undertaker streak

Just wondering what you think will happen against cm punk at wrestlemania?

Also who do you think would be worthy of ending the streak?? Out of curent wrestlers I would pick either kane or hhh but they have already had 3 wm matches


  • Grinb
    Grinb Posts: 123 Member
    Well at first I thought punk stood a chance, but now with the whole Paul Bearer angle being worked in I highly doubt Taker looses

    To your second point if anyone ever does end the streak it should be someone who they plan on being the "face" of the company guys like HHH and Kane are just about done wrestling I could see Cena doing it next year (tho i hope not lol).
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    The streak will not end in my opinion; I think Undertaker will just disappear into the fog.
  • nataliefamily3
    I can see cena next year I know my picks are old. I'm stuck in attitude era.

    I think if he was going to dissapear it should have been left at 20 0....maybe cm punk match will end in dq or time out so they can both say they did not lose.
  • Grinb
    Grinb Posts: 123 Member
    I agree he should of went off into the fog and 20*0 nice round number but rumor is he is going to try to make it WM 30 again most likely with Cena............is it strange of the matche im looking forward to the most is Ryback vs Henry lol I really want to see Ryback shell shock (I HATE that name for his finisher) henry lol
  • dxtra30
    dxtra30 Posts: 498 Member
    I agree with posts above, thought Punk had a chance but the past Raw with having Punk spill the urn all over taker, we shall see Taker get REVENGE on CM Punk at WM29 and go 21-0 .. Also should have retired last year at 20-0..

    FYI - I'll be at WM29 this Sunday! - WOO HOO!!
  • Grinb
    Grinb Posts: 123 Member
    NO way you suck! lol enjoy it man I've never even been to a RAW been to a few house shows tho lol a RAW is def on the bucket list!
  • dxtra30
    dxtra30 Posts: 498 Member
    NO way you suck! lol enjoy it man I've never even been to a RAW been to a few house shows tho lol a RAW is def on the bucket list!

    Thanks! It COST me an arm and leg and I don't even have ringside!! Oh well!.. Rather go now , who knows the next time they will be around my neck of the woods for mania..
  • Grinb
    Grinb Posts: 123 Member
    Very true and it's a once or twice in a lifetime opportunity for most lol so live it up!! all those great entrances at mania will rock!
  • dxtra30
    dxtra30 Posts: 498 Member
    Very true and it's a once or twice in a lifetime opportunity for most lol so live it up!! all those great entrances at mania will rock!

    It was GREAT!.. Entrance ramp and setup on the ramp was awesome!.. My buddy and I were people who had obstructed view by the HUGE pillar.. No where on the ticket it said obstructed view.. After some complaints and patience we were moved to better seats after 2 matches :) Great Time but expensive!
  • Grinb
    Grinb Posts: 123 Member
    Well glad you got moved, yeah I heard a good bit of peeps complained for that reason, hope the new seats where good!
  • DirectorLawrence
    DirectorLawrence Posts: 24 Member
    And it turned out to be Paul Heyman's CLIENT, Brock LESNAR who conquered THE STREAK!
  • Grinb
    Grinb Posts: 123 Member
    Which was dumb IMO but IF the WWE uses it to build a new star thru Brock then it may have been worth it lol