August 29, 2014

valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member


  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Good morning everyone! I didn't have a chance to run this morning. Stayed up having a date night with the hubby after the kids went to bed...and I don't regret that! :). The first few weeks of school are always a little difficult as we adjust back to a different routine. But of course this year was much harder to adjust, as my oldest went from half day kinder to being at school all day in first grade. She also started piano lessons. So combine that with everything else we do and I've been having to slowly tweak our schedule here and there. But I think I have it worked out now. So Fridays will be my rest day so the hubby and I can have one night free to hang out without worry about getting up early for another workout.
    We ordered out last night. The chicken I had to cook didn't survive the fridge fiasco and I didn't realize it. (One of the issues, our fridge is chaos so I can't see what food we're running low or out of until it's too late) *sigh

    It's hard to run when it's still about 105-110 degrees outside still. Grrrr....

    Well, I finally got mad at the hubby for not fixing the fridge and instead doing other going shooting with his friends, shopping for pants he won't end for several months...that kind of thing. I don't often storm off...but this time I did and it must have made and impressions because he fixed my fridge! Well, he replaced the broken part and now we're letting it cool down so we'll see soon if it worked but it looks promising!

    Welcome Jane!

    Laura- That would be so frustrating! I totally get how discouraging and disheartening this all can be. Especially when you have memories of running for such long distances. After I had my third kiddo I was really struggling with running. I felt trapped in this broken body. Just hang in there!

    Goals for today:
    Put everything back in my fridge!
    Go grocery shopping to replace all the stuff we ran out of because we didn't have room in our fridge for it.
    Cook again! :)
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Everyone. Please look down the topics for days already posted with starters! We've been getting a lot of duplicates, especially in the past couple of weeks, because people aren't looking. We even had one where the same person posted both of the duplicates. :)

    Right now we're set to the end of the month. Thanks!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Morning Valma! Glad the fridge is fixed. Hope it is fixed!

    Rest day today for me. My legs are really happy about that!

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Yeah I was the one who posted the duplicates. In my defense I looked but I just didn't see it hiding in the list - you do them too far in advance and they get pushed down.

    I do like today's thread starter though. :)

    Supposed to be my rest day today but I got up & went swimming. Tuesday I had gone but the building never got unlocked, and Thursday morning I was having some stomach issues from 1:00am-7:00am so I didn't go, so I wanted to get it in once this week.
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    Didn’t have a great night last night and feel draggy today. Ugh. I did go for a walk this am and am going on a short one with a pal later. Yawn. I’m going to bed early today and hitting the grocery store tomorrow. Here's to a healthy weekend!
  • toeatapeach
    toeatapeach Posts: 30 Member
    Love the starter image!

    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome, it's pretty great.

    Laura- I hate running, actually (I'm more of a swimmer), but I want to do a triathlon next year so I thought I would start early. Hope your foot is feeling a bit better.

    Valma - glad to hear that your fridge is fixed... and that you're a swimmer too! Mind if I ask what kind of training you are doing? I'm rubbish at writing my own sets.

    blsinmd - good luck on your race this weekend!

    Today was a bit of a disaster, between packing to leave straight for the train after work and an early morning catered meeting my will power kind of crumbled. Luckily my work has a pool so I was able to swim a quick 1.5k at lunch and hopefully the day won't be a complete loss! I'm visiting my mom and sister for Labour Day weekend so that's likely to be a bit rough as well.

    Goal: Not to add any more sugar today.

    Good luck to everyone on the long weekend!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hi all. Took a little walk with the fam today, easing back into city life. Also trying to adjust my eating back to more of a normal routine. As they say here, "siga, siga", which means slowly, slowly, or little-by-little.

    Have a good one