that.

    Concur with all the above still working on the fasting blood sugar and just got Keto Clarity. See how it works out for me my typical Macros run in the 30 % ranges. With carbs generally 100-150G (about .5 - .7 g per lb of Body weight) See how it all rolls out.
  • MarkMcElvy
    MarkMcElvy Posts: 68 Member
    Morning Tuesday. Whats gets you motivated to exercise? I started out riding my bike with my son but have not been doing that lately. I find it very easy to let 'life' stop me.
  • howie6267
    howie6267 Posts: 327 Member
    Good morning all! Things are going really well for me this week and I am down 1lb already so I'm hoping for 3 by Friday. It's been nice having the group so active. I still wish they had email notifications for post, that is pretty basic.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Tuesday. Angela posted yesterday about a 30 day flute challenge from Brett Contreas ( Figured what the heck I'm always trying to build up a round butt. Started this morning. I like his work. But already wondering what those final days with over 200 squats will be like ????