Thirsty Wednesday 8/20

13Strong Posts: 502 Member
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!


How are you feeling today? Physically, mentally, emotionally?

Check in-


  • texasbeu2y
    texasbeu2y Posts: 95 Member
    Took a few days off. I'm back and feel good. Finally bought a scale ready to take my body to the next level.

    Water: 1 also helps my hair grow

    Food: protein wasted today...naked chicken tenders and salad, whey protein, grapes, banana.

    Exercise: at the gym now! Cardio and supersets
  • LisaBear1986
    LisaBear1986 Posts: 85 Member
    Got up this AM and found some deliciously glazed doughnuts sitting on the counter, just sitting there waiting for me to devour not one, but two...and they smell and look like Heaven. mmmmm. BUT I'm not going to eat it. Ha Ha Haaaaaa!

    Water: Not a problem...
    Food: I've been slacking when it comes to figuring out what I'm going to be eating for the day.
    Exercise: I don't wanna talk about it lol
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    I hurt. Spent yesterday in a confined space crawling around (well wiggling), going up tiny ladders to get to tiny levels, and then put a wrench to bolts. I think I have at least 6 bruises on every part of my body. So sore and I'm counting it as exercise!

    Breakfast - 1 egg, 3tbs egg whites, 1/2 piece of bacon
    Lunch - 1 brat, 2 pieces of bread, 1 cup grapes, 1 banana, maybe a fiber one bar if I remembered it...
    Dinner - Probably soup or something frozen.

    Water. I've been up since 4:30 and have only had a few oz - so again, not going well!

    Exercise - Whatever they put me through at work. Honestly with how I'm feeling, I want a rest day - but... that may or may not happen.
  • I met with a nutritionist yesterday and she agreed that I am not eating enough calories. So time to bump it up! My metabolism is slowing down and I need it to jump into hypergear!

    Breakfast - Morningstar Vegetarian sausage, Egg, and Cheese muffin
    Lunch - Morningstar Vegetarian Buffalo Chicken patty; 1/2 a whole wheat sandwich thin; Broccoli with cheese sauce
    Dinner - Haven't gotten that far yet :)
    Snack-Protein Shake with strawberries and a side of blueberries

    Water: Not a problem

    Exercise - I spent an hour and a half at the gym this morning. Burned 722 calories.
  • GMStb10
    GMStb10 Posts: 158 Member
    Complete oops day.

    I've had a lovely day, family celebration but as far as goals are concerned- it was a home goal: completely counter productive. Tomorrow is a new day.
  • wvukp
    wvukp Posts: 22
    Food and Exercise - I went back to work today which means lots of goodies all around me. I didn't do amazing avoiding the temptations, but I did make better choices then I would have this time last year. Just one bit size snickers (despite the bowls of candy everywhere!) and just 1/4 of a chocolate chip muffin. I also went to the gym after work which I'm proud of because I really really didn't want to... after having to wake up to an alarm this morning for the first time in over two months, all I wanted to do was nap!

    Water - The last few days my water hasn't been great, I've gotten 8 or so glasses but really feel better when I drink at least 12 to 16.

    I've done 20 mins of yoga for stretching (just random youtube videos) a few times this week and I think its really helping my body not feel as sore/tight from all the gym time.