Day 4

08/31 Today was my rest day so I made sure I was under my calorie goal since I wasn't exercising! It was a good day overall but I am ready to get back to my workout tomorrow ! How was y'all's day?


  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 287 Member
    Yesterday wasn't too bad. Went over my calories a bit and didn't get any exercise in, but we were super busy. I didn't lose any weight last week, but I didn't put enough effort in. Today it gets serious! I have groceries in the house and I am starting September off with a run (well run/walk) with a friend. She's just getting back into running and I've taken a few weeks off so this morning will be great for us both to get back to it!
  • fejiofor
    fejiofor Posts: 373 Member
    Yesterday was good even though I drank coke. Completed my 10,000 steps challenge and the deficit for 3500 calorie burn challenge. Was under my food calorie goal and had sufficient rest. Good day generally. Starting the spinning for September hopefully hubby will take me to gym later in the day. Meanwhile doing some cleaning in the house then start my walk for the 10,000 steps challenge. Have a lovely fulfilling week ahead to all group members.
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    08/31 Today was my rest day so I made sure I was under my calorie goal since I wasn't exercising! It was a good day overall but I am ready to get back to my workout tomorrow ! How was y'all's day?
    Great Job staying under your calorie goal. How do you know when you need a rest day?
  • kelseyann92
    kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member
    08/31 Today was my rest day so I made sure I was under my calorie goal since I wasn't exercising! It was a good day overall but I am ready to get back to my workout tomorrow ! How was y'all's day?
    Great Job staying under your calorie goal. How do you know when you need a rest day?

    I choose 1 day a week to rest! My legs start to get sore from running each day so I just give myself a little break :)
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    Went 4 wheeling 8/31 and was a great day for that because it had rained the day before so was not very dusty and had some nice mud to maneuver around. The bad part of the trip was that I picked up a bag of Doritos for the trip and then we stopped and ate at KFC. Bad food planning on my part. I can't believe i was under the calorie allowance but only because of the exercise but not sure if I logged that correctly. Put it in as riding a mowing lawn mower, which takes much less effort than 4 wheeling but I think mfp is too generous for the exercise calories for riding a lawnmower so maybe i am close. Just feeling poisoned today from my bad food choices. New goal... no junk food for Sept!
  • tams644
    tams644 Posts: 73 Member
    8/31 went a lot better i manged to get a full 60 min workout in :) boy do i feel it today lol weighed myself this morning went down one 1lb not too bad for one week just starting hoping this week will be even more.
  • kelseyann92
    kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member
    I amlocing all these posts guys! You're all doing awesome in my eyes! :smile:
  • MichelleV1990
    MichelleV1990 Posts: 806 Member
    Was going to go swimming yesterday, but the water was too cold for these old bones. :grumble: Started raining soon after, so I wasn't too depressed about it. I barely made it under my calorie goal, but I did it! :smile: I'm hoping day 5 is a better day.
  • 2boys111
    2boys111 Posts: 31 Member

    I just joined your challenge! I need to get back on track. Now that school is starting again and 2 of 3 kids will be gone during the day I want to concentrate on ME--woohoo!!

    Today I tracked and went over on calories a smidge. I'm going to get the muchkins out for a walk after dinner to break even for the day. Better than nothing....
  • billr9mm
    billr9mm Posts: 72 Member

    I just joined your challenge! I need to get back on track. Now that school is starting again and 2 of 3 kids will be gone during the day I want to concentrate on ME--woohoo!!

    Today I tracked and went over on calories a smidge. I'm going to get the muchkins out for a walk after dinner to break even for the day. Better than nothing....

    Welcome, great to have you!!
  • WarriorBill65
    WarriorBill65 Posts: 277 Member
    Over an hour of strength training and also a brisk walk. Stayed under my calorie goal. Lots of energy, all in all a good day....