Second Weigh In: September 5 - 12 2014

I didn't see a post for a second weigh in, so I thought I would create one! I weigh myself and measure myself every Friday morning. So whenever you plan to weight/measure yourself this week, go ahead and post your results and or pictures here! :)

Starting weight: 154 (What I weighed when I started working out again at 6 weeks pp)
Last weigh in: 138.5
Current weight: 137.5

1 POUND lost!

Waist: 35" (1" lost from last measurement)
Hips: 37" (1" lost from last measurement)
Bust: 33" (No change)
Thighs: 22.5" (1/2" lost from last measurement)
Arms: 10.5" (No change)

Feeling pretty good this week! Trucking along with slow weight loss... I wish I could zap it away... but consistency and discipline seems to be the key to my successful long term weight loss and goals. :)

Good luck this week ladies!


  • I've averaged 2500 calories a day this week (without subtracting for breastfeeding). I'm a little afraid to weigh. ???? I will do my best to weigh first thing in the morning and I'll report in. *crossing my fingers*
  • Yup. It wasn't good. I gained 2 pounds this week.... I'm back up to 133. At least I'm going to do super awesome this week! Thanks for keeping me accountable, ladies!
  • bcs806
    bcs806 Posts: 14 Member
    Only lost one pound.

    Last week: 153
    This week: 152

    Honestly, I haven't had much time to work out so everything I lose is just from BF. I did manage to get in a run this morning. :)
  • bcs806 - one pound down is never BAD! :) Good job! I average one pound lost per week... and I work my butt off! Oh how I wish I could breastfeed! ;)
  • bcs806
    bcs806 Posts: 14 Member
    I know it isn't bad but it isn't great. 26lbs total though so I guess I can't be too upset. Only 16 more to go!
  • Hi Ladies!

    I just discovered this group. Yay Moms!
    I just started tracking around three weeks ago after my 6 week checkup.
    Now I have a fitness tracker as well - the misfit shine. love it! I'm really excited about what the accountability of tracking can do for me.

    Anyway, here are my weigh-in stats:

    height: 5'-2"
    pre-pregnancy: 163lbs
    at birth: 187lbs
    current: 158lbs

    1st goal: 150lbs
    ultimate goal: 120lbs

    so, long way to go but I am super determined not to put so much stress on myself that I quit.
    Just keep tracking!!

    Good luck and well done ladies! I think that just by posting and tracking we should all be proud, regardless of the numbers on the scale.
  • bcs806
    bcs806 Posts: 14 Member
    That is awesome! Not too far to go before you reach your first goal!
  • Welcome to the board Treesipe! :)