September 1, 2014

PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member

Here's the tread starter (from AprilFoolBride) we didn't use the other day because we had a duplicate. Bumping it to a new day.


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Went for my first run back this morning. Man, have I got my work cut out for me! Walked part of some of the inclines. Hip flexors were draggin' by the end. And it wasn't even that far! But I'm proud of myself, because every day for a month while on the island I told myself that when I got back I'd try running in the morning (normally go in afternoon). I thought that if I wake at 6 and get out the door by 6:30, I could get in a nice 1hr run before I had to be home with the kids while DH went to work. This morning I just woke up suddenly at 6:01, it was a sign, so I suited up and went. I had mapped out a 5k that is very nice, especially in the morning, so that's what I did (and obv it was considerably less than an hour). What I REALLY want to do, is to get over the pain of restarting, build up some speed, and try to do the route twice in the morning (so 10k). That's the goal anyway.

    Have a good one! (I guess it's Labor Day in the US, so have a safe and fun holiday!)
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Great start to the month Sherry! I've had to cut back my mileage because of the foot issues I've had and as I slowly rebuild mileage it amazes me how hard it is to run a distance that used to be a short run. You definitely lose running fitness quickly. But it comes back! Or so I keep telling myself.

    More importantly -- how was the cake?

    I had a bit of a food meltdown last night so as of today I'm back to logging food, after a 3 week break. I actually think I wasn't eating enough because a few times I sat down at the end of the day to figure out calories and they were low. I was satisfied with what I was eating (I wasn't overly hungry) and the scale was moving again so I didn't worry about it too much, but Saturday I had a huge calorie burn from my workout (995 calories!) then yesterday I was craving foods I NEVER eat anymore, which tells me I need to eat more and make them quality foods instead of eating brownies with ice cream and hot fudge. Or maybe we can just say I was celebrating Sherry's birthday too???

    I lost 3.8 pounds in August, which is the most I've lost in a month since April. I had good months in March (-7.1 pounds) and April (-5.1 pounds) but otherwise have lost less than 2 pounds every month this year, so I'm happy with the 3.8.

    Heading out for a run soon, and then I have my trainer at 2:00. He's going to be on vacation for the next week so I'm curious to see what kind of workouts he has planned for me while he's out. He said he'd come up with something.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Laura, hope your foot issue is better. I've had problems (plantar fascia R foot and achilles on L foot) and I learned a VERY valuable lesson about shoe sizing. I think I've mentioned before that I can't usually find my size here and have to make-do. While in USA, I got running shoes in my MEASURED size (turned out to be ONE AND A HALF SIZES bigger!!!) as well as some Chucks to knock around in. Well, on the day we were ferrying to the island I decided to wear my old shoes for the ride (first time in a month)....and my legs and feet were KILLING by the time I got off the boat! I could hardly walk. I could feel how my feet didn't fit into the shoes and were all "bowed" up, contracting my calf muscles continuously (even when just sitting). Then, I continued having problems all of August b/c the only other pair I packed were sandals that were a little too small too I guess. It doesn't matter if it's exposed toe...when a shoe doesn't fit, the foot doesn't sit in the footbed properly and it screws up the arches/plantar/achilles/calf. I couldn't believe it. I still have the problem of belly sleeping shortening my calf muscle, but after that ferry ride in my old shoes and the PAIN it gave me, when I look back I just can't believe I used to run MILES daily in those shoes! From now on, I will make sure my feet are measured! Both of them! And get the largest size of the two. (Well, when I'm in America, that is. I still don't think I can find my size here, boohoo.) Anyway, just want to proselytize regarding having feet MEASURED (idk why stores hardly do this anymore, like they used to!)...I'd say most of us are NOT what size we think we are.

    Oh yeah, the cake was fantastic--even had a piece for breakfast today. :wink:

    Nice loss Laura. I'm getting very serious about tracking now, since I didn't have my food scale and was such a naughty girl over the Summer. I'm tired of up&down all the time. I want real loss. I'm even willing to take the slight hit to my lean mass (as is inevitable at a deficit), since I think I've built it up nicely enough that I can endure the hit (will of course be going to the gym though).

    I think I'll go make the Monthly thread for goalsetting, if anybody wants the extra accountability.
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Marla- Bummer about feeling sick! Definitely, get some rest and recover!

    Sherry- a 5K is awesome for a first run back! I understand how hard the first two weeks are...I just finished my second week of running after being gone several months. Hang in there! I also second the was the cake?!

    Laura - What mileage are you up to, and how is the foot holding up? I know that a few days ago you had to cut back again. :(.

    Did a five mile run today and did a faster mile for my last one. Managed to maintain a 12 minute mile for the whole thing, including a half mile walk to cool down. I'm slowly getting faster again, but it can be mentally frustrating when last year I was running 10 min miles on a slow day. But I'm taking it slow. The heat of the summer and the ten pounds I gained back are definitely large factors so I'll just keep plugging away.

    Goals for today:
    No snacking! *I know it's Labor Day, but my hubby still has to work so for my family it's business as usual. Should help. I've been keeping my calories in the right range, so now I'm trying to focus on what those calories actually are.
    Have some family time today with my kids. We've been running around like crazy the last few weeks, I want time for my kids and I to just have some relaxing fun together. Maybe play a board game, color, or read together.

    Happy Monday and Labor Day!
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Just for fun, we haven't eaten breakfast yet because I can't bring myself to chase these kiddos off my lap. :)

  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Great pic Val :smile:

    I feel better but still 1/2 sick, going to work soon. Just have yucky cold stuff stuffy nose etc.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Sherry I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday cake!

    Marla sorry to hear you're still not feeling well.

    Great photo Val! Sounds like a good run too.

    My longest run since having to taper was 5 miles, and my heel hurt the next day, so right now I'm at a max of 4. Jason gave me homework to do while he is on his upcoming vacation, and as I recall the runs are all pretty short. He's got a mix of running, biking, swimming & strength training.

    I ran 3 miles this morning, then walked to/from the gym (it's just over a mile away), then had a total body workout while I was there.
  • toeatapeach
    toeatapeach Posts: 30 Member
    Congrats to everyone on their exercise.

    I really struggled to stick to my calorie goals today. Not only was it my first rest day (so few calories...) but I had a big family brunch this morning and didn't leave myself enough room for the rest of the day. Ugh.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I typically do TDEE because I'm always starving on my rest days and I don't want to have to be hungry all day because I'm intentionally not exercising. I also don't want to have to eat a crazy number of calories the days I do have a bigger workout, so it's easier to look at the week as a whole instead of day-by-day.