March 2015 Mommies!

Just wanted to make a topic for fellow March 2015 mommies!


  • ganzelly
    ganzelly Posts: 302 Member
    I'm in! Due march 6 with our first.
  • kimberly_grubbs
    kimberly_grubbs Posts: 70 Member
    What up?! Have you ladies announced your pregnancies yet??
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    March 15th with our second! We broke the news to family already during our annual family reunion which was a fun surprise for them :smile:

    I've told my immediate supervisor at work and his boss, but other than that, none of my coworkers know. I've been trying to figure out the best time/way to do it, but we've been so busy with end-of-fiscal-year work that I figure whatever I decide should wait until after October 1st lol. On the flip side, my husband told his coworkers as soon as he could lol.
  • iluvhorses1983
    iluvhorses1983 Posts: 86 Member
    I am due March 31 with my second! We have already announced to everyone (I'm 11 weeks today). There are people at work that still don't know, only because I am uncomfortable bringing it up myself. If anyone asks, I tell. :)
  • Longtobelean
    Longtobelean Posts: 78 Member
    I'm due March 1st with my 4th. I have HG, so I throw up a lot and lose a lot of weight, but not the healthy way. I'm trying to stay active so I keep weight off the healthy way after the baby comes and I can eat again.

    I have announced. People are generally just wondering when I'll close the baby factory. :-/
  • Naytayshay23
    Naytayshay23 Posts: 4 Member
    Yay I'm due March 5th!! So excited to find a pregnancy group on here. I was really hoping they had an ap for Pregnant myfitnesspal, but no luck yet.. It just doesn't take into consideration if you're pregnant and not necessarly trying to lose weight or gain but gain at a healthy rate?? Any luck with any of you ladies and how you set up your goals?? :)
  • Longtobelean
    Longtobelean Posts: 78 Member
    Yay I'm due March 5th!! So excited to find a pregnancy group on here. I was really hoping they had an ap for Pregnant myfitnesspal, but no luck yet.. It just doesn't take into consideration if you're pregnant and not necessarly trying to lose weight or gain but gain at a healthy rate?? Any luck with any of you ladies and how you set up your goals?? :)

    I set my goal to maitain. That gave me 2,200 calories, which is plenty. And a lot more than the 1800 it was giving me before pregnancy.
  • ganzelly
    ganzelly Posts: 302 Member
    I also set to maintain which only gives me 1640 (I have activity to sedentary and add back any exercise calories). Most days I end up going over because I am hungry and I'm not going to not eat if hungry. I'm almost 15 weeks so maybe around 20 weeks (depending on my gain by that time) I may switch to gain 0.5lbs a week or something just so I don't go over EVERY day! But soon my weight loss ticker will show a negative number and there is not a way to get rid of it! So I will just keep changing my starting weight so that the ticker shows 0 lbs lost instead of negative lbs lost.
  • My due date is 3/22 - I still haven't broadly announced it yet. I have an ultrasound appointment on Friday so I'll think I'll do it then once I have an ultrasound picture to share :)
  • Does anyone have any workout routines that they're currently doing that they'd like to share? I've been basically a couch potato the past 3 months so I need something to slowly ease back into a routine. I was only working out about once a week before so I'm in decent shape but definitely not super athletic where I can just pick up a routine again and run with it.
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member
    Due March 2. We've only told some family members, one friend and my managers. Our kids have told everyone at daycare and school. I'm currently waiting for amnio results from a positive screen.

    My tracking has been horrible. I've been sick enough that I've just been eating what and when I want. I'm not as sick now but am so tired I'm finding it hard to make decent meals. I've gained a pound. Not sure if it is pregnancy or stress over the screen.

    My workouts are non existent. I do some prenatal Pilates and I am getting 8-11 k steps per day on my fitbit.
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 735 Member
    What are you looking to do @Skinnyfat2fab? Before finding out I was pregnant (and had way more energry) I was lifting 5-6 days a week..Ive cut it down to 3 days a week, full body. Body has great workouts you can look through (weight lifting, body weight routines, etc)

    Ohh..and Im due March 24th with baby #4 :flowerforyou:
  • asilmegan34
    asilmegan34 Posts: 256 Member
    I am due February 27th, but was over last time and figure this will be a March baby! :)
  • amaybee13
    amaybee13 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, I'm due March 23rd with our 5th. Still working out and lifting weights :)
  • jlvlcek
    jlvlcek Posts: 23 Member
    I am due March 16th with our first. I am super excited, and now that I have hit the 2nd trimester I finally feel like I have some energy again. I am excited to get back to a (light to moderate) exercise routine!!!!!
  • Naytayshay23
    Naytayshay23 Posts: 4 Member
    Ya thank you I'm going to try that today and see if it changes my goal weight!! Thanks so much!!

    I set my goal to maitain. That gave me 2,200 calories, which is plenty. And a lot more than the 1800 it was giving me before pregnancy.
  • mg720
    mg720 Posts: 212 Member
    hi ladies! i am due March 12th. I am finally in my 2nd trimester and STILL have zero energy. I swear I can sleep until the end of time and it still wouldnt be enough. I am missing my old workout routine (pre pregnancy i was in the gym 6 days a week for an hour or more a day) but physically i simply cant do it at the moment.

    congrats to all of you!
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member
    Amnio results came back clear and we are having a boy. With 2 girls and a 2 br house it makes it clear who will share!

    Nausea getting better but still throwing up most days (16w). I no longer pass out in exhaustion on my 50 minute train ride each way so I don't know if that counts in increased energy.
  • I didn't find a Feb 2015 group and since I'm due on Feb 28th, I figured that's close enough to March! I'm just happy to know some people going through the same experience as I do! 16 weeks now...almost 17 with my first :-)
  • Longtobelean
    Longtobelean Posts: 78 Member
    I will be 17 weeks Sunday. I plan to start doing Prenatal Yoga tonight.