Day 6!

9/2 this was a great day for me because I was under my calorie goal and I got back to lifting weights! It felt so good to be lifting again! Hope y'all had great days too!


  • MichelleV1990
    MichelleV1990 Posts: 806 Member
    Day 6 wasn't exactly as I'd hoped. We didn't get the hail or strong winds, but it rained buckets, and I didn't get my swim in. :grumble:
    My husband and son wanted to go to the Hot Dog Shoppe for dinner. That is one of my favorite restaurants! When we first moved to Ohio, I had my hubby take me there 3x that first week. In the past, I could eat 3 chili cheese dogs with mustard and onion, plus a serving of fries with no problem. Yesterday, I had one dog, and about 1/4 cup of fries. Yay me!!! :laugh: I still managed to stay under my calorie goal, too, so I'd say it was a good day after all!!
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 287 Member
    Good day yesterday as far as food goes. I have a 4 hour class on Tuesday nights, so no workout. Tonight I am getting back to the gym to lift and run. So far so good for today!
  • sarahcscott3
    sarahcscott3 Posts: 31 Member
    9/2 was not a great day for me, but somehow I managed to be under my calorie goal. I splurged on Burger King for lunch, which I did end up feeling guilty about, but I made sure to work extra hard doing some cardio kickboxing and a stability ball ab workout on Youtube. I'm doing day 2 of Couch to 5K tonight!
  • tams644
    tams644 Posts: 73 Member
    9/2 was great managed to get my 20 min of dvd workout in.
  • KarenOregon52
    KarenOregon52 Posts: 23 Member
    Michelle, wonderful self-control with the chili dogs/fries... that's awesome! Sarah, you knew how to remedy your splurge..... that's so great! Everyone sounds so motivated with fitness. I know as the seasons change and weather gets colder I will need more support to stay motivated and not go into hibernation mode. I am feeling very active lately.... with the "store for winter" frenzy... lol!
  • tams644
    tams644 Posts: 73 Member
    9/2 this was a great day for me because I was under my calorie goal and I got back to lifting weights! It felt so good to be lifting again! Hope y'all had great days too!

    I love your log ins that you do :) you keep me motivated that's for sure to stay on track each day. THANK YOU!!
  • tams644
    tams644 Posts: 73 Member
    Day 6 wasn't exactly as I'd hoped. We didn't get the hail or strong winds, but it rained buckets, and I didn't get my swim in. :grumble:
    My husband and son wanted to go to the Hot Dog Shoppe for dinner. That is one of my favorite restaurants! When we first moved to Ohio, I had my hubby take me there 3x that first week. In the past, I could eat 3 chili cheese dogs with mustard and onion, plus a serving of fries with no problem. Yesterday, I had one dog, and about 1/4 cup of fries. Yay me!!! :laugh: I still managed to stay under my calorie goal, too, so I'd say it was a good day after all!!

    hey one hot dog and lil bit of fries you should be very proud of yourself :) sorry to hear about your no swim day i really hope the weather is better for you today.
  • fejiofor
    fejiofor Posts: 373 Member
    Good day,went to the gym couldn't do much but still tried the spinning challenge. Food was under calorie goal.
  • kelseyann92
    kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member
    Great job everyone!! Keep up the awesome work!
  • WarriorBill65
    WarriorBill65 Posts: 277 Member
    9/2 Off to a good start, down 1.2 lbs. Had a 60 minute Barre class and a 60 minute Pilates class in the morning, then a 60 minute Hatha Yoga class and another 60 minute Pilates class in the evening. Being retired, I have plenty of time to devote to my fitness goals.

    Enjoying reading all of your posts, keep up the good work, all your dedication will pay off !!!
  • 2boys111
    2boys111 Posts: 31 Member
    I had a good day but there are treats looming in my house. Tomorrow might prove difficult because of that! I posted my 10 pound goal in my kitchen as a reminder of what I am working toward!
  • kelseyann92
    kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member
    9/2 Off to a good start, down 1.2 lbs. Had a 60 minute Barre class and a 60 minute Pilates class in the morning, then a 60 minute Hatha Yoga class and another 60 minute Pilates class in the evening. Being retired, I have plenty of time to devote to my fitness goals.

    Enjoying reading all of your posts, keep up the good work, all your dedication will pay off !!!

    Wow Bill!! You are truly an inspiration!
  • billr9mm
    billr9mm Posts: 72 Member
    9/2 Off to a good start, down 1.2 lbs. Had a 60 minute Barre class and a 60 minute Pilates class in the morning, then a 60 minute Hatha Yoga class and another 60 minute Pilates class in the evening. Being retired, I have plenty of time to devote to my fitness goals.

    Enjoying reading all of your posts, keep up the good work, all your dedication will pay off !!!

    Damn Bill you are a machine!! Great work!!
  • bridetobeMEC
    bridetobeMEC Posts: 17 Member

    I have been a little MIA the last couple of days because of my bachelorette party (which was a blast, but it is very hard to stay healthy on a weekend like that). But I am back on track now and ready to start losing some weight!! I am in a lunch and learn right now where Noodles and Company catered and I am sticking to my healthy lunch!

    I hope everyone has a great day
  • kelseyann92
    kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member

    I have been a little MIA the last couple of days because of my bachelorette party (which was a blast, but it is very hard to stay healthy on a weekend like that). But I am back on track now and ready to start losing some weight!! I am in a lunch and learn right now where Noodles and Company catered and I am sticking to my healthy lunch!

    I hope everyone has a great day

    Glad to have you back! We have missed you! Hope you had a fun bachelorette party :wink: