How's everyone's progress??

The board was looking a little dead, so I figured we should get an update going!

How have you been doing on your goal to track every day? Any slipups? If so, are you back on track? Are you breezing through this or are you struggling?

I've been doing well, tracking daily regardless of what I eat. I started keto a week ago, so tracking has become critical to meeting the nutrient requirements, but even before that I tracked everything (including the giant ice cream milkshake I got on labor day weekend). I didn't want to own up to things sometimes, but I'm glad I kept track so I could see how I was doing.


  • cherhorowitzzz
    cherhorowitzzz Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Ghenne!
    Agreed. The board was looking a little dead. I was doing really well until I got sick. Then I slipped up and didn't input everything while seeking out comfort food. Yesterday I logged everything into MFP and shed some of the weight I had gained this weekend even though I overdid it on the calories. Right now I'm trying to get my butt to the gym even though I'm still feeling crappy. I figure if I can go to work then I can go to the gym.
  • Still logging and happy with that. Given the soups and jerky I've been eating my sodium is way out of whack. Going home today so it will be nice to get back to normal routines. However, it's good to know I can do this anytime. I have another 4 day trip later this month so I know I can do this. The elliptical is not as much fun as my regular class exercise but I got in and got it done anyway.
  • cher - All you need to do is convince yourself to walk through the doors of the gym! Tell yourself once you get there, if you still feel horrible, you can do a half assed workout and then go home. Chances are, you'll feel a lot more motivated once you're at the gym!
  • kitfox85
    kitfox85 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm just now getting back to it after a week of sickness :-/ But I am feeling a good bit more motivated with the slightly cooler weather. Looking forward to a hike with my mother (she's visiting from Florida) after work! I just need to remember how great it feels to be in a routine of eating healthy and working out :)
  • I work a 4 day 10 hour work week...tomorrow at 1730 motivation begins :)