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  • sydneydeb
    sydneydeb Posts: 93 Member
    Hi, I'm Deb from Sydney, Australia (waves)

    I have just turned 46 and have 50kg to loose, I currently weigh 109 kg and hate the way I look. I'm single with no kids but my Dad does live with me and 3 spoiled cats.

    I'm honest enough to admit that I want to loose weight to look sexy and I would love to find a boyfriend again, the last one was in 2008 and none of the great guys want a fat girlfriend.

    I love food and hate exercise, hate getting all sweaty and gross but I know I have to do it so that I can get into sexy figure hugging clothes and not have to shop in big sized shops.

    I'm going on a cruise in February 2016 and I am determined to be at my goal of 60 kg by then.
  • VegnStrong
    VegnStrong Posts: 27 Member
    Hello ladies,
    This sounds like a great group, so glad i found it. I am 44yrs. old and I don't feel my age but i do have quite a bit of weight to get off. My goal is to build muscle, thats something i secretly have always wanted but never thought possible with my yoyo diets all my adult life. There have been lots of changes in my life and i've never felt happier and i know my goal is possible. Im so ready! :)
  • bricantra
    bricantra Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All.

    I am Debbie (40) from Brisbane. I am a full-time university student, almost half way through psych undergrad. Exercise and being healthy is all new to me. My weight has yo-yoed for many years. I was 136kg at my heaviest and 80kg at my lightest in recent years. I have recently had a major nerve issue with my shoulder, that made me feel old beyond my years. I have been told that the only way to prevent relapse is to get strong and fit. I want my old healthy body back. To look good and feel good.

    I have been single for many years and don't feel my weight is helping me find the calibre of man I want. Since starting my new fab fit life two weeks ago, I am exhausted but feeling better. This is going to be a long road, but a worthwhile investment in myself.

    Look forward to connecting with you all.
  • mariamathsgeek
    mariamathsgeek Posts: 236 Member
    Hi All

    I'm a 41 year old married mum of two (daughter aged 7, son aged 5). I'm 5'5" and 13 stone (182lbs). I got a huge shock when I weighed myself and saw that my BMI was 30 which puts me into the obese category. I've gained 3 stone (42lbs) gradually over the last 4 years due to too much comfort eating, a love of red wine and not enough exercise. It stops here! I want to lose 3 stone (42lbs) and get back to my happy healthy weight of 10 stone (140lbs). I enjoy running but the extra weight has slowed me down & effected my endurance and I got into the habit of thinking 'well, I've had a run today so I can scoff a whole pizza, a bottle of wine & a tub of Ben & Jerry's'....which is not the case! I used to be a kickboxer but I gave it up a year ago when I became a mature student. Well, last night....I went back to class....and today, I'm sore as hell but really happy to be back in the saddle.

    My husband was looking through some old photos the other day and found one of me from December 2010. I had just turned 38 and had given birth to my son 16 months before but I looked HOT!!!! I was dressed up for the kickboxing Christmas party....wearing a short (mid-thigh) tight sleeveless dress and knee high boots. I looked slim, fit, toned & happy. I looked like I could kick-*kitten*! I also looked about 28 years old with my glowing skin and long dark hair. I was probably at about 10 stone in that photo. My husband rarely comments on my weight but he showed me the photo and said 'You need to get back to this!' and he is totally right. He took some photos of me in a running bra & shorts (as my 'before' photos) and I looked old, fat & tired....with a huge belly, dull skin & greying hair.....I looked frumpy and older than my 41 years. How can this happen in less than 4 years? I want to get back to kick-*kitten*!!!! I'm GOING to get back to kick-*kitten*!!!

    I'm about to start a new job (I've been a stay at home mum for 7.5 years, including the last year as a mature student studying an intensive science course) and it feels like a new beginning for every aspect of my life. I'm going to be an assistant physiotherapist so as a future health care professional and a mum I want to be a good example of health & fitness too.

    So, here goes!!!!

  • MissD73x
    MissD73x Posts: 21 Member
    sounds like you've made a fantastic start Maria :happy:
  • mariamathsgeek
    mariamathsgeek Posts: 236 Member
    Thanks! Starting is's keeping it going as a lifestyle change that's the tough bit. Day 4 of the new me and I'm already feeling much better. My hubby says he can see a difference too. Just hope I can stick with this!
  • Hi Ladies , I'm 49 in 4 weeks time and trying to lose at least 3 stone to get back to weight I was 4 years ago and a lot happier in myself .

    I've started my journey to lose weight 3 weeks ago , but not seriously stuck to it or done any exercise and lost 8lbs , so over the weekend I've drawn up a plan of action and decided I have to do this or this time next year when I go on a Girls Holiday for my 50th Im going to be FAT !!!!!

    Also the kick up the bum for me was I watched a documentary about women in the UK have the highest rate of Obesity in Europe, one very attractive lady who looked about a size 20 , mentioned when she met her partner she was a size 16 but she was still happily married and her husband loved her for her not her size , size didnt matter. I have been using the same phrase for a while now and when my husband was home I decided to ask him and to be honest , I needed to know , did he prefer me slimmer or did it not matter what size I was . Showing him photo's over me through the past 4 years . He did hesitate and then said I do prefer you to be slimmer but that doesn't mean I don't fancy you at present . So I told him about the programme and what the lady said and he said "yes I've heard you say that , so I suppose I've agreed with it " .

    So not just for me I've decided to do it for my husband too , so he has an slimmer wife again.

    Sorry if I have bored you ladies , just letting you know what the kick up the bum was for me to kick start my weigh loss :wink:
  • mariamathsgeek
    mariamathsgeek Posts: 236 Member
    Platinumbabe6 - Sounds like you & I have had a similar experience (see my earlier post)....gained weight over the last 4 years and need to lose 3 stone....also, hubby's who love us no matter what but finally admitted to preferring the slimmer version of us.

    I've finally had enough - started the new me on 1st Sept....and have lost 5lbs since making the changes that were long overdue. Want to get the whole 3 stone off....really worried it could creep up to 4,5,6,etc stone to lose.

    We can do this!!!!
  • Shydivah
    Shydivah Posts: 6 Member
    Hey Everyone,

    I am 46 years old and exhausted. I am mother to a 5 years old son and foster mom to two girls (2 and 4 years old). I am parenting solo. And, I am employed full time. All my time has been divided between the children, caseworkers, biological parents, doctor appointments and my job. I have been a member of the YMCA for over a year, but was I going to the gym???? Yes and No. My trips to the gym depend on how tired my children looked when I picked them up from daycare. While at home, my focus was bath time, quality time and bed time. "Me time? What is that???

    I am finally ready. Xbox, the kettle bell and gym have become part of the team. I have been at this for 8 days so far and have actually started to lose a couple of pounds. Prayfully, I can lose 50 pounds by August 2015. I am not on any diet. I am a waterholic and I am using portion control for my meals.
  • spunkyabroad
    spunkyabroad Posts: 137 Member
    Hi all.

    I'm 41 and started a ketogenic diet a little over three months ago. It's actually going really well. I'm making slow and steady progress.

    Joined the group for support. My friends and family are supportive but not nearly as interested in diet talk as I am. ☺

    My goal is to lose fat and gain lean muscle.

    I live in the Netherlands, non practicing attorney, wife, mother of 3, grandmother of one. Trying to be patient with my progress.
  • Hi everyone! My name is Barb and I'm 42. Like most here I have gained weight over the years. Between putting kids first and a Hashimotos diagnosis and lastly my hysterectomy, it just takes a good bit more effort than 20 years ago. I'm here for support and to cheer others as well. Nice to meet you guys!:smile:
  • anna_b1
    anna_b1 Posts: 588 Member
    Hi folks!

    I'm 48 and back at MFP after 2-3 years of really being careless with my health when the health of family members became compromised.

    I'm happy that a group for us fabulous females exists and look forward to joining in on the discussion.

    By the way, always looking for friends to share this experience with me. oxox
  • I just turned 40.married for 23 years and have 2 children a son 21 and a daughter who just turned 19.Im new to MFP, but not to exercise and eating healthier.I have been on my journey 25 months. lost 17 lbs the first 3 months and then another 16 in the next 3-4 months for a total of 33 lbs.Then gained about half that back in the last 6-8 months. I have been working out and weight training and have hit a plateau. but I look and feel better now than I did in my 20s and 30s.

    I have lost a LOT of fat and inches and now have a decent amount of muscle but still have a long way to go.I joined for support since no one in my household wants to be on this journey with me.I have some health issues and some of them have improved since I started getting fit(my RA is almost non existent-by that I mean I dont have any of the pain I did and I still dont need meds yet).my lung capacity has improved(asthma,but still on meds).Thats just a few things that have improved.
  • KeysGirl23
    KeysGirl23 Posts: 117 Member
    Hi There! I'm 47 and looking for and to give some great motivation. I am not new to MFP, but I am ready to get back to it. After my hyster I gained 20lbs back. I most definitely want that gone :-) I am starting here and with the 30DS Oct Challenge group.
  • Bolahsigns
    Bolahsigns Posts: 9 Member
    Hello I am a 44 year old single women with no children, I am a full-time preschool teacher and will be returning to school soon to start getting a degree in deaf ed...but all that aside I am glad that I joined this and other groups. I have tried MFP before but tried to go it it is a different story. I am a severe emotional eater...happy/sad/angry, it doesn't matter, I still eat. So any advice on breaking this habit would be appreciated
  • MonicaA2013
    MonicaA2013 Posts: 753 Member

    My name is Monica. I am a happily married mother of 3 with 2 grand-kids. I am 42yrs young and am not ready to let nature take over my life. I have gained and lost a lot over the last several yrs and am down to my last 15, if i can just hold it there for now i would be grateful but of course i would prefer it drop off yesterday...LOL Over the yrs the signs of Peri have come and gone thankfully they have never been drastic. As of right now they are gone. I am sure they will make themselves known again soon...LOL.. I was on BC for a couple yrs but am now on a break from that and so far so good. I am hoping i can get to know some of you better for some emotional support during our battles of womanhood. Good luck in your journey's :flowerforyou:
  • smittysgirl4ever
    smittysgirl4ever Posts: 34 Member
    Hi folks! I am turning 40 in 5 months, can I join your group? From Ontario, Canada and newly returned to MFP. I would love to connect with others for motivation and to provide my support :smile:
  • bexdc
    bexdc Posts: 202 Member
    Hi ladies! Hello from northern California. Trying to get back into marathon shape, and would love some support and motivation. I'll do my best to support you as well; please add me if you need more motivation!
  • NoMoreTwizzlers
    NoMoreTwizzlers Posts: 72 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm not new to MFP, but I am to this forum. I'd like to make friends so hit up and say hello. I'm also a new blogger and my current focus is MY WEIGHT LOSS. I look forward to meeting some of you and can get to know me better on my blog Talk to you soon. Blessings. o:)
  • sam_will40
    sam_will40 Posts: 45 Member

    I've been on (and off) MFP for a while - and am trying to get back on track (again). Please add me as a friend - we'll help each other.
