Meet and Greet



  • lielucas
    lielucas Posts: 11
    Hi everyone. My name is Leanne. I am 26 years old from Manitoba, Canada. I have been with my husband for nearly 10 years, married just over 2. We have two dogs who keep us fully entertained. I have been battling with weight gain over the last few years. Growing up I never felt overweight or unhealthy at all, and truly didn't pay any attention whatsoever to my weight as I felt fine! When I was 20 I started working in an administrative role which meant sitting at a desk all day. Over the next few years I noticed the weight was slowly creeping on. I was diagnosed with celiac disease just over 2 years ago and my weight has really jumped since then. As of two weeks ago I had reached my highest ever weight - 171lbs. I have since dropped down to 165 after eating well and exercising. I know most of that was likely water weight from my love of salty snacks and the rest of my journey won't be that easy. My ultimate goal is to reach 145lbs and then reevaluate from there.

    I look forward to chatting with you all during our journey. Feel free to add me :)
  • eoswald
    eoswald Posts: 9
    Hey all, names Ed.. from PA. Looking to lose about 25 pounds overall. Will settle for 20 though (bc I am planning to workout, so accounting for some muscle weight here).
  • GinNJuice75
    GinNJuice75 Posts: 186 Member
    Thanks for adding me. My name is Ginny and i am looking to lose 30lbs all together but 20 before Christmas would be great! No kids just furbabies. Currently not working due to back problems which limits my exercising. But i do what i can do. Lets bring it people and show our bodies who is boss!

    Feel free to add me as a friend as well, can use all the help i can get!
  • jc2334
    jc2334 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm Jim turning 40 this October. I've been on a mission past few months to lose weight, down 15lbs so far. I figured with some friends and support on here would help out even more. Looking to lose more than 20lbs but every pound counts so here I am.
  • Fasttrack2freedom
    Fasttrack2freedom Posts: 122 Member
    Hello all!

    Ive been around the MFP block a few times and honestly hate being gone. Well here i am back at it again and would love your help & support. Im going to try to lose 20 fast and then maybe another 10 by christmas. This is a great group, thanks for letting me on the team.

    Feel free to add me to your friends list.

  • MaddyT122
    MaddyT122 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi, I'm Maddy. I'm 46 and the mother of three furbabies. I was always skinny fat up until I hit 30 then I started gaining weight and could not keep it off. When I look in the mirror, I see a heavy person and I'm not sure where she came from. I finally got my eating under control thanks to this website and have started working out. I'm doing the C25k program as well as weight lifting. I have found some great advice here and am looking to find a group where we can support and motivate each other. Reading through al of these intros, it looks that I may have found it! :)
  • tilagarza
    tilagarza Posts: 35 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm Tila. I joined the group earlier this week. I'm looking to loose 20 lbs by Christmas. Please feel free to add me. I could use the motivation and group support. Thanks,
  • kaniob
    kaniob Posts: 363 Member
    Hey hey! I'm 25 and from MO, but currently living in Zambia as a Peace Corps volunteer. My first two years here, my weight went up and down (down in training when I was biking at least 16km a day, up when I started teaching and ate 2 kg of peanut butter in 2.5 months). I eventually evened out to a place where I was at least comfortable, if not happy (I weighed 82kg (180 lbs) in February).

    Now, I'm in my 3rd year as a volunteer and I've moved to town. I live in the place where all the other volunteers come to drink and make their comfort food that they miss from home and things that require electricity (anything baked, anything using foods that must be refrigerated like meat and cheese). It's always delicious and they always want someone to share their homecooked creation. So, I end up eating lots of mexican, pizza, lasagna, burgers, mac & cheese, bread, and cakes/cookies/brownies. Also, there's very little diet anything here - all the milk is whole, the bread white, the sugar real. All the food and booze plus a decrease in activity, since I don't have to bike everywhere anymore because I literally live in my office, has led to me hitting my heaviest weight - 92kg (202 lbs). I was doing well for a while, and lost 8 lbs using MFP and C25K, but then I went to home to America for a month and that went out the window. I'm right back up at 90kg (198 lbs).

    Ideally, I'd like to get my weight down to around 160 lbs so my BMI is well within the norm for my height. That's kind of a daunting goal for me though, since I've never really been one for dieting/tracking/anything. I usually just let what happens happen. But I want to be healthier and look better in my clothes, so I'm trying this again. Running every other day, walking as much as I can, trying to keep (honest) track of what I'm putting in my mouth, and figuring out what a portion size should actually be. It's tough, but I'm hoping that this smaller, short-term goal can help me out!
  • Pea1804
    Pea1804 Posts: 9
    Hi Everyone!

    What an awesome group, I'm back on MFP after a year away, and determined to get my fluctuating weight under control.

    Looking forward to cheering you all on, and getting rid of this 20lbs I dont need! :)
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Hello to all-
    I'm 47 and have been married 26 years and have two grown children- one still in college and one, well, she should be in college but she's not right now so we'll see where she ends up. Anyway, I was naturally thin growing up (yet in high school I was always trying to lose weight- and I only weighed 117!). Anyway after two pregnancies I was back down to 125-130 and kept it there for a while, but about 16 years ago my thyroid started acting weird and they had to put me on synthroid. So just age and adjusting my thyroid medication, plus just the business of life and eating too much fast food I put on weight a little at a time until I realized I was around 160. That was 8 years ago- I lost over 20 pounds one summer doing mainly the Hilton Head Metabolism Diet, which is very very low calorie but it worked and I did keep most of it off for a few years, and then slowly but surely it crept back on again along with more pounds.

    I have tried MFP a few times in the past but have never been able to make it stick for very long because I just get tired of logging every single thing. I would almost rather someone just give me a menu and be done, but I know that's not realistic in the long run. So it will say on my ticker that I haven't lost any weight, but I think that's because I'm still on my old account that I started two years ago. This past July I finally stepped on the scale and when it said 180 I knew it was time to get serious again. My goal is to lose 20 by the holidays, maintain through the holidays because you know there will be food everywhere, and then 20 more pounds starting in January. That would be down to 140 but if I get ambitious I would like to say 130. I don't want to get too hung up on scale numbers, but more about how I feel and how my clothes fit (another motivator). Two other things that motivate me are my parents - my mother is very heavy (yet grew up very thin like me) and now she has very bad arthritis in her knees and is always in a lot of pain, and my dad just had open heart surgery about two years ago.

    My daughter is really into the body positive movement, which the theme is to love yourself no matter what your size and to just accept yourself so I'm working on that too, but again it's not about the sizes we wear or the numbers on the scale, it's how we feel when we eat healthy and exercise. Oh and I'm trying to exercise more- my husband and I now have recumbents- he has a bike and I have a trike and we hope to go on some tours before the weather gets bad. After the weather turns I like to do yoga and even some zumba, but I need to make the commitment to go. My husband was an athlete in college and he could use this program, which I've tried to get him to do, but he has absolutely no patience for the tiny details that comes with logging all of your food, so maybe just with me making low calorie meals and buying low calorie foods that will help him, because he has said he wants to lose some weight.

    Good luck to everyone and here's to a happy and healthy lifestyle and a very positive body image- no matter where you are in your journey!!
  • icupkn3
    icupkn3 Posts: 39
    Hello all,

    Steve from Aurora Colorado here. New to the group and about 12 days on MFP. I find all the support and motivation to be simply awesome. I'm looking forward to losing this 20 pounds by Christmas. I have more to go but 20 pounds by Christmas is a reasonable short term goal.
  • Jenn316
    Jenn316 Posts: 21
    Hello. I have been on here on and off - more off for a couple of years and honestly when I log and eat right I do so so much better. So I am hoping a challenge will help me stay focused. I am 48 and got remarried last year and have gained 30 pounds! ICK. My husband and I decided we needed to make a change and we are going to run the Turkey trot in 3 months. So I downloaded a "plan to be able to run 2 miles in 8 weeks. I am a great starter and I don't do bad for a minute but it is finishing I have a problem with so i HOPE being accountable on here will motivate me.
    Thanks for having me.
  • doctorregenerated
    doctorregenerated Posts: 188 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Looking forward to being 20 pounds lighter on my feet by Christmas! There is a particular Christmas party that I was too hesitant to go to last year (my husband's work party) because I didn't want his coworkers to see a big wife, but now I already feel more confident and excited to go this year!
    I live in NY, mom of a 6 and a 7 year old. This summer has been both wonderful because I've been with them (I was laid off in May) and also a bit stressful because they are sometimes a bit challenging!
    I just got a new job - I'm leaving my past career in computer support and becoming a music teacher for an elementary school. I'm very stressed over that right now because the school has not really given me much direction as to what I will be teaching yet, (lesson plan books, ect) but I am excited never the less. :)
    I lost weight once before, going from 180 to 132 (I'm 5'2'') but I gained most of it back after a molar pregnancy 3 years ago. Since I found MFP, I have logged in religiously and it has pretty much replaced Facebook. The support here is tremendous, and I just love it so much! It doesn't hurt that I've found a few crazy Dr Who fans like myself to chat with. :)
    Nice to meet you all. We can do this!!!
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm 26, boyfriend of almost 8 years, and 1 furbaby named Scout. Scout and I have started c25k, and we are on week 2! I was successful in losing 30lbs a year ago with MFP, but then I lost a lot of supportive friends on here, with people deactivating or changing goals. I like to do challenges because they keep me pushing. I think small goals are very important. My mom and I are currently keeping each other in line with losing weight and I hope this group will help me even more. I'm at my highest weight right now, and i'm starting to really hate the way that I look in all of my clothes. I'm starting a new job in a month and I'd like to look and feel better than I do now when I start.
  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    Hi, I'm Lezley, 37 years old. I have a bf for over a year. Fantastic guy, loves me and my curves but thinks I eat too much junk food. He has just the opposite issue. He's too skinny, so I feed him healthy home cooked meals to plump him up. He barely has an appetite, so wish that was my problem. I have always been overweight but not obese. These last 5 years I have been in the obese category and I'm sick of it. I have less energy, my joints hurt, and my stamina is slowing down. I sound like I'm an old lady. No more! This challenge came a great time. Let's go!
  • eomuno215in541
    eomuno215in541 Posts: 201 Member
    Hi, gang. Down 93 since Jan and not half finished. Bad knees. I'll take any motivation I can get. This group is great. To lose 20 before the holidays is smart! Write if you need anything. Please Friend me. Best luck to us all.
  • Berry9100
    HI Everyone,
    I joined MFP yesterday. I want to track what I'm putting in my body. I'm currently 187.5 and my goal is to get in the 150s. I'm a single Canadian woman. I've been following the Ideal Protein diet since 2014 and really enjoy it but it's not forever and that's why I want to start tracking. MFP is great for meeting like minded people. Please add my as a weight loss buddy. 20lbs by xmas sounds good to me!!
    Good Luck everyone,
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Christine. I'm 43, married with two teenage athletes. I've always struggled a bit with my weight, but after a knee injury 2 years ago, followed by a frozen shoulder 6 months later, I ended up putting on 20 pounds :(

    I have now mostly recovered, and it is time to take control and do something about the weight!

    I am going to use my starting weight from Aug 6 as my starting point for the challenge, as it was already running then, hope that's okay! I am down almost 5 pounds from then after a lot of time spent at the gym. I know myself, I can't give up eating completely, so I need to burn some extra calories :)
  • Kp203N
    Kp203N Posts: 22
    I am KP. I wanted to lose the weight that I've gained from being in college. I would like to lose the first 20 by next year so i really hope this is a goal I can stick to. It's tough when you are in college and the stress starts kicking in! lol. (I used to be KrisN30 on here but I deleted my account. i'm back on and want to get serious about the weight loss.)
  • irisheyes321
    irisheyes321 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    ,My Name is Liz and I am from Cork City in Ireland. I live with my fiancé and my best friend Billy who is starting Insanity next week.: :bigsmile:
    I started my MFB journey at the start of August and I wish I found this a lot sooner.I find it great to be able to log in what I have eaten during the day as I have been on a diet since as long as I remember but this time something just clicked.

    I am currently on my forth week of hip hop abs and I am starting rocking body on Monday.
    I don't go to the gym because I know I will get bored but I love dancing even though I have two left feet lol.

    I will be the big 40 next June so that's my motivation.We are planning a big party to celebrate with family and friends so I don't want to be hiding in a corner and running away from the camera all night as I usually do.

    I have a lot of weight to lose so I am giving my self smaller goals to keep my self motivated so I am looking forward to this challenge and the best of luck to everyone please feel free to add me :happy: