Day 5

Day 5 of MFP100: Feeling awesome because I ate a piece of icecream cake at work and then entered it into MFP. I noticed that the cake wasn't as many calories as I assumed. Instead of feeling like I had blown my whole day and going crazy at the vending machine I've kept up with eating low calorie meals. If I keep going like this for the rest of the day I'll probably stay beneath my daily calorie goal.


  • mfpchris
    mfpchris Posts: 279 Member
    Day 5: I did well at breakfast, well at lunch, then boom my roommate was home and having 1.5 beers was just in the cards after work. I've not been drinking much lately so I felt the beer a bit.... I thought "well what if I skip dinner," but no I hit the fridge and had a decent snack.

    Lastly think, well I pretty much blew it with beer and a snack, I logged it all, and it wasn't that bad. Just a hair below my daily goal.

    Glad I logged.
  • ghenne04
    ghenne04 Posts: 14
    I think I'm off by a day, as 8/29 is my Day 5. But I've been paying attention to what I'm eating and logging everything. I had some beer and pizza while helping a friend move, but logged it all anyway and enjoyed every sip/bite.

    So far I've done OK staying near my calorie goal, but I can identify where I'm having issues, so I know how to fix them. If I eat a lot of protein and fat early in the day (e.g. eggs, or greek yogurt, etc), and another big chunk of protein at lunch, I'm good for the day and I don't overindulge or go over my calories. If I have something that is less protein-focused with more carbs for breakfast or for lunch, I'm starving all day long and indulge in things like cookies or candy.

    While I can't say no to carbs entirely, I do need to be aware that they will make me hungrier than usual and I'll be craving more sugars and carbs. I need to find a way to counteract that - maybe have very clean protein/fat for breakfast (e.g. a hard boiled egg mixed with avocado) and then the sandwich or whatever it is I want for lunch. Hopefully that will help keep my blood sugar steadier and I won't have those cravings.
  • kitfox85
    kitfox85 Posts: 4 Member
    Day 5 of MFP100: Since I'm reporting yesterday I'm off by one day, but I'll catch up today. Hope that's ok :) I was having the hardest time yesterday - wanting to eat EVERYTHING in sight - but through a little self-talk and a lot of water, I was still able to eat under my calorie goal. I think by kicking up the exercise and running I've also reignited my appetite, so I'm hoping it's just a transition period of hunger. I was just glad I ate a lower-carb dinner, drank tea, and ate raspberries for a post-dinner snack and didn't consume tons of pizza or tacos. Oh, tacos. <3
  • jmy1975
    jmy1975 Posts: 56 Member
    Love reading everyones posts! I also had pizza and beer yesterday, but made it at home (pizza), so I was able to control the calories a bit. Even though I would normall have half the pizza I only had a quarter and save the other quarter for my lunch today (my husband eats the other half but he even only had 3/4 and save a bit). I enjoyed both the pizza and beer. I also find that if I plan my meals for the whole day and get them all logged in the morning, I know how much I need to workout or if I need to modify anything. Hopefully I can keep it up. I have been going strong for over 2 months and this extra 100 days will get me close to the 6 month mark of logging consistently.
  • ghenne04
    ghenne04 Posts: 14
    I do the same thing - log earlier in the day especially when I'm planning a splurge - it helps me stay within my goals.

    Tonight for example, we're going to a summer concert series at a brewery/winery and I'll be eating a charcuterie plate. So I logged everything in now, and when I'm eating I know where to draw the line (e.g. 1 oz of this cheese, 2 oz of this meat, 2 glasses of wine, etc), and how much exercise I have to do to stay under my calorie goal (5 minutes each of situps and pushups today).

    If I choose to go over my calories for the day because I'm enjoying myself, at least I know by how much I'd be exceeding the limit if I have that extra glass of wine or piece of cheese.
  • marciamuse2
    Looks like everyone is on track with the food logging--even being surprised that we can keep with our target intakes with some splurges! Good job keeping with it rather than throwing it out the window. Keep logging through the holiday weekend!