What's Your Healthy Food Crush?

Do you ever find a food that you eat once and fall in love with? You feel you could eat it every day! You look at it, and it looks back at you from the fridge saying "here I am! Come get me!"

My healthy food crush right now is a tie between microwave steam veggie medleys from Publix and lemon hummus.

What foods are you crushing on?


  • jess1jane
    jess1jane Posts: 176 Member
    I never thought I would like it, but it has grown on me and now I wish my mom would make me some everyday. But it's a meal replacement smoothie: kale, banana, peanut butter, blueberry smoothie. There a million different ways to tweak it, but it is surprisingly good
  • hzm0016
    hzm0016 Posts: 15
    Woah, that actually sounds SO GOOD!
    I had a kale smoothie at Tropical Smoothie the other day and it was delicious... and everything is better with peanut butter :)
  • Bizsharpe
    Bizsharpe Posts: 1 Member

    It's like natures healthy version of butter! I use it as a substitute for butter on toast and in delicious creamy fettuccine alfredo.
  • EFMcG
    EFMcG Posts: 23 Member
    I eat almonds and quest bars almost everyday.
  • osche731
    osche731 Posts: 213 Member
    Mine is tuna fish. I could eat it every day if it weren't so high in mercury.