Meet and Greet



  • Marie047
    Marie047 Posts: 240 Member
    Hi All,

    I am Marie, I live in Eastbourne East Sussex UK, I have a gorgeous but challenging nearly 4 year old daughter and an amazing fiancé. I want to lose the 20lbs before our target date but giving myself small targets to achieve this.

    My exercise programme is I have recently started half marathon training, cycling (I did the London-Brighton earlier this year) I am also par taking in the tough mudders training and also at the gym doing stronglifts and swimming.

    I get married in July next year so want to be near where I want to be by the end of December/January to go wedding dress shopping.
  • jmessina205
    jmessina205 Posts: 190 Member
    Hi Everyone!!

    I'm Jenna. I'm 25 years old and I live in a small town in Pennsylvania. I live with my amazing boyfriend and our cat. I've lost weight with MFP before, but went back to my old habits and when I started back in June was at my heaviest ever. I cant stand to see pictures of myself anymore and I know that I need to make a change for real this time. I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism, making my journey much harder. The weight goes on easy enough, but getting it off is another story. I need to make this change and get the weight off for my health, self confidence, relationship, and happieness.

    I joined this group for motivation, support, and a goal to look towards. Anyone who wants can add me as a friend is more then welcome to :smile: :happy:
  • jabarih
    jabarih Posts: 65 Member
    Hi! My name is Jay. I am 34 years old. I have been plateauing at about 215 pounds for about 2-3 years now. I want to get to 200 or below. I am married with 3 kids. My wife and I are competing to see who can lose the most weight by our anniversary. I am very competitive and I hate losing, ESPECIALLY to my wife.

    So help me to stay motivated. I need support. My weakness is WEEKENDS. I will do great during the weak and then it goes to hell on the weekends. I enjoy drinking while golfing which I think really hurts me. Please help me out guys!!
  • jk051861
    jk051861 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi and Hello!
    I'm 53 and a WW lifetimer. I held my weight at goal for 3 years, but this past year it has crept up 15 pounds. I don't understand blogging too much, so I will be learning how groups work as I go. I have wanted to get below 150 but the lowest I have acheived is 152. Hopefully, this challenge will give me the motivation and momentum to hit the magic 148. My biggest challenge is caring for my elderly mother. She lives with my sister and I go stay with her to give my sister a break. We are trying to get Mom to gain weight, so I eat like a fool when I am there, fried fish, french fries, pizza, etc. I have to get a handle on that situation. Feel free to friend me.
  • jeslynn24
    jeslynn24 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi all MFP friends...My name is Jessica and I'm from Florida. Married to my great hubby and we have 2 kiddos (13 y/o girl & 7 y/o boy). I need to get healthier in order to be around for my munchkins. Here's hoping and praying to fulfill my promise of a lesser and healthier me.
  • jlederman71
    jlederman71 Posts: 47 Member
    Hello everyone!
    I am 43... a mom of two sons (21 and 23) and a grandma of a beautiful baby boy, and just found out going to be a grandma of two! My oldest son is a US Marine, and he, my DIL and grandbaby are in Japan the next 3 years.
    My highest weight was 172 (I am only 4ft 11) and I am 10 pounds lighter than that now. I lost 15 pounds before my wedding which was May 17 of this year, but between the honeymoon, getting back to work, and my son and grandbaby leaving for Japan, I just stopped caring and 5 pounds creeped back up in just a month.

    I truly want to be healthy and comfortable in my own skin..
    Biggest motivator... being able to run around Disneyworld with my grandchildren when they are old enough to go... and being able to take advantage of the fact Im still VERY young ;)
  • michellewalker8866
    michellewalker8866 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Michelle. I have over 150 lbs. to lose. I started MFP back in December I was doing good and lost 25 Lbs. then family issues came up and I have gained those pounds back. I have had medical issues, but I can't use that as my excuse any more. I am a mother of 3 and grandmother of 3. I my children are 26, 15 and 13. I turned 48 this year. My mom died at the age of 68 due to complications of diabetes. As of date I don't have diabetes. When she died a lot of emotional things came to a head. When I would lose a pound it was like something I kept pushing down and not dealing with it came out. So, I know that my biggest problem is dealing with my troubles. I am ready to make myself healthy. I am learning that this weight no matter what is not coming off over night. When I saw this group I thought this will be great to continue with my journey. So, look forward to reading everyone's suggestions and experiences.
  • onelovejenn
    Hi. My name is Jenn. I'm 45 and live in Florida. I've been overweight all my life. Lost tons of weight and always put it right back on. I've recently ditched low carb and starting counting calories. I plan to start incorporating walking also. I have 100 lbs. to lose and need all the motivation I can get!
  • kooner2014
    kooner2014 Posts: 16 Member
    HI I am P K and I am 41 soon to be 42. I am married and father of two. This is the heaviest I have ever been and it is time for a change. I have tried to lose weight but can never seem to get any momentum. I am hoping this challenge will give me the push I need.

  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    Hello, everyone! I am MJ. I started off this year doing great, and I lost weight steadily until July. Then I got off track, gained some weight back, and am struggling right now to get back into my stride. I refuse to end this year still overweight!
  • mcn79
    mcn79 Posts: 112 Member
    Hi Guys! I just turned 35 this month. My fiance and I live in Kenosha, Wisconsin. My soon to be step-daughter lives with us part-time; we have shared custody and she's at our house every other week. Like many of you, I've also struggled with my weight my entire life. I've spent the last 8 years or so doing some serious work on the emotional root of my eating and also doing a lot of trial and error regarding what works for me food-wise. Two years ago I was at my highest weight - 292 - and I found MFP and got serious. I lost 32 lbs and had every intention of losing more and life got in the way. My fiance lost his job, his unemployment never came through, we were fighting for custody and we moved. Whew! I gained about 17 lbs back and I've been losing and gaining the same 7 lbs since then. We are getting married in just under 15 weeks - on December 6 - and I'm serious about dropping some of those lbs and most importantly - feeling better. My goal is 16.6 lbs by 12/5!
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    Hello! My name is Suzanne, I'm 22 years old, married to an awesome guy, and have a sweet 2 month old baby girl. I am currently a stay at home mom. Three months ago I was a court reporter and as exciting as that was, I don't intend to go back if I don't have to. :)

    I used to be a bean pole growing up until some crazy notion got into my head that I weighed too much (was at my now goal weight at the time). I became an emotional eater and I would eat when I was stressed, happy, sad, you name it and on came the pounds. I joined MFP when I was at my highest weight of 170 lbs. I lost 8 lbs then I got pregnant and gained about 50. The first 25 melted off pretty quickly after baby was born, but the second 25 refused to budge. I've lost 4 lbs since the beginning of August which puts me at 186 lbs. I am 5'7".

    My first goal weight is to reach 185 lbs, just a 5 lbs marker. Then I want to reach 184 lbs so I'll weigh less than my 6'7" husband. Then onto each 5 lbs increment after that. Ultimate goal weight is 135-140ish. Non scale victories to be achieved include me being able to fit my engagement ring back on my hand (was never able to remove the wedding band).

    My birthday is in December, nine days before Christmas, so it'd be cool to lose 20 lbs by then. :)
  • kitsune1989
    kitsune1989 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi. :) My name is Leah. Im 24 and mom to two beautiful boys (one 3 in october, the other 7 months). I have quite a few fitness goals I have been putting off mostly because I just didnt feel I would be able to do them. At this point in my life I know i have to at least try! My first two major goals are a forearm stand and my first marathon.

    My weight loss goals are mostly vanity admittedly, but I think it will benefit me in my confidence and speed. My birthday is also december 29 th and my mom is giving me a little clothing spree for it so thats a motivating factor as well. :)

    Im vegan for ethical reasons, but I loooove to cook. Feeding people is a passion of mine and portion control is not my strong suit. Working on that as well as getting plenty of exercise. Blogilates, running, yoga, belly dance, and kickboxing are what im rotating atm. Im starting at 136 and hoping to be 116 by christmas. :)
  • rmorrison01
    rmorrison01 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I am Robbi. I have been married for 5 yrs, and have 2 daughters, 6 and 3. They keep me busy between soccer and dance. I have used mfp before and hope to have the same success. I have never did a group before so i am excited for the support and results.
  • rayzee12
    Hi everyone I'm Brie. I'm 22 and I'm from Massachusetts. No kids, just a horse haha! I have multiple chronic illnesses that effect my muscles & joints, autonomic nervous system, and my stomach, so attempting to work out and exercise, along with finding a healthy way to eat that my stomach will tolerate is a challenge. But I'm determined to finally get my act together and really get motivated to try and find ways to exercise and eat healthy that are respecting my body and it's limits, but still getting some results and hopefully improving some of my symptoms a little bit by being more active.
  • Rhea_L
    Rhea_L Posts: 25 Member
    Hi All - I'm Rhea. 35. Single. Canadian. 50lbs from goal weight. I've been using MFP for ~7 months and have lost 30lbs so far :happy:

    Looking forward to the monthly Friday weigh-ins! Feel free to add me as a friend - love hearing everyone's progress
  • elevenbee
    elevenbee Posts: 43 Member
    Hi everyone; my name is Paolo and I've been on MFP since 2012.

    I'm 31, no kids, and I've been with my girlfriend for almost 2 years.

    I came on here after I gained a substantial amount of weight due to a thyroid disorder but I've stayed all this time to make sure I keep it off.

    I'm roughly 20 pounds from my new goal weight and thought this was the perfect group for that.

    Ultimately I'm trying to get down to a lighter running weight for a race on Jan. 11 so hopefully I make it.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • SharonBluntz
    SharonBluntz Posts: 82 Member
    Hello all!
    My name is Brittany and I'm 22. I joined MFP a couple years ago whenI lived in Alaska. I've typically struggled with weight my entire life and I'm motivated this time! I currently live in Minnesota and am motivated by my loving family. Ready to lose 22 pounds (or more) by Christmas! Good Luck everyone!
  • lizzawomp
    lizzawomp Posts: 7 Member
    Hello hello everyone! I'm Liz, 24, short, and from Minnesota, USA. I've struggled with weight for years, starting with an ED in high school that turned around and exploded into rapid weight gain in college after changing some medications. I've tried to lose since then and have been marginally successful, but nothing stuck long-term. I'd love to drop a trouser size or two by the new year so I can fit into all my cutest dresses again!
  • VegnStrong
    VegnStrong Posts: 27 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm Sophie, 44yrs. old , married 21 years to my wonderful supportive hubby we have two wonderful young adult children and 5 furbabies. :)
    My goal is to gain Muscle but i have to lose the weight first, this is a great challenge and very motivating. thanks for adding me.