One day, bay-beeee!

I made it an entire day without binging.

I'm totally celebrating!

I didn't excessive to death to make sure I had more calories.

I didn't go nuts trying to compensate for whatever crazy "missing out" emotion I have.

Sidetrack: There's a part of me that seems to feel like I'm missing out on something, or that everyone gets more and better than I do, if I don't eat a large portion of INSERT JUNK HERE.

I also didn't turn into shark-woman.

After dinner, I turn into a shark, mindlessly pacing back and forth between the office-kitchen-living room-kitchen-kitchen-kitchen-kitchen... and mindlessly eating everything. Every. Thing.

Didn't eat my emotions.

Last night I ate a good dinner.

I had some hot tea.

I had a reasonable dessert.

I read, watched television, and enjoyed the night.

That's a huge victory in my life, and I woke up feeling like I could slay dragons with a clothespin. INVINCIBLE!

Then I walked in the door at work and some well-meaning butthead brought in an enormous sheet cake for a staff of 20.

Someone give me a clothespin.

Here there be dragons!


  • Eeeee! Way to go :) I recognise those superhuman feelings when you manage a binge free day. Awesome job x

    And life has a way of bringing you sheet cakes when all you wanted was dragons....
  • JenH1550
    JenH1550 Posts: 46

    TWO days in a row without binging. If I make it through today ... not IF, WHEN I make it through today, I will have gone three full days without binging. In a row. That's the longest I will have gone without a binge since January.

    Today is the day. I will make it through today.



    HA HA!

    Actually, I take that back. Please universe, don't tempt me. Let there be no cake, no stress and no drama. Just a nice Friday in which I'm content with my food and proud of myself.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    That's wonderful! Make sure to update us after you make it through today. You're awesome!
  • Amazing! You're inspiring me today. After the worst binge ever yesterday, I've been doing really well. Was up late but had a normal lunch, and a couple of small snacks. Now planning a healthy dinner, a nice cup of tea and bed :)

    I hope I can make it one day binge free. It's been too damn long. I'm sure you can keep up your winning streak. I curse the cake-mongerers!
  • JenH1550
    JenH1550 Posts: 46
    Today is hard man.

    Today is draaagggin and I'm hungry.

    My last two-day bender in Little Debbie/Cereal/Peanut Butter/Eggo world set me up to want a lot of food and my body is starting to resist.

    It KNOWS that I can't make it this long without giving in.

    I prelogged most of my food for today, so I know what to expect and when.

    All I can think of is food. My stomach is growling.

    I set a timer and I'm literally just sitting at my desk, doing no work, reading success stories, chewing gum and drinking water.

    I can do this.

    I can do this.

    Lunch is 12 minutes away and it will be filling, healtful and satisfying.


    I can do this.

    (I might throat punch someone if any sweets show up in the break room. Today is hurting. )

    How are you guys doing?

    Battling_bing, keep hanging on — yesterday cannot matter. It just can't. So today you are kicking buns, and I'm so happy for you. It's a great feeling.

    Crepes, love your pic!
  • You can do it Jen :) How are things now? Does gum work for you? Sometimes it makes my stomach more unsettled so I want to eat more.... Drinking water is always a good plan though. Sometimes trying to do something active like a few stretches/squats/lunges re-energises me a bit and dampens the eating urge. Obviously at work you'd have to do that in the toilet though! Unless you don't mind funny looks :P

    I've just had dinner and it seems to have set off the food monster, but currently distracting myself with dvds, and completing my food diary on here. I'm going to manage this day however hard it is! Evening is my worst time though.

    Everyone has cute doggies!
  • JenH1550
    JenH1550 Posts: 46
    Yeah the after-dinner time. The Time of the Binge.

    Here is an 80s video to help bolster you during these dark moments.

    I'm holding on.

    The gum is 50-50, you know?

    Distracting myself is the key. An email, a text, typing, making a list... just anything that takes my attention.

    I've gotten NO work done, but I've done good sticking to my food.

    I have the before dinner gauntlet and the after dinner gauntlet to pass, and I'm feeling so much better.

    I had water, and a couple of cups of coffee. That helped a lot.

    Sending good vibes your way!

    One day at a time, right?!
  • Thanks for the good vibes...I did slip up after dinner as it turned out. But I stopped before it got too ridiculous, and even though I feel disappointed and too full, I did WAY better than yesterday. Here's to a better day tomorrow...

    Hope you're riding out those dinner cravings. It's hard to get anything done when you're fighting cravings! It's a full time job!
  • JenH1550
    JenH1550 Posts: 46
    Hey battling,

    GO YOU! A smaller binge is a really big deal, you know?

    You took control of it, and owned it.

    Any day where I go to bed not hating myself is a win.

    Day three of feeling emotions instead of eating them.

    I went to the high school football game because my kid is in the band, and I snuck in my own no-calorie tea and plain air-popped popcorn. Didn't go NEAR the snack stand.

    Managing cravings is exhausting. I thought about nothing but my next meal for a total of 10 hours. I set timers. Used two different phone aps. Haunted here and several other sites.

    I did nothing but protect today from a binge, and I'm tired.

    I will be going to bed soon, so I just have a little farther to go and it'll be three days in a row.

    Thanks for the support.

    I'll see you in the morning!

    Tomorrow is going to be a great day for us.
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    You're both doing amazing!!!
  • JenH1550
    JenH1550 Posts: 46


    I'm so happy I'm seriously tearing up.

    I went THREE DAYS.

    Read that: THREE DAYS without a binge.

    It's the first time this year I've done that.

    (Crap, I really am going to start weeping in a sec.)

    It's the first time in all of 2014 that I ate like a sane human three days in a row.

    It's the first time this year I went three days without hating myself for being disgusting, and weak, and greedy, and horrible.

    (And there go the waterworks.)

    Big deal for me.

    Thanks for being there.

    On to day 4!
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    Balloons, confetti, and a big-*kitten* smile :)

    You are kicking butt!!
  • zericaaaaa
    zericaaaaa Posts: 313 Member
    Today is hard man.

    Today is draaagggin and I'm hungry.

    My last two-day bender in Little Debbie/Cereal/Peanut Butter/Eggo world set me up to want a lot of food and my body is starting to resist.

    It KNOWS that I can't make it this long without giving in.

    I prelogged most of my food for today, so I know what to expect and when.

    All I can think of is food. My stomach is growling.

    I set a timer and I'm literally just sitting at my desk, doing no work, reading success stories, chewing gum and drinking water.

    I can do this.

    I can do this.

    Lunch is 12 minutes away and it will be filling, healtful and satisfying.


    I can do this.

    (I might throat punch someone if any sweets show up in the break room. Today is hurting. )

    How are you guys doing?

    Battling_bing, keep hanging on — yesterday cannot matter. It just can't. So today you are kicking buns, and I'm so happy for you. It's a great feeling.

    Crepes, love your pic!

    I love this!! this is exactly what I'm doing right now! work 8-5 today and I packed a lunch, wanted to eat it at 8:05 lol but so far I've only eaten the few snacks I brought along! still have a sandwich, pretzel thins, cheese AND a fiber one brownie! the waiting game is so hard lol
  • zericaaaaa
    zericaaaaa Posts: 313 Member
    p.s. a HUGE congrats on your 3 days binge free!!!! ah-freakin-mazing!!!!
  • layla_luvyah
    layla_luvyah Posts: 107 Member
    Way to go!!:flowerforyou:
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Hope today was a success!
  • JenH1550
    JenH1550 Posts: 46
    Yesterday I started to lose it.

    I had a granola bar... then some peanut butter... I had cookies...

    Then I stuffed gum in my mouth, drank water, popped plain hot air popcorn, made a cup of herbal tea and reigned it back in.

    I'd taught a class and taken a class so I had a lot of calories to eat back, which meant it was all OK . I didn't screw up and then give up and gorge.

    I. Felt. Like. A. Ninja.

    FOUR days in a row.

    I'm going to a birthday party for a friend's kid today.

    There will be cake. And food. And merriment.

    I'm worried, but I feel good. Being worried should keep me on my toes.

    How's everyone else doing this weekend?
  • JenH1550
    JenH1550 Posts: 46
    I have a new goal!

    Yesterday I stayed in calorie range but made some bad choices for food. I picked cake.


    Cake in any form has lots of fat and sugar though (sigh)

    I did make it all day without binging. So that's a world record.

    Five. Days.

    When I look at the reports for net calories for the week, I am almost to a place where the entire week is under that red line.

    That's my goal.

    Today and tomorrow binge free.

    I'm literally holding my breath. I think I can do this.
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    JenH you can do this! Rooting for ya. Keep writing back!
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    I'm so crazy proud of you! This is an amazing victory. Please let us know!