How Did You Do Yesterday?

C67241: Yesterday, I was under caloric intake. Need to bring my calories up. But the good part is, that I was not hungry or craving anything. My intermittent fast was from 6 PM until today at 3 PM.
The rest of the world lives to eat, while I eat to live. Socrates


  • Eh, not too good not too bad, I did really bad the day before, I didn't eat nearly enough of anything! :(
  • Amytrue1
    Amytrue1 Posts: 38 Member
    I made my food diary viewable to my friends so they can see how I'm doing in that respect. I like to check out my keto friends' diaries as a source of meal ideas and I do not use the "complete this entry" feature as I did not find it useful.
    My weight has remained the same for quite awhile now, so I will be changing something up soon! Thanks for creating this new keto group! :smile:
  • C67241
    409Cancleanmy: Glad that you are doing better, try adding coconut oil to your tea/coffee to get the added calories.

    Amytrue1: I too make my menu available to the group, so that is a very good idea. I have been checking around on the net about the weight loss process on this way of eating and the consensus is everyone seems to average about 1 lb a week, after the initial 6-10 lb loss when first starting. So I am losing approximately 1 pound per week and hopefully this time next year, I will be near my goal.

    Thanks you ladies for joining the group and hopefully we can share and exchange info as we receive it with the group. Hoping to meet some of the others soon.

    Have a great day!
    Never, never, never quit. Winston Churchill
  • mckaytobe
    mckaytobe Posts: 56 Member
    I had a very busy day and night yesterday...ate bacon and eggs at 6am didn't eat again until after 2pm as I didn't have a break. Then had an early tea-which was only chorizo and a snack of almonds as I needed to head back to work again. Got home at 9.30pm. Managed to get in 20 minute run which I was glad that I made happen considering the day was hectic.
  • C67241
    Well, I can say I did really well yesterday. I blew a "red" on my Ketonix so I know that I am in the fat burning mode. :happy: I am going to try a new recipe called "Low Carb Adison Bread.

    1 egg
    2T Coconut flour
    1/4 tsp of Baking powder
    1T Heavy Cream
    1T Butter

    Mix all the dry stuff together than mix it in with the wet stuff. Make it into a Nice Size Biscuit to hold a Hamburger (don't flatten too much), then Spray your microwavable item. Then put your biscuit into the microwavable item, and microwave for 60-90 seconds, depending on the size of your container. Let cool, before cutting in half.

    Caloric Breakdown:

    1 Serving:

    Calories: 232
    Total Fat 18
    Sat 12
    Poly 0.5
    Mono 3.5
    Tans 0
    Chol 45
    Sod 670
    Pot 69
    Carb 10
    Fiber 5
    Sug 1
    Protein 6

    This is going to be my first time tonight making it, will let you know if I think it is a winner.

    UPDATE: Taste's ok, nothing to write home about, does taste like bread, holds together nicely but you need to make two servings to make a hamburger bun. What I did was cut the cake in half and had an open hamburger sandwich. Took less than 10 minutes to make and get to table. Very filling too.

    It's your choice - will you choose to be a victim or the victor?
  • mckaytobe
    mckaytobe Posts: 56 Member
    Recipe sounds good...let me know how it goes. Yes got all my calories in..almonds were the trick!

    Yesterday was very busy too...was down a couple of hundreds calories but that's fine as I tend to eat a bit more over the weekend so I will bank those for this weekend.

    On an aside, my class did such an awesome job of their production-4 shows over 2 days. Big days for my 7 year olds (and me!) but I was so proud of them last night. They really nailed it!!
    It's going to be a hard day at school today (for them and me!). We will all be very tired.
    Hope you have a good day
  • C67241
    Recipe came out pretty good, taste like bread, but next time I will add a pinch of salt to give it a little taste.

    I had my blood labs done today, hoping to see a difference once I get them back.

    Glad to know that your production went well, and am sorry you all got overworked. Get some much needed rest and I hope everyone enjoyed the performance too.

    What you have to do and the way you have to do it is incredibly simple. Whether you are willing to do it, that's another matter. - Peter F. Drucker
  • mckaytobe
    mckaytobe Posts: 56 Member
    Glad your recipe turned out Linda. Might have to try it when I have the time. School holidays are coming up in 4 weeks so I'll do some experimenting. I have come out with a rash on my back the last week or may be because I have had a few days of lower net carbs than usual or it could be stress related. It is itchy. I was worried it was shingles but I don't think it is as I don't have a temperature or anything other symptoms. Hope it clears up soon
  • C67241
    Me too. Last week I noticed a rash. I don't know what this rash is from, and I have been having the hive like itch all over my body. I have to take an allergy pill to counteract it. The rash seems like it is going away, but it seems like it appeared out of no-where. Before when I drank "crystal light" that gave me the hive like itch, but I have stopped drinking that.

    Well, here's hoping your rash goes away and I will catch up with you on Monday.

    The only way to define your limits is by going beyond them.
  • C67241
    I find that I can blow into my Ketonix Breathalyzer and get to RED within the 15 seconds blowing time. I think by keeping my carbs really low and fasting for 16-17 hours puts me in a better position too. Will try this for the next two weeks and see how I do.:drinker:
  • Amytrue1
    Amytrue1 Posts: 38 Member
    I ordered a Ketonix a few days ago and look forward to getting it! How long have you have yours Linda?
  • C67241
    Hi Amy, I have had mine for approximately mid-June of this year. How is everything going with you. I am hoping that the group will come together more often so that we can get to know each other and to encourage and motivate one another. But I can only do so much. Will see how it goes in the next few weeks.

    Have a great evening.

  • mckaytobe
    mckaytobe Posts: 56 Member
    Did well yesterday after a bad day the day before. My husband worked very late so I went to the gym without him and didn't get to the supermarket like I normally do on a Wednesday night. I am going to go to the supermarket this morning before work to get lunch as I don't have my usual go-to's.
    I am glad one bad day didn't turn into a week but I am not that happy about the increase in weight after one bad day. I know it's probably water weight but it's hard to see. :(
  • C67241
    I did not do to good yesterday. Ate too many pecan nuts.