For The Men - You all are too quiet on here



  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    I am Florida so the Bucs and the Rays are it however I am more of a boxing girl. :0)

  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Minnesota Vikings are the only team I have ever really followed. There is no reason, I think it started in college. One of my dorm friends was a diehard and it was hard to not get hooked. I don't really follow the college ball see but if I had to pick I would have to go with Texas Longhorns.
  • Hestefjeset
    I will try to be super active.
    I just joined tonight. :happy:
  • ruthierama
    ruthierama Posts: 16 Member
    ok, just found out there is going to be a massive update for android users (me) and rumor has it there will be some message board compatibility. So if so that means I will be able to check this site more often. I am trying to make it a goal to be more active on this part of the MFP realm to be supportive to my fellow 30-somethings as well as others.

    Jo - as for my 2 cents, I think the challenges are a great idea and I am ready to get that going....I am not sure if Nike+ syncs with MFP ATM, but I will check. My friend just turned me on to that and if we add each other (the app if for both iOS and Android), we can challenge each other and it tracks you and your friends' miles and gives leaderboard stats (which I find super amusing). Other than that, I am kinda all out of ideas FTM, as I have one week left of teaching and then summer time starts!!! Hope this helps.

    just putting this out there.... if you bookmark the actual site (on your phone), you are able to see and comment on the forum from your phone... Just in case its not part of next update. :)
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    Yes, I will take ownership. I am way too quiet on here. Unfortunately, I do most of my logging with my phone now and there is no setting to read group messages, I can only read friend feeds. Since I am a teacher, I do not really have time during the day to log on nor at home because I am then in charge of two little girls who run me ragged until they fall asleep which is what I do the minute they are. =)

    As for what I would like to see on the group forum, honestly I do not know. I would like to post regularly, but my schedule will not allow it for now. Since my summer break is coming up, I might have more time to check the group posts and will try to, but again I run on the schedule of a toddler and pre-schooler which I am at the beckon call.

    That's one way to get a bunch of females' empathy. :wink:
    So true! How come no one gives US empathy when we do it all the time! lol