Welcome to the group!



  • Hello Everyone,

    My name is Adrian and I am a nursing student. I plan to lose weight for my birthday and hopefully reach 152 by then.

    SW: 170
    CW: 164
    GW: 152

    I'll check in everyday. Thanks guys!
  • kelseyann92
    kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member
    Great to have you Adrian! That is so perfect to make a goal for your birthday! I work in the healthcare setting as well so we have that in common! I am excited to see your progress in September!
  • zgolub
    zgolub Posts: 90 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I am a 30 (soon to be 31 year old) mom of an 11 month old girl. I have been completely unable to lose the last 10lbs after having the baby. I had some issues with my thyroid, but that seems to be better now with medication. So there are no more excuses.

    I am a nurse and work the night shift, so finding time to work out (along with taking care of baby) is tough..but doable. Mostly I need to monitor and watch my calories.

    CW 159lbs
    GW 149lbs
    UGW 140lbs

    My baby's 1st birthday is October 3rd and I want to be close to pre-baby weight by her birthday party.
  • eslonlineteacherguy
    eslonlineteacherguy Posts: 67 Member
    Thank you for your kind welcome Kelseyann, and welcome to everyone else who has committed to achieving their goals. WE CAN AND WILL DO IT!!!!

  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 287 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm so glad to have found this group!

    My name is Andrea, and I am trying to lose the last 20 pounds. I've been bouncing 10 off and on for the last couple of years and I would like to finally get to my goal. I am married and I have a six year old son who just started playing football last week. I want to be the example of healthy living for him. I work full time at a pharmaceutical company and I am also working on my bachelor's degree in business management. I run and I am just starting PiYo to increase flexibility. Nutrition is definitely my downfall.

    CW - 189
    GW - 179
    UGW - 170
  • bridetobeMEC
    bridetobeMEC Posts: 17 Member
    Hey! I am a dental student and I am getting married in March. In general I am just trying to be healthier but I do want to tone and lose some weight for the big day. I have been participating in MFP for a while and working out daily and I haven't seen a huge change in my numbers but I am staying motivated.

    SW: 175
    CW: 170
    GW: 135

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • tams644
    tams644 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi everyone! 32 yr old Mom of 4 daughters ages 13, 8, 6 and 4, really looking forward to starting this new journey in my life and finally shedding all this baby weight.

    CW 168
    GW 145
  • aascobee
    aascobee Posts: 5 Member
    I am having a really hard time staying motivated and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. For an unknown reason I have a really hard time dropping weight. Despite transitioning into veganism and calorie counting I have a hard time losing any weight, I have been fluctuating 3-4 each week which I'm guessing is just water weight but no actual weight loss. Any motivation is welcomed. Good luck everyone.
    Sw 160
    Cw 156.5
    Gw 130
  • bridetobeMEC
    bridetobeMEC Posts: 17 Member
    I have been having the same problem! We can do this! I have been running and doing strength training with no real number results. I am just telling myself that this isn't about the numbers it is about the fact that I am being healthy. For the first month I figured out that I was not actually eating enough calories (and protein) to gain any muscle. I am still having a hard time only losing fat. If I lose weight I tend to lose fat and muscle so my BMI does not change very much. Do you follow macros on MFP?
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    Hi Happy to join the group looking for the motivation to lose 10 lbs. I started MFP in May and have not really been very successful loosing anything. I lost a few lbs while I was on vacation (maybe just water weight) but I was active everyday. Now I am back home and already seeing the scales go up again. I am getting used to logging in each day and will try to keep up on tracking calories I know that helps but I have struggled taking the time to do that. Leaning a lot and will do my best to loose the 10lbs and help motivate the group!

    CW 191.1
    GW 181
    UGW 125
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    I'm in!!!

    28 yr old
    5' 5"
    SW: 128
    GW: 115-120

    I am more trying to get toned then trying to lose weight. I am what everyone keeps calling "skinny fat"
    My arms are work, my thighs are fat, and my stomach has a pouch that needs to go away
  • sarahcscott3
    sarahcscott3 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi all! I'm Sarah. I work at a desk all day and combine that with some unhealthy fast food habits, the pounds have slowly crept up on me over the past 10 years. I enjoy walking and am going to start Couch to 5K on 9/1. I currently walk no less than 2.5 miles per day, but I also need to work in some strength and core training. If anyone has YouTube workout recommendations, send them my way! Looking forward to trying to shed some lbs. over the next month!

    31 years old
    SW: 197
    CW: 194
    GW: 150
    UGW: 140
  • eslonlineteacherguy
    eslonlineteacherguy Posts: 67 Member
    WELCOME EVERYONE! Looks like we all have something inspiring us to achieve our goal. Just a couple of thoughts I'd like to share to help me stay on track. As stupid as they might sound, they seem to work for me.

    * "Perfect practice makes perfect." When exercising, aim for perfect form rather than quantity.
    * "Always strive to go just a "little" further." Speaks for itself.
    * "Everything I do is done with the thought of burning more fat." I personally try and keep my core tightened throughout the day.

    Anyway, I'm sure you have your own motivators to keep you going, so KEEP GOING and results will soon add up (or down in our cases). Have a good rest and a greater day tomorrow!!

    P.S... Keep logging what you do EVERYDAY!!! ;-)
  • kelseyann92
    kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member
    Wow!!!!!! We really got some new folks overnight! Welcome to the group everyone!!! I am glad to see so many motivated people and I love reading everyone's stories! I am going to start a new thread as our first "check in". Since today was the official first day of our journey to lose 10 lbs! Feel free to post in the new thread about how your day was! And again welcome!!!
  • KarenOregon52
    KarenOregon52 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, I'd love to participate. I'm 52 and this is my first week with myfitnesspal. I'm happy to have found this group. I use my Fitbit to keep me motivated and increase my steps. I've held onto this weight for too long! Time to lose it.

    SW- 276
  • kelseyann92
    kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member
    Welcome to the group! This is a great way to start your journey on myfitnesspal :smile:
  • toothfairy79
    toothfairy79 Posts: 70 Member
    Hello everyone!! Just wondering if it's still ok to join.. how long ago did you all started the challenge??
  • kelseyann92
    kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member
    Hello everyone!! Just wondering if it's still ok to join.. how long ago did you all started the challenge??

    Of course it is! We are only 5 days in! Welcome :)
  • foomsy
    foomsy Posts: 222 Member
    Hello all i weigh in on Thursdays. So will give my stats on Thusday if thats ok.
  • foomsy
    foomsy Posts: 222 Member
    Hi all,
    CW: 190.4
    GW: 184.0 (1/10/14)

    Hopefully should be able to lose 6lbs by 1st October