Gained 10lbs in one month on paleo diet



  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I second the thoughts of Dragonwolf and Akima. I follow a Primal diet (more permissive version of Paleo that permits dairy if it agrees with you) and I also limit my carbs (for me, I've found that to be 100 g per day or less). I'd definitely drop the plantains for breakfast and try keeping your carbs lower and see if that does the trick.
  • debou5
    debou5 Posts: 42 Member
    The juice that I made are 80% vegetables and 20% fruits. Paleo won't be a fail and so far it hasn't been, I'm healthy and I don't have any symptoms and it had been 5 months I'm off medication so this will definitely my lifestyle, this IS my lifestyle. I'm not that hungry, in the morning if I eat my breakfast around 10 I can wait for lunch until 3-4pm. I used to judge diets by the scale but not anymore and I actually did not do that much diets by the way. So you don't count vegetables as carbs right? Because I don't so plantains are my only source of carbs that I get during the day. I'm going to work on tossing the scale and focusing on my body and my workouts. I bought a new guide to help me because I usually go for runs and I don't know what else to do so this will guide me. Thanks for your advices like I said earlier I posted this on another group and people did not get me AT ALL they were saying that It was nonsense to think that counting calories was unnecessary and then people barely read my post and jumped to the conclusion that I wanted to lose 10 lbs a month and that I was going to fail because it is hard to do so... I'm glad we have this group
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Carbs are carbs. If you are drinking juice that is 80% vegetable and 20% fruits it is still ALL carbs. Not only that you may be missing the positive aspects of the fibre depending on how you juice. Personally, I think juicing is a strange concept and it is my opinion that eating the whole food is likely most beneficial. Carbs from vegetables are only "better" because there is less sugar and we can eat far more of them to get necessary micro-nutrients. Fruit and starchy sweets (plaintain, banana) are tasty and will work for some people (in moderation I would think) but that's A LOT, every day.

    I count TOTAL carbs and yes it matters. Vegetables also have sugar, how much depends on the vegetable, so with lots of fruit it adds up. I'm sure the plantains are delicious but unless you are an athlete with no excess fat, maybe eating them just a few times per week, smaller portions, might help? Both starch and sugar cause me big issues.

    I agree that carbs aren't always bad for everyone... but just looked and holy smokes that's a lot of carbs AND SUGAR. You could probably use a bit more protein and less carbs (especially SUGAR) in my never humble opinion.

    If you do have some excess fat to lose you really might want to try, just try, lowering the carb/sugar. You might not like hearing that, but if I ate your breakfast I'd be having a terrible time with keeping from bingeing. You eat more carbs/sugar than I can eat in 3-4 days (unless I wanted to gain fat). Granted we may be completely different but you are concerned about gaining weight and the first place to look is the sugar imo.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Okay, stop. You're over thinking things. Paleo isn't that hard, but you're treating it like all the other fad diets you've tried.

    Paleo is not a fad diet. It is a lifestyle change. Remember that.

    Now, what does that mean?

    - Eat real food -- meats, vegetables, some fruits, some nuts, fats that are primarily monounsaturated or saturated fats (butter, avocado, coconut, etc)
    - Eat the right amount of food -- don't try to starve yourself. Weight loss happens on Paleo, if you need it, because you're adequately nourished and you have healthy habits and a healthy relationship with food.
    - Get enough of the right exercise -- Mark Sisson (Primal Blueprint) puts it well, I think: "move frequently at a slow pace, sprint and lift heavy things once in a while." In other words, maintain a good fitness foundation through walking a lot, and when you have the extra energy, do a short, high-intensity workout. Don't try to run marathons in an effort to be healthy and lose weight, because long endurance cardio routines are actually counterproductive.
    - Focus on things other than the scale -- The point is to get healthy. So focus on that. When you're healthy (actually healthy, not some arbitrary number on the scale), your body will naturally regulate weight itself, just like it regulates body temperature, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc when healthy.

    Throughout the posts, you said you were 140lb and 5'5". That height and weight puts your BMI at about 23.3, which is in the "normal" range of the scale (the 120 number puts you at a BMI of 20, which is one the lower end of "normal"). This suggests that you probably don't have much weight to lose, per se, and you're probably going to be better off changing your focus.

    Why are you trying so much to lose weight? Let me guess, you want a bikini body, right? You want to get rid of the "flab" you have or think you have around your belly? You don't want to be "skinny fat"?

    Starving yourself down to an arbitrary weight is the wrong way to achieve any of these goals.

    That's right. It's not possible to get the body that just about every woman dreams of having through diet (and dieting) alone, and starving yourself to that point is even worse and counter to being healthy.

    You want the bikini body? You want a flat belly and maybe some hint of abs? You want to look good naked?

    Then stop worrying so much about the number on the scale, start eating real food to heal your body, and start a strength training routine.

    Don't believe me? Then meet Staci --

    Read that. Then read it again to make sure it sinks in. Then go find and read the followup for good measure.

    Why does that work? Because when you starve yourself down to a given weight, you are also losing muscle. Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, so when you lose muscle, your metabolism takes a bigger hit. This makes it harder to maintain a weight and harder to lose weight after you gain any back.

    You fix that by maintaining and building muscle. You maintain and build muscle by maintaining a progressive strength training routine.

    No, you will not turn into she-hulk.

    No, you will not look like a man.

    You will, if done right, turn into a lean, compact, powerhouse with the kind of body most women only dream about (because they don't know how to actually achieve it, or they are aware, but still have it in their heads that they will turn into she-hulk to actually do it). (And no, that won't happen even if "done wrong." If done wrong, you just won't get nearly the results you could get if you were doing it right.)
    Have I told you lately that you're fabulous?

  • debou5
    debou5 Posts: 42 Member
    So how do you keep your carb intake under 100g if you count vegetables? Because I know just my salad is already 50g. I don't think I'll count my vegetables in my carb intake I'll definitely count fruits, nuts, and the starchy vegetables. I did not realize it was that much sugar and I cannot even imagine when I was eating two more serving of fruit in a smoothie later on... So I need to find another idea of breakfast because without eggs and pancakes I don't know what to eat, I'm fine eating beef in the morning but vegetables or fish I gotta get used to it. What do you all eat for breakfast?
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    So how do you keep your carb intake under 100g if you count vegetables? Because I know just my salad is already 50g. I don't think I'll count my vegetables in my carb intake I'll definitely count fruits, nuts, and the starchy vegetables. I did not realize it was that much sugar and I cannot even imagine when I was eating two more serving of fruit in a smoothie later on... So I need to find another idea of breakfast because without eggs and pancakes I don't know what to eat, I'm fine eating beef in the morning but vegetables or fish I gotta get used to it. What do you all eat for breakfast?

    Much of the time, I don't eat breakfast at all. If I had a big protein dinner (which I usually do), I often find that I'm not that hungry for breakfast. And I'm really trying to eat when I'm truly hungry not out of habit. But if I do eat breakfast, then it's usually some eggs. 2-3 eggs, mushroom, pepper, cheese, maybe some ham in an omlet go a long way and very low carb still. Sometimes, I'll also put some low glycemic fruit (raspberries, blueberries, etc.) with some full-fat greek yogurt.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    So how do you keep your carb intake under 100g if you count vegetables? Because I know just my salad is already 50g. I don't think I'll count my vegetables in my carb intake I'll definitely count fruits, nuts, and the starchy vegetables. I did not realize it was that much sugar and I cannot even imagine when I was eating two more serving of fruit in a smoothie later on... So I need to find another idea of breakfast because without eggs and pancakes I don't know what to eat, I'm fine eating beef in the morning but vegetables or fish I gotta get used to it. What do you all eat for breakfast?

    According to your diary you have barely any carbs from vegetables. You could gorge on vegetables and have trouble hitting 50 grams per day. You have more leeway for vegetables and fruits with less sweet/starchy things... I'm not hating on plantains (wish I could get some!) but think they are something to possibly moderate, especially if fat loss is a goal. It might not be any issue for you to be at 100 grams of carbs but they ALL count, and more variety might be nice.

    I don't eat Paleo pancakes because for me they would kick my butt (whether they be banana, plantain, nut based, whatever). Occasional treat, but sometimes your breakfast has 100 grams of carbs. If you are super athletic, maybe no problem, otherwise, maybe an issue if you are concerned about body fat.

    I don't eat any breakfast, but anything will do. There are no rules on what can and can't be eaten for breakfast. Eggs and meat, eggs and salad, meat and salad, soup, avocados, stir fries with left over meat/veggies....
  • debou5
    debou5 Posts: 42 Member
    Yes my salad is like 30g of carbs. I wonder how people who are on a keto diet do... Because if vegetables and nuts count as carbs they might not eat a like of those.. But yes I'm definitely finish my plantain pancakes that I made tomorrow and Thursday I will find another breakfast, I'm so hungry when I wake up so I need to eat something. I cannot wait to be able to eat eggs so I can make omelets. I know there is no rules but I guess I have been used to eat cereals for breakfast or oatmeal or pancakes... well sugar ^^ so I have to get used to eat vegetables, I already got used to eat beef, I guess it was just uncommon for me to eat that specially that I'm from France and we don't eat meat for breakfast and eating bacon was already something I had to get used to so I will work on vegetables for breakfast. I will see if my pancakes are the culprit ^^.. I cannot find any ham or bacon without any sugar in it, do you look for that or not? I know with my AIP diet I try to find some without sugar but I must say it is impossible!
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Yes my salad is like 30g of carbs. I wonder how people who are on a keto diet do... Because if vegetables and nuts count as carbs they might not eat a like of those.. But yes I'm definitely finish my plantain pancakes that I made tomorrow and Thursday I will find another breakfast, I'm so hungry when I wake up so I need to eat something. I cannot wait to be able to eat eggs so I can make omelets. I know there is no rules but I guess I have been used to eat cereals for breakfast or oatmeal or pancakes... well sugar ^^ so I have to get used to eat vegetables, I already got used to eat beef, I guess it was just uncommon for me to eat that specially that I'm from France and we don't eat meat for breakfast and eating bacon was already something I had to get used to so I will work on vegetables for breakfast. I will see if my pancakes are the culprit ^^.. I cannot find any ham or bacon without any sugar in it, do you look for that or not? I know with my AIP diet I try to find some without sugar but I must say it is impossible!

    What are you putting in your salad to get such a high carb count? Fruit? Carb heavy dressing? That just seems very odd for mostly vegetables. And for counting carbs, many keto people only count the net carbs (total carbs minus fiber). Some prefer to count total, though that's a completely different argument.
  • debou5
    debou5 Posts: 42 Member
    I put lettuce, radishes, carrots which has a lot of carbs, aragula, watercress, cucumbers, zucchinis, olives, 1/4'avocado, onions, and my dressing is olive oil and vinegar.
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    30g carbs in a salad is OK. Times 3 is 90g carbs per day which is in the proper range (50-100/day). Main thing is to keep the starches (which convert to blood glucose readily) and sugars (which convert to blood glucose REALLY fast) to a minimum. That means avoid the plantains (yeah, I'm picking on them too ;) ) until you're done with weight loss.

    Another way to look at it is 25-30g carbs per meal if you're eating thrice per day.

    EDIT: do NOT count 'net' carbs - that's a nonsense thing the Atkins crowd came up with to make it look like they were eating minimal carbs. Count TOTAL carbs. Even though fiber isn't processed like other carbs, it is still a necessary component of nutrition and paleo/primal authors include it in their carbs recommendations.
  • debou5
    debou5 Posts: 42 Member
    Lol okay so I'm definitely going to stop eating plantain for breakfast and focus on my vegetables, proteins and healthy fat. I'm not going to count my carbs since after eating my salad I'm full and after eating 3/4 of a plate of vegetables I'm more than full so I won't overdo it on carbs if I stop eating paleo pancakes. I guess I'll be able to eat nuts again (in moderation of course lol).
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    Lol okay so I'm definitely going to stop eating plantain for breakfast and focus on my vegetables, proteins and healthy fat. I'm not going to count my carbs since after eating my salad I'm full and after eating 3/4 of a plate of vegetables I'm more than full so I won't overdo it on carbs if I stop eating paleo pancakes. I guess I'll be able to eat nuts again (in moderation of course lol).

    Sounds good. The 80/20 rule applies here as well: 80% of the health benefits comes from only 20% of the folderol we hunter/gatherers do. :) Eliminating sugars and grains from your diet, and root starches if you're trying to lose weight is the best thing you can do. All the other 80% we do (organic, pastured, keto, la de da) only provides 20% of the benefit. Your mileage may vary, of course, depending on health issues etc.

    Enjoy the journey! ;)
  • debou5
    debou5 Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks ^^!
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    Over eating plantain or other starches can be a problem, but they aren't the weight loss stopper a lot of people think they are. Yes, eating 85 grams just at breakfast that can be a problem. I eat/ate starches and lost/lose weight. I still keep my carbs around 100-125 a day, less on days Im not active and sometimes up to 175 on active days. I focus on protein in the morning and eat carbs at night. Those carbs include starches, like plantain. When I cut the starches I don't lose weight as well.

    It is all a matter of finding what works for you. If I consistently eat 50 grams or less I completely stall. This tends to be more of a problem for women than it is for men.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Yes my salad is like 30g of carbs. I wonder how people who are on a keto diet do... Because if vegetables and nuts count as carbs they might not eat a like of those.. But yes I'm definitely finish my plantain pancakes that I made tomorrow and Thursday I will find another breakfast, I'm so hungry when I wake up so I need to eat something. I cannot wait to be able to eat eggs so I can make omelets. I know there is no rules but I guess I have been used to eat cereals for breakfast or oatmeal or pancakes... well sugar ^^ so I have to get used to eat vegetables, I already got used to eat beef, I guess it was just uncommon for me to eat that specially that I'm from France and we don't eat meat for breakfast and eating bacon was already something I had to get used to so I will work on vegetables for breakfast. I will see if my pancakes are the culprit ^^.. I cannot find any ham or bacon without any sugar in it, do you look for that or not? I know with my AIP diet I try to find some without sugar but I must say it is impossible!

    I'm a long term ketogenic Paleo person (even when not keto, still low carb). I count TOTAL carbs and I assure you that I can eat LOTS of veggies and keep carbs down. It's the SUGAR that's the biggest issue but staying under 100 grams total carbs would be beneficial for many people, and lower necessary for some. Even if you aren't counting total carbs are you looking at the sugar macro?! No, I don't eat a lot of nuts because I don't think they are a food that is healthy to eat more than small amounts, and usually organic and sprouted.

    I don't envy the AIP diet and it's amazing that I didn't need it. Just eliminating nightshades temporarily and now moderating them did the trick. (Just thinking, because I can't access eggs from free ranged hens, I have been limiting them…)

    Eat your salads! As monkeydharma said 3 per day would be 90 grams and assuming it's veggies (not mostly fruit, sweet starches, etc) you sugar macro will be much lower than usual. Yes, carrots have carbs but FAR less than plantains. Carrots aren't my favourite but I don't avoid them because of carbs. Root veggies are moderation foods for me - maybe treating plantains like that might help?

    As for meats, get to know local farmers. With a bit of research and effort you will likely find better food from local growers than in the big stores. Assuming, of course, that you live where agriculture is possible - I don't, but after two years of research did find a grass-fed/free ranged meat farmer that would ship to me in the Arctic.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Over eating plantain or other starches can be a problem, but they aren't the weight loss stopper a lot of people think they are. Yes, eating 85 grams just at breakfast that can be a problem. I eat/ate starches and lost/lose weight. I still keep my carbs around 100-125 a day, less on days Im not active and sometimes up to 175 on active days. I focus on protein in the morning and eat carbs at night. Those carbs include starches, like plantain. When I cut the starches I don't lose weight as well.

    It is all a matter of finding what works for you. If I consistently eat 50 grams or less I completely stall. This tends to be more of a problem for women than it is for men.

    Agree with this too. Everyone is different. But the OP says they are gaining weight (assumption: body fat) on Paleo so the first place I look is sugar, which is most at breakfast, and very little protein over all.
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    Over eating plantain or other starches can be a problem, but they aren't the weight loss stopper a lot of people think they are. Yes, eating 85 grams just at breakfast that can be a problem. I eat/ate starches and lost/lose weight. I still keep my carbs around 100-125 a day, less on days Im not active and sometimes up to 175 on active days. I focus on protein in the morning and eat carbs at night. Those carbs include starches, like plantain. When I cut the starches I don't lose weight as well.

    It is all a matter of finding what works for you. If I consistently eat 50 grams or less I completely stall. This tends to be more of a problem for women than it is for men.

    Agree with this too. Everyone is different. But the OP says they are gaining weight (assumption: body fat) on Paleo so the first place I look is sugar, which is most at breakfast, and very little protein over all.

    I totally agree, I just hate to see the starch villified, when it is most definitely the sugar/fructose (juice/smoothies) that is the problem and not specifially the starch. Flop the day around, eat protein and fats for breakfast with veggies for breakfast lunch and dinner and any starches with dinner and see how that works. It tends to work better that way. I just get a little frustrated when someone cuts out something completely that they may be able to tolerate because their sole goal is weight loss. If the OP was honestly staying under 100 grams of carbs then they shouldn't have gained 10 pounds regardless or where the carbs are coming from, which leads me to believe that they were underestimating their carb intake by counting "net carbs" or not counting veggies/fruit.
  • debou5
    debou5 Posts: 42 Member
    Yes I won't cut on any vegetables this is the only thing I shouldn't worry about but I'm gonna to eat 1/2-1 cup of sweet potatoes at night to see if it works better for me. Yes AiP it is not easy but at least I will know what my body can tolerate or not. For the meat I'm pretty happy because I can find grass-fed beef pretty easily and I found out that at my local central market they have grass -fed lamb and and cheap pastured eggs and at whole food market I find the pastured raised chicken. The only problem for me is to find bacon and ham without sugar :/. When it comes to protein, somebody says that I should keep my protein intake around 60g so I've been only eating protein for breakfast and dinner maybe I don't need to avoid protein for lunch after all..
  • debou5
    debou5 Posts: 42 Member
    In my book that I follow for my AIP Chris Kresser says that we should not worry about counting vegetables as carbs but we should count fruits and starchy vegetables. He says for weight loss we should eat between 50-75g of carbs if we don't have a lot if weight to lose... Now I see that I haven't been following what he said but anyway I know where I went wrong know and I'm going to fix that and see if it works better but I don't want to avoid starchy vegetables bc they are carbs, I need to eat a smaller amount until I'm happy wit my weight and then maybe I could eat some plantain pancakes occasionally ^^. I also did not realize how much sugar were in my juices, I thought it was healthy since I don't put that much fruits in it and I make them myself...