undertaker streak
Just wondering what you think will happen against cm punk at wrestlemania? Also who do you think would be worthy of ending the streak?? Out of curent wrestlers I would pick either kane or hhh but they have already had 3 wm matches
Since no one is really saying anything, can we just post whatever we'd like? ex. Stories, links, whatever?
I'm pretty sad this isn't active :sad: Anyway, who's been keeping up with RAW and how to do you feel about Daniel Bryan joining the Wyatt family? Kane in a suit? Anything?
Now that is how you do a show............Raw was a million times better than Mania was IMHO I was literaly on the edge of my seat at the Ziggler cash in lol, and Ryback "heel" turn, YES YES YES! haha any other thoughts?
IS this Group Alive?
Haven't seen anything posted in 5 months.. Anybody still coming here? Anybody? Bueller? .. lol
Impact Wrestling!
Anyone else watch, cause I prefer Impact over WWE anyday! I even have Thursday as my rest day each week so I can watch it.
I want to say thank you to the WWE for giving me my Friday nights back. I was not a fan of Booker-T as a wrestler, he was a pitiful excuse for a commentator and as Vince McMahon announced him as the new SmackDown General Manager my fingers did a new Friday night dance across the remote control. So many choices that they…
Taking a Look at the Best Moments in 2012 Thus Far
Updates on The Great Khali's Surgery
Mark Henry's weight loss
Thought this would be good to share, since his injury Mark Henry has got down to 404lbs and is looking in the best shape I can remember him being in for a long time... Well done Mark