Max/Maxine's Challenge 2014



  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Had a disappointing session with the PT yesterday - blogged about it here:

    Went back to the gym this morning and did an UPPER body session, was really good.

    Feeling good and on track to kick through Week 7. We are half way there!
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    So I has a sad. The challenge is over for me as I've been without an internet connection at home and with all the fuss of the move I forgot to upload my progress pic...

    With this being fathers day and my birthday this past weekend, I've had a bit of a blowout food wise too.

    Nevermind, I'll continue on with my cut, I just wont be quite as aggressive with it and will probably run it through to December.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Damn Ray!!! You are going so well - never mind just continue on your own and give it your best shot.

    I've had a horrific week. Progress photos this week and I'm exactly the same as the last ones. Need to find my mojo and hit it hard for the last part of the challenge but I've kind of lost my way with everything else going on.

    I know that's just a pathetic excuse. If I wanted it bad enough, I would find the energy, but my home life is wearing me down a tad.

    I need to re-group!!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Second PT session was much better last weekend. She completely smashed me - chest day. I was shaking at the end and could barely hold my phone to do an MFP update! Awesome!!

    Back on track this week, doing really well. It's the last week of the One Million Step Challenge so I'm aiming for 20,000 steps a day to get me to my goal of 1.5 million steps. I should reach it tomorrow, but will of course finish out the week with a bang.

    No sure who else is still in the challenge. I had a couple of bad weeks but still in it. Updated my progress photos but haven't downloaded the new nutrition plan yet, it looks much the same and as long as I'm sticking to my 1500 calorie average and macros I'm happy.

    Thinking of cutting to 1200 calories for these last 4 weeks, I'm certainly under for this week... Considering it to get back to where I was before and finish off the challenge with a bang. 1200 isn't that hard without any sugar in my diet. I eat lots of veggies which keeps me happy most days.

    I'm NOT going to do the 4-5 day shake challenge this year. Last year I almost passed out on day 4 and then went on a week long binge, and I've already had my binge for the challenge. I'm just going to stick to real food.

    Anyway, let me know if you have an update :)
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    2.5 weeks to go :smile:

    I saw my old PT on the weekend and we had a good chat. She advised me to step up the cardio (which is also the instruction of the challenge) for the next few weeks.

    I also had a session with the new PT - complete waste of time. One more (pre-paid) session to go and I am never using her again. I spoke to my old PT about and it and she told me not to worry, that I know what to do and if I ever need advice I just need to call her or we can meet up for coffee whatever. She's so lovely and always reading health and fitness stuff, knows a lot, is qualified and has a great figure as well, not just talking the talk but walking the walk as well. She's my go-to if I have a question! Shame she isn't doing PT work anymore, but it's great that she's still around and keeping in touch.

    So I'm doing 4 hard cardio sessions a week. 3 x Spin and 1 x Body Combat. Plus my walking and keeping calories to about 1200 per day with a 30/30/30 split.

    That's the plan. Let's see what happens.

    OH - and this morning I got dressed for Spin, looked at myself and thought I looked thinner. So I got out the scales and weighed myself. My weight is UP 3kg... WTF. Put the scales away, looked at myself again and thought ... "stuff the scales".
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    DAY 84: BOOM!!!! THIS IS IT!!! Right in the beginning guys we said - start your day with remembering your Dream. Swiftly and surely you have converted it into a Vision.You saw yourself in the final Goal, arriving at your Creation. THIS IS IT!!! In your journey toward understanding your beliefs, The odds were against you, and it began to dictate Time, sacrifice, and YOU. Suddenly, YOU were awakened to who is in control. YOU renamed fear and now your inspiration. YOU EMBRACED FEAR!! Proved it wrong! Through commitment and actions for you. YOU were strong in small steps, For those small steps NOW have got YOU to the tops of the mountain. YOU are in control, you have taken movements in contradiction of fear and recognised YOU are in fact above it. YOU no longer entertain "Who Am I" but YOU know "Who you are". YOU are in control. REMEMBER Challengers, This is only the beginning!!! #wearechallenge #maxineschallenge14
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Well done to all the finishers!!!

    Last day today. I've been to the gym, did weights and then Body Combat. Getting fake tan this afternoon will take photos tomorrow.
  • peejaygee1
    peejaygee1 Posts: 3,588 Member
    So, I know I haven't been checking in much. But over the challenge I lost a total of 3.6kg. With the muscle growth in some areas and fat loss in others I only lost a total of 8.6cm, but my goodness don't I look different!!!
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