50 + and gaining where I never have before!

annemq22 Posts: 1 Member
Hi everyone. I am new to this group - new to any groups! I have half-heartedly logged in to myfitnesspal and recorded calories but not with any seriousness. Suddenly, I find myself with a round belly. I am 52 and in the past have only gained weight around my hips. I always had a slim waist. Also, before when I found myself with a few extra pounds, I would just incorporate exercise a few times a week and be fine - never had to restrict my food intake or choices. But not anymore! Now I am realizing that I need to be more disciplined.
I have been disciplined with food in other ways - I've been a vegetarian for 30 years and was a vegan for a few of those. But being vegetarian is easy for me. What is hard is not eating a lot of dairy (I love Mexican food!). And chocolate. And snacks at 10:00 at night.
I am very good at justifying things. Somehow, in the moment, it is ok for me to eat whatever I want because I had a long day or I feel grumpy or it's my birthday or it's a friend's birthday or it's a weekend or whatever the reason may be!
Somehow, although I have been aware that I am gaining weight for a year or so, suddenly feel shocked that I now weigh 20 pounds more than before.
I am glad to find this group of women who know the challenges in being this age. I am also going through hormonal changes. I am generally happy and positive. But every now and then....!


  • blue_turtle
    blue_turtle Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, and welcome to the group! I can relate to the challenges you've mentioned...Mexican food, late night snacking, CHOCOLATE (yum). I still have my favorites, but aim for moderation--and honestly logging my calories helps keep me headed in the right direction. Best of luck to you, and you're welcome to add me as a friend if you'd like :flowerforyou:
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Hello and welcome. I am 53, and was overweight for 16 years. Ever since my youngest son was born. I can't blame my pregnancies - I didn't gain much with those. I simply ate too much. I love to eat, and I did not say no to myself. I finally started saying no close to a year ago now. Eating less and exercising more really does work!

  • Connie7355
    Connie7355 Posts: 496 Member
    Hi there and welcome to the group! I'm 58 and have about 50-60 lbs to lose. Seems an impossible task some days. But Lisa is right, exercise and watching what you eat does work. I just found out I have Plantar Fasciitis so it's a challenge trying to walk anymore. Hoping it gets better soon! Good luck to you and feel free to add me as a friend if you want also!

  • suemichele
    suemichele Posts: 49 Member
    Welcome to the group! I am 56 and also like to snack late at night. I have a stressful job and sometimes don't sit down till 8 or so at night but that is no excuse so I have been trying to drink water instead of snacking and try to get some kind of exercise in everyday which also can be a challenge! Feel free to add me if you like!!

  • 3lilkids
    3lilkids Posts: 90 Member
    You are not alone. I have always been somewhat slender, and my core has not been much of an issue. I'm now going through the change, and have gained 35 lbs or more over the last year and a half. It amazes me how crudy I feel. My feet hurt, my knees hurt when I squat down, when I went for a walk last night I could feel the fat in my thighs, and I do not feel attractive when I look in the mirror. Quite depressing since I am only 5'3". Every time I think I have it together, I make excuses for myself. I just got off vacation, and it is time, again, to hit it hard. Back to the gym tomorrow, and counting calories faithfully. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • anglergirl3
    anglergirl3 Posts: 113 Member
    I too feel what you are going through, I am 52 years old, 5'8" and have always been on the thin side (around 135 or less), Since I started menopause around 45 I have gained about 30 lbs. I am 165 now, the heaviest I've ever been. Though I have been going to the gym religiously for well over a year, 3-weeks ago i put down the hammer to increase my gym visits to 5-days a week. I have been told that I am gaining muscle as I still wear the same size, but the scale just won't move. I'm in the process of trying different things every couple weeks to see how my body reacts.

    You are not alone. Please do friend me if you would like.
  • Janeam123
    Janeam123 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I am 51 and can relate to several of you.I've always been thin until the last year or so. I've put on 35 pounds and I feel miserable. We've had a lot of life changes - death of parents, empty nest, job stress, and so I keep making excuses for "when things settle down." But I need to stop making excuses and start today. I appreciate the encouragement of others who are struggling with the same change.
  • 3lilkids
    3lilkids Posts: 90 Member
    Went from a fit 49 year old to a 40 pound heavier, flabbier, 51 year old. I also lost my mom during this time, stressful job at times, and my youngest graduated high school in May. Also playing the change of life game (6 months with no cycle this time and whamo). After going on vacation in July, and looking at the pictures of this person I've become, it's time to make the serious change. Logging for near a month and dedicated to exercise, and I'm beginning to see some change. No intention of being the tiny gal I was, but would like to be healthy and feel good about myself. Feel free to friend me.
  • mcdowella2
    These stories are so familiar! The last two years my body has changed so much. I felt so healthy in my mid 40's, and now I am 20 pounds overweight and feel like a slug. I am restarting this again...Hopefully I can stay on track this time, although I have already made some bad choices today:( I have to jump in and stop making excuses and start taking control of things.
  • 3lilkids
    3lilkids Posts: 90 Member
    " I am restarting this again...Hopefully I can stay on track this time, although I have already made some bad choices today"

    Whatever you do, don't let today's mistakes take you down. Every day is a new day! Also, just because you eat one unhealthy thing in the morning, that doesn't mean you should just give up for the whole day. Look at your nutrition/net calories for the whole week, not just the day. I have good days and bad, but ultimately, if I don't give up, I stay ahead of the game.