Day 1 check in!

kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member
Hey everyone! I am so happy to see all of our new motivated members! I am going to make a new thread each day so we can all talk about our progress as a whole. By posting each day we will help to hold each other accountable and all stay motivated. So I will go first!

I had a really great day today! I stayed under my calorie goal for the day and I tried a new turkey meatloaf recipe I found on here and a 140 calorie mug cake recipe :wink: and as for exercise I had a really awesome workout with my boyfriend! We ran 1.5 miles around a lake and then did some partner pushups, squats, jumping jacks and mountain climbers! All in all it was a pretty good day! How about you?


  • mz_tashae_007
    mz_tashae_007 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi, I was thinking that it would be a good idea to start a google spreadsheet so that members could weigh I each week. It would help to keep us accountable
  • MichelleV1990
    MichelleV1990 Posts: 806 Member
    Hello, all!

    I had a really good first day! Was under my calorie goal, and still got to enjoy some sweet and salty trail mix. I enjoy salty things more than sweets, but that combination is so darn good! I discovered that I really shouldn't be reading other friends' food diaries in the evening because it makes me hungry at times. Oh, well, how am I going to offer extra support if I don't sneak a peek? :laugh:

    Hope everyone's day was a good one, and that you all stayed on target! :happy:
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 287 Member
    Yesterday was a fail. I did great all day, but between getting home from my sons football practice at 8:00 and not having groceries in the house we ended up eating fast food for dinner. But that was yesterday and I am already planning some crock pot meals for next week so we don't end up in the same boat.

    Here's to a fresh start today!
  • eslonlineteacherguy
    eslonlineteacherguy Posts: 67 Member
    Today was a recovery day for me, so no exercise. Let these weary bones rest a day. If I write in the past tense, it's because I'm in China which makes me a day ahead of most of you. Anyway, after a good night's rest, I'm ready to hit it again. HAVE A GREAT DAY EVERYONE!!!
  • tams644
    tams644 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi everybody, Had a great first day, stayed under my calorie goal. Feeling sore this morning means i just might be doing my workout right LOL :wink: I just started the 30 day shred on week 1 day 5 so far i like the dvd,
  • tams644
    tams644 Posts: 73 Member
    So glad to be apart of this group thank you for starting this :) it's so nice to have people we all can relate to and share the same goals with.
  • kelseyann92
    kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member
    Everyone seems like they are off to a great start! Just remember everyday is a new day! The mistakes you made yesterday in no way define how your day will be tomorrow. I am definitely willing to start a spreadsheet to keep track of weight if everyone would like that! We could just weigh in every Monday! Just let me know if you would like to be involved in that!! Everyone keep up the great work!

    I also have an idea that I think I am going to use and y'all or more than welcome to use as well! I think it would be so fun to take a "before" pic a we all start this challenge and then an "after" pic on October 1st! Then I could start a thread and we could all share our progress pictures! Your picture could be anything you like (your whole body, your face, you stomach etc!) Please let me know who else would like to join me in taking before/after pictures :happy:
  • billr9mm
    billr9mm Posts: 72 Member
    Well it would appear MFP is working as designed. I’m seeing allot of jogging and running being logged so I decided if I’m going to accomplish the goal of losing 10 LBS by October 1st I better step it up. I hate running but I understand it seems to be great as a weight loose tool. So I decided to do some jogging / walking last night. I took my dog for a walk earlier in the day so by late evening I was ready to go. I won’t bore everyone or embarrass myself with details of the run because it was a slow start but I did get about 30 minutes or run / walk in. To those logging running TY!! Because it appears to have got me movin!!
  • kelseyann92
    kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member
    That's great to hear Bill! I choose to run because I know it is hard for me to do! I feel that once I conquer running I can do anything! I am proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new! Way to go!
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    Have to say I was not looking forward to seeing Jullian yesterday which was Day 4 Level 1 for me. I am happy to say I did it and felt so much better I took a 2 mile walk afterward. Hoping it is getting easier and actually not dreading it so much today!:laugh:
  • kelseyann92
    kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member
    That is awesome! So proud of you for going above and beyond your scheduled workout!! Go you!
  • sarahcscott3
    sarahcscott3 Posts: 31 Member
    I had a great day yesterday! Was under my calorie goal and did 3.1 miles in under 45 minutes. I even ran some of it - about 3 minutes total, but it's a start. Starting Couch to 5K on Sunday.
  • kelseyann92
    kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member
    Sarah you are amazing! That is such a great accomplishment. I know several friends who have done couch to 5k and they loved it!
  • jazznesss
    jazznesss Posts: 21 Member
    My first day was a disaster, I didn't exercise at all :(

    Do you have access to community through MFP app on your phones?
  • billr9mm
    billr9mm Posts: 72 Member
    My first day was a disaster, I didn't exercise at all :(

    Do you have access to community through MFP app on your phones?

    I do not. I thought it was because I have a Windows phone and the apps pretty much suck. Are you using a Windows phone?
  • kelseyann92
    kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member
    My first day was a disaster, I didn't exercise at all :(

    Do you have access to community through MFP app on your phones?

    It's okay! Tomorrow is a new day! You can come back from this! You can only go up from here!
  • jazznesss
    jazznesss Posts: 21 Member
    My first day was a disaster, I didn't exercise at all :(

    Do you have access to community through MFP app on your phones?

    I do not. I thought it was because I have a Windows phone and the apps pretty much suck. Are you using a Windows phone?

    Hmm, no mine is iOS .. so I think the app is only designed to track food diary and some other related factors.
  • jazznesss
    jazznesss Posts: 21 Member
    My first day was a disaster, I didn't exercise at all :(

    Do you have access to community through MFP app on your phones?

    It's okay! Tomorrow is a new day! You can come back from this! You can only go up from here!

    :smile: :flowerforyou: