Thankful Thursday 8/21

13Strong Posts: 502 Member

Our lives can change by our own power, through others, and outside of that. Be thankful for the here and now and that we all get a choice to choose- for not all do.

Check in.
Your thanks for the day,


  • LisaBear1986
    LisaBear1986 Posts: 85 Member
    I am so very thankful for my mom. She is aaaaaaaaaalways there for me, no matter what. I try my best to be there as much as I possibly can for me kids, and I know they are still very young, but I sure as heck hope I am half the mom my mom is to me.

    Made some cute little burritos with corn tortillas and ground turkey...gonna be delish!
    Water hasn't been a problem. I will get at least 8 glasses in me today.

    Glad it's already Thursday. I'm ready for another couple days off of work.
  • RachelWithoutAPaddle
    Your thanks for the day: Today I am thankful for my health! Every time I see my doctors, I'm reminded of just how sick I was and just how lucky I am to be here.
    Food: Yesterday went really well! Under my calorie goals for the first time in a long time! Still snacked a little more than I like, but it's all good!
    Water: I got in like 6 cups, so I'm getting there!
    Exercise: I went to my first dedicated MMA group class yesterday "Weapons Wednesday." It was hard but a lot of fun (I went because we started using kali sticks at kickboxing and I didn't get them, so I want to figure it out! haha) Then went home and wrote my feelings all over my punching bag. Really feeling it today. I'm running after work.
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    “There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realize there is so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on.”

    Yesterday was a crazy day back to work for me. I never got a chance to check in with everyone but I tracked, was under cal's and drank some water but no exercise. I headed to the grocery store to stock up on stuff.

    Today is less crazy but still catching up. I am doing a vegetarian diet this week, so no meat for me. Let's see if I can make it till next Thursday.

    Breakfast was a blueberry yogurt smoothie, lunch is a greek egg salad and arugula, dinner is eggplant parmesean. Snack is chia seed pudding and almond, raisin, coconut trail mix.
  • krnorris28
    I am very thankful for my family. They have seen me at my very best....and at my very worst! Through it all, they have stood by me and are my never ending source of encouragement and support. I could never have made it this far in my lifestyle change journey without them

    Breakfast-GNC Protein shake and some strawberries
    Lunch-Veggie chicken patty; half a sandwich thin; broccoli
    Dinner-Will either be Mahi Mahi or a protein shake. I have to weigh in tonight.
    Snacks-Almonds; Post workout Shake with banana.

    Water-Not a problem
    Exercise-I have class tonight. Should be a tough one with weigh in tonight. Bring it on!
  • GMStb10
    GMStb10 Posts: 158 Member
    I am thankful that the rain stopped long enough for me to have a lovely walk on the beach. I'm thankful that it is school holidays and it's a bit more relaxed. And thankful for this group 2 weeks ago I was stuck self-sabotaging my own health dreams (I went on holiday beggining of July and since then could not focus and get back into healthy choices) now I have clear goals how to get there and positively making steps forward. Thank you.

    Food has been a good day, lots of healthy choices
    Water I did it, target met
    Exercise I so need a weapons Wednesday, sounds great fun. I am still feeling ill and exhausted, so just the hour walk and 15mins strength training.
  • texasbeu2y
    texasbeu2y Posts: 95 Member
    I am thankful for the call to come interview for a new job as a parole officer.

    Food: I had coffee, banana, protein shake, naked chicken tenders on top of salad with a little cheese and dressing. For dinner I had lean ground meat with taco seasoning jalapeños picante sauce and Tortilla chips. Snacked on ice cream too...Not a very healthy day.

    Exercise: none

    Water: 10 cups.

    Ugh I need a kick in the butt....I do good for a few days and then I slip up.
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    I'm 2 days behind. :(

    I'm thankful for family and friends. Even though it's hard with everyone having their own busy lives. We try to catch up and we remember reach other. That is so very good, especially since we are all long distances from each other these days.

    I don't remember Thursday's water. Exercise was at work - more stairs. I think I ate 400 calories over my 1250 goal which may end up ok...

    Eh. This week, not the greatest.