Let's get this Group Going



  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi Guys,
    Is there any way to go to the latest post first instead of hitting the next button? Seems like it would automatically be there on recent posts by my are always ordered oldest to newest.

    Anyway, merrygrannie and Faldkats, it is hard to re-start the exercise habit (I keep on saying: "I used to walk an hour a day") but that was 10 years ago, probably more. And 70 pounds ago. So far I've taken off 10 pounds in 42 days and know I need to exercise if I want to make it any easier to continue to see the scale drop. I'm around 208 and have been saying that I would start exercising when I got myself under 200. But know I need to start moving now. I found a site that has senior yoga tapes and know that I need to start walking again before fall actually sets in and I have new excuses. Wonder if we three can agree on some sort of shared challenge. What do you think?
    :smile: Gayle
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Hello everyone,
    Gayle what kind of challenge would you want?15 lb loss by Christmas?Or an exercise challenge,say 30 mins a day spent on exercise?
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello everyone,
    Gayle what kind of challenge would you want?15 lb loss by Christmas?Or an exercise challenge,say 30 mins a day spent on exercise?

    Hi Mary, since I last posted I've begun to check out what is available at the two local senior centers. I have to wait a couple years for "silver sneakers" (have to be 65) but qualify for a senior card and other things since I'm 63. One place has senior yoga (yes!) and slow swim along with water walking and exercise for those with sore joints. Anyway, that center is closed until the second which is coming up soon. I would like to challenge myself to lose 20 pounds between now and Christmas. I had hoped to lose 10 pounds a month but things are going slower than that so 20 is a compromise, more realistic goal for me. I think I want to be realistic about getting started with exercise. I can commit to going to the senior center and attending one class the first week in September. Once I get going I can make a more informed challenge. So here is what I'd like to do: 20 pounds lighter by January 1st (if more is lost that is great too). Weekly exercise activity in the first week of September with the intention to set a bigger, better challenge by the third week of September and active at least 3 days a week by the end of September.

    I would like to get into yoga, senior scaled weights, walking, swimming.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Gayle, I am like you. I hate exercise. However, I have managed to get over to the Wellness Center 2 or 3 times a week and put in 40 minutes. Getting out the door is the hard part for me. I have let my daily morning routine control my life. Get up, check emails and Facebook, do my morning devotions, shower and get ready for the day. I don't want to go over to the Wellness Center until I do my hair and all that stuff. By the time I feel ready to step out of the house, I don't want to go. So last night I thought I would just set aside the clothes I wore yesterday and jump into them. Forget the shower and hair until I get back. I live in a very small town on an Indian reservation where no one cares what I look like at that time of the morning anyway. We have a beautiful Wellness Center run by the Coeur d'Alene Indian Tribe. It is fully equipped and right across the street from my home. I have observed how all my neighbors look at that time of day. I couldn't be any worse!! Besides, if I should actually start sweating, I'd have to do my hair over again anyway. So I need to quit being a slave to my schedule and just do the exercise thing.

    Hi Faldkats, I'm going to start going to the local rec center/senior center and get started with exercise. I just posted in response to Mary as well. I would like the challenge of losing 20 pounds by January 1 (more is OK too) and start going to exercise at the rec center starting in the first week of September. I will make better exercise challenge commitments once I get started.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    OK ladies.The challenge is 20 lbs.by Jan 1st. We will start this Aug.28th .We know we can do this!! Keep up the motivation and encouraging words.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hey Merrygrannie, I invited you to a challenge group: Senior Challenge. Wanted a place where it is easier to find the people I've chosen to make me more accountable to my goals, and people I want to support as well. I added FaldKats and pattyebricker as well since we were the three that responded to a question about exercise and weight loss goals. Accept the invite, post your "SMART goal": Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-limited in. Choose a goal for exercise and/or weight loss. Looks like we are thinking about # of pounds by Jan 1.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Gayle I accepted but where do I find it?
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Gayle I found it.
  • Lee2047
    Lee2047 Posts: 34 Member
    Mary, you are a great encouragement, and you are so right. We get out of this what we put into it. It is possible for us to achieve our goals, but we have to keep trying.
    Thanks for your positive attitude and good advice.
  • pattyebricker
    pattyebricker Posts: 149 Member
    Good Sunday morning to everyone. I have not been watching this group for some time, but glad to see that it has not died. I hope we call still encourage each other. I found it encouraging reading the latest post here. I fell off the exercise wagon, but am going to recommit to starting slowly. Have not been to Curves in over 3 weeks, but starting again this coming Wednesday. Have changed my diet and diet goals up a bit and I am ready to lose this weight and get healthy. I have heard it said so many times that the hardest part of exercising is starting. I know that is true for me. I'm just not ready to give up and I know that none of you are either.
    Gayle--I use an iPad for these post and when I get to the group it brings me to the very oldest post first, but at the bottom of the first page it shows pages 3,4,5 next. If I touch the last page shown instead of next, it takes me directly to the last page of postings. Hope that helps. It may just be confusing, but I hope it helped. Have a great day all
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Thanks Pattye!
  • pattyebricker
    pattyebricker Posts: 149 Member
    Happy Labor Day everyone. I know most of us have big plans for today with our families, but I am hoping to not over do it. I want to celebrate with my family on holidays, but regaining my health so I can continue to be them is more important than over eating. I encourage everyone to have a strategy in mind for this day of celebration . Wishing everyone health and happiness .
  • pattyebricker
    pattyebricker Posts: 149 Member
    I wish I could report that my plan for eating on Labor Day had worked, but it's just didn't happen. I just love to eat. With 2 days of going over my calorie goal (drastically) I feel somewhat discouraged. I know that when I stay on my diet plan I feel better and with each day I feel happier. I don't know why why why I fall off the wagon so easily . With that being said, I am back on the horse, so to speak, with a new resolve (once again) to get thru this day with better food choices and calorie limitations. I know I have to really want it, for it to happen. Health and happiness to all.
  • pattyebricker
    pattyebricker Posts: 149 Member
    Managed to stay on diet plan and feeing really ready. Just one day of staying on course makes a big difference in my mental attitude. I know that this weight loss thing is TOTALLY up to me (knowing and doing are two separate things). I need to be strong and consistent with my diet. When the weight is off I can make a few more allowances. I thought about how often I let holidays and special occasions get in the way of my diet success. It seems like I can make a special occasion out of almost anything (the sky is blue, it's raining, friend wanting to go out and eat, no one wanting to go out and eat, etc etc). I was also thinking about how often I eat something because who ever I'm with is eating it. How often I want just want a bite of something and wind up eating the whole thing. I am going to try to be more conscious of my eating. Would love to hear how anyone else is doing and open to suggestions from you too. Oh, by the way lost 1.4lbs in just one day. I know, I know it's water weight, but boy does it make you feel good to see the scale go down instead of up. Health and happiness to all.
  • pattyebricker
    pattyebricker Posts: 149 Member
    Woke up this morning and suddenly started thinking of all the blessings in my life. For my health even though I am significantly over weight and have SOME health issues, they are not serious. Realize that if I don't make my weight loss a priority , things could change drastically. I am grateful for the abundance of healthy good food I can chose to eat, that I can be full on it and that tomorrow there will be another abundance. I need not try to eat it all in one day.
    My birthday is tomorrow so I guess that is the reason I am thinking about how the years have flown by and the eating choices I had all my life just don't work any more. I can't eat like that 20 year old girl that was always on the go, but I can eat like a 66 year old that has plenty of good food at her disposal . I can't stay up day and night playing with friends , but I can get a peaceful night of sleep and wake up rested. I can do exercises that keep my body strong and prevent muscle loss. I have been thinking just how much life changes and sometimes I wish I could go back in time, but mostly I'm very grateful that I can't. I want to keep in mind for today how much closer to that 20 year old I will be without all this weight. I will be able to tie my shoes with less trouble, like she did. I will be able to wear cute clothes, like she did, I will not be ashamed to see old friends, she never gave it a thought. I will make new friends like she did. Moving around will be easier, not quit as easy as it was for her.
    Planning a day of moderation in all things. Looking forward to being closer to that 20 year old than I am now, after all I am still her.
    Health and happiness to all.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Woke up this morning and suddenly started thinking of all the blessings in my life. For my health even though I am significantly over weight and have SOME health issues, they are not serious. Realize that if I don't make my weight loss a priority , things could change drastically. I am grateful for the abundance of healthy good food I can chose to eat, that I can be full on it and that tomorrow there will be another abundance. I need not try to eat it all in one day.
    My birthday is tomorrow so I guess that is the reason I am thinking about how the years have flown by and the eating choices I had all my life just don't work any more. I can't eat like that 20 year old girl that was always on the go, but I can eat like a 66 year old that has plenty of good food at her disposal . I can't stay up day and night playing with friends , but I can get a peaceful night of sleep and wake up rested. I can do exercises that keep my body strong and prevent muscle loss. I have been thinking just how much life changes and sometimes I wish I could go back in time, but mostly I'm very grateful that I can't. I want to keep in mind for today how much closer to that 20 year old I will be without all this weight. I will be able to tie my shoes with less trouble, like she did. I will be able to wear cute clothes, like she did, I will not be ashamed to see old friends, she never gave it a thought. I will make new friends like she did. Moving around will be easier, not quit as easy as it was for her.
    Planning a day of moderation in all things. Looking forward to being closer to that 20 year old than I am now, after all I am still her.
    Health and happiness to all.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Woke up this morning and suddenly started thinking of all the blessings in my life. For my health even though I am significantly over weight and have SOME health issues, they are not serious. Realize that if I don't make my weight loss a priority , things could change drastically. I am grateful for the abundance of healthy good food I can chose to eat, that I can be full on it and that tomorrow there will be another abundance. I need not try to eat it all in one day.
    My birthday is tomorrow so I guess that is the reason I am thinking about how the years have flown by and the eating choices I had all my life just don't work any more. I can't eat like that 20 year old girl that was always on the go, but I can eat like a 66 year old that has plenty of good food at her disposal . I can't stay up day and night playing with friends , but I can get a peaceful night of sleep and wake up rested. I can do exercises that keep my body strong and prevent muscle loss. I have been thinking just how much life changes and sometimes I wish I could go back in time, but mostly I'm very grateful that I can't. I want to keep in mind for today how much closer to that 20 year old I will be without all this weight. I will be able to tie my shoes with less trouble, like she did. I will be able to wear cute clothes, like she did, I will not be ashamed to see old friends, she never gave it a thought. I will make new friends like she did. Moving around will be easier, not quit as easy as it was for her.
    Planning a day of moderation in all things. Looking forward to being closer to that 20 year old than I am now, after all I am still her.
    Health and happiness to all.

    Love this post Mary and Happy Birthday! I am grateful for abundance too and for being able to live into "old" age. I know what you mean about the 20 year old. I used to bake bread and sweets and eat a ton and never see the difference. Sometimes I feel angry that it seems I gain weight even from thinking about making a batch of cookies. But time passes and things change. One thing is that I become less active, which I am working on changing. Another is that the way I neglected my body, in some ways, back then just doesn't work anymore. I feel rotten immediately (and later) when I make bad choices (sleep, food, movement).

    I love the last part of what you said as well. I am looking forward to looking better in my clothes and looking like I am at least related to that smiling 20 year old in the picture. Hope your birthday is rewarding! My last birthday was in July and that was the day I decided to address my health so I could have more birthdays to celebrate!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    Woke up this morning and suddenly started thinking of all the blessings in my life. For my health even though I am significantly over weight and have SOME health issues, they are not serious. Realize that if I don't make my weight loss a priority , things could change drastically. I am grateful for the abundance of healthy good food I can chose to eat, that I can be full on it and that tomorrow there will be another abundance. I need not try to eat it all in one day.
    My birthday is tomorrow so I guess that is the reason I am thinking about how the years have flown by and the eating choices I had all my life just don't work any more. I can't eat like that 20 year old girl that was always on the go, but I can eat like a 66 year old that has plenty of good food at her disposal . I can't stay up day and night playing with friends , but I can get a peaceful night of sleep and wake up rested. I can do exercises that keep my body strong and prevent muscle loss. I have been thinking just how much life changes and sometimes I wish I could go back in time, but mostly I'm very grateful that I can't. I want to keep in mind for today how much closer to that 20 year old I will be without all this weight. I will be able to tie my shoes with less trouble, like she did. I will be able to wear cute clothes, like she did, I will not be ashamed to see old friends, she never gave it a thought. I will make new friends like she did. Moving around will be easier, not quit as easy as it was for her.
    Planning a day of moderation in all things. Looking forward to being closer to that 20 year old than I am now, after all I am still her.
    Health and happiness to all.

    Love this post Mary and Happy Birthday! I am grateful for abundance too and for being able to live into "old" age. I know what you mean about the 20 year old. I used to bake bread and sweets and eat a ton and never see the difference. Sometimes I feel angry that it seems I gain weight even from thinking about making a batch of cookies. But time passes and things change. One thing is that I become less active, which I am working on changing. Another is that the way I neglected my body, in some ways, back then just doesn't work anymore. I feel rotten immediately (and later) when I make bad choices (sleep, food, movement).

    I love the last part of what you said as well. I am looking forward to looking better in my clothes and looking like I am at least related to that smiling 20 year old in the picture. Hope your birthday is rewarding! My last birthday was in July and that was the day I decided to address my health so I could have more birthdays to celebrate!

    Whoops, I mean love your post PATTY and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  • pattyebricker
    pattyebricker Posts: 149 Member
    I made it another year. The beginning of another year for me and I am happy to report that I woke up feeling good. Maybe it's just that I am expecting a special day with my sons. We are going out for a late breakfast, then to the opening of the new Nordstroms store. They are having a big blowout, free give aways, new makeup ideas, etc etc. I am secretly hoping my sons will buy me a birthday gift from the new store. I have recently become interested in brooches. I joke with my sons that heavy people can only buy shoes and get hair cuts, but I am starting to plan for the day when I will be able to buy nice fitting clothes. I want to buy some nice accessories to go with them staring now as an incentive to continue my weight loss.

    I am still thinking about "all the things I will gain when I lose" and it seems like an endless list. I have recommitted today, on my birthday, to my weight loss goal, have set mini goals, and rewards for reaching each goal. I want to start envisioning myself at a healthy weight, dressing nicely, moving around easily, and enjoying life once again. I am to young to give in to old age. I am truly sorry for abusing my body by over eating and am committed to healthy eating and exercise in the years to come, should God chose to grant me the time. Looking forward and not behind to a better new me. I'm sure there are many new adventure left for my life, but I have to be healthy enough to enjoy them.

    Gayle-we sure want many more birthdays and healthy one too.

    Health and happiness to all.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,678 Member
    I made it another year. The beginning of another year for me and I am happy to report that I woke up feeling good. Maybe it's just that I am expecting a special day with my sons. We are going out for a late breakfast, then to the opening of the new Nordstroms store. They are having a big blowout, free give aways, new makeup ideas, etc etc. I am secretly hoping my sons will buy me a birthday gift from the new store. I have recently become interested in brooches. I joke with my sons that heavy people can only buy shoes and get hair cuts, but I am starting to plan for the day when I will be able to buy nice fitting clothes. I want to buy some nice accessories to go with them staring now as an incentive to continue my weight loss.

    I am still thinking about "all the things I will gain when I lose" and it seems like an endless list. I have recommitted today, on my birthday, to my weight loss goal, have set mini goals, and rewards for reaching each goal. I want to start envisioning myself at a healthy weight, dressing nicely, moving around easily, and enjoying life once again. I am to young to give in to old age. I am truly sorry for abusing my body by over eating and am committed to healthy eating and exercise in the years to come, should God chose to grant me the time. Looking forward and not behind to a better new me. I'm sure there are many new adventure left for my life, but I have to be healthy enough to enjoy them.

    Gayle-we sure want many more birthdays and healthy one too.

    Health and happiness to all.

    Happy Birthday Patty! Your attitude is inspiring to me. Great to be able to spend time on your birthday with you son! I sold all my nice broaches when I got divorced, looking back that was unnecessary and a bit self destructive and I'm sorry about losing family heirlooms. I'm thinking I would like to start collecting a few nice pins again. Thanks for the idea. Anyway, enough about me! Have a great day and I'm excited about your goals!