I am not sure what this is...
What does this mean exactly ?

Your BMI is: 22.7
Your BMR is: 1229
Your TDEE is: 1690 calories


  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    It is the amount they are estimating you will burn on an average day with your BMR and exercise or lifestyle factored into the equation. When you use TDEE for weight loss you don't "eat back" your exercise calories the way you would with MFP. The general setting is 20% calorie reduction for weight loss. You are very close to goal though, so 10% may be more appropriate for you. The TDEE will change based on your goals, if your goal is to build muscle and lose fat then you will be allowed more calories.
  • maria_antoinette
    maria_antoinette Posts: 239 Member
    Thank you for your reply... So according to this in order to maintain i can eat 1690 calories a day right ? according to some calculators.. i have 104 lbs. of lean muscle and 29 lbs. of fat ( 13 of which are necessary and the rest is extra )... at least thats what the calculator says.. and it sounds about right...

    everyone tells me i look young. so i am assuming its because of that extra 13 or so lbs. of fat... at this age if you lose too much weight, your skin can sag and age you.. so i am not looking to lose any more weight..... maybe 2-5 lbs.. but from everything i read, thats just dumb and my weight fluctuates daily so no point in having that as a goal...

    my new goal is working on maintenance and mental freedom from being constantly afraid to gain weight......

    “Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”
    ― Gautama Buddha
  • mandabrett
    mandabrett Posts: 139 Member
    Do you want to track calories for the rest of your life for maintenance? If not I would recommend you eat intuitively (listen to your body). If necessary you can track at the end of the day to see where you are as far as calories but don't focus your entire day around it. I believe it was JOnathon Bailor from the smarter science of slim who said "calories count, but I don't think you should count them". I guess what I am saying is that you want to create a lifestyle with maintenance, so your routines need to be something you can do for life. I don't know if you have noticed, but in general paleo/primal folks are not fans of putting a lot of focus on food quantity via counting calories. FOOD QUALITY is what it is all about! If you need to count please do so. Just be mindful of making a lifestyle.

    I hope this did not offend you because that was not my intention. It is just that getting to know your body is a huge part of what this lifestyle is about. In my experience that becomes cloudy when you live and die by a tracker and food scale.
  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    I agree totally with mandabrett, Paleo is not about counting and tracking and is more about striving to get your body, mind and spirit working together in harmony.

    That said, I think tracking in the early stages can be useful in understanding how the body works but it is important not to get to caught up in it all. I am tracking my food at the moment as I have lapsed badly into eating way too much as we have such an assortment of amazing food available and I am trying to find a healthy balance, and lets be honest here, I need to fit into my summer clothes. :glasses: