Summer Challenge Week 6 Results

Figaver Posts: 69 Member
Week 6 completed! Everyone please post your results on this thread. Here is a list of the current participants. Please feel free to join in with us at any time!

Week 5 Results:
Figaver: 1.4%
Jim1960: .99%
Toez79: 4 lbs
Sparacka: 5.96%
17JayR: 1.85%
BoundForBeauty: 3.3 lb
Frob23: 1.72%

Here are my Week 6 Results:
SW: 262
Pounds Lost: 4.8 (1.8%)
59gi: 3.2 lb

I've decided to give up nuts. I've been eating peanuts as a snack, and I know I'm not being honest with myself when it comes to portion size. They're just so darn good!
Here we are, with only 2 weeks left. I wanted to thank all of you for sticking with this challenge with me. I know that without having to be accountable to you, I would have let myself slip more than I already have. So even though I will probably not hit the initial goal I set for myself, I am still proud that I stuck with it, and managed to lose a few pounds in the process.


  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Start Trend Weight: 72.86 kg
    Today's Trend Weight: 71.46 kg
    Total Percentage Lost: 1.92% (Change: 0.21%)
    Goal Percentage Lost: 2.74% (70.86 kg)

    A small step in the right direction. We'll see if I can still hit my goal.
  • 17JayR
    17JayR Posts: 77 Member
    SW: 162
    CW: 158
    Pounds Lost: 4 (2.4%)
  • sparacka
    sparacka Posts: 137 Member
    SW: 161
    GW: 150
    CW: 149.8 (6.3%) - woo hoo!

    I think that this marks the end for me, though, as I need to stop losing weight since I'm pregnant! I'm thinner now than I was when I became pregnant with my son six years ago, so I'm in a happy place. Plus, I'm better prepared to eat healthfully & avoid excessive weight gain this time around.

    Sara :-)
  • toez79
    toez79 Posts: 63 Member
    I did ok this past week. I am hoping to get back on track and lose a good chunk before the holidays.

    SW: 237.6
    CW: 231.6
    Total Loss: 6 lbs (2.5%)