Day 14

9/10: I didn't weigh myself. Don't know if it's because I didn't want to be disappointed, or because I had errands to run. Either way, we are two weeks into the challenge and I'm beginning to doubt that I'll drop 10 lbs. :grumble: I was under my calorie goal even though I broke down and ate a Filet 'o Fish from McDonald's. I've found that I'm addicted to their Southwest salad with crispy chicken. I know I should get the grilled, but the other is just so darn scrumptious! I could eat it for lunch and dinner every day!

I refuse to give up this quest for a healthier weight; it just may take me longer than the rest of you who are able to exercise. We're closing down the pool for the season as the weather is dropping into the 60's this week. I sure hope next summer is nicer than this one was. It's a shame to run the electric bill up if I don't get to use the pool that much.

Anyway, happy logging, and I hope you all are doing well with the challenge!!


  • kelseyann92
    kelseyann92 Posts: 171 Member
    9/10 I had a pretty good day! I ran at 7 am and stayed under my calorie goal! And I finished my gallon of water :drinker: when it came time for dinner I made chicken, black beans and pasta. I was very proud of myself because I measured/weighed all my food and it was only 310 calories!!! And deeeeelicious :happy:
  • overzoelous
    overzoelous Posts: 161 Member
    9/10 went pretty well. I've been studying for a test that I take on Friday and when I learned that some tramp got accepted into the program that I'm also applying to, I got a little upset, At that point it was around 3 in the afternoon and I had eaten my salad, hummus, and watermelon for lunch but for some reason as soon as I got upset I stopped studying and all I wanted to do was drive to chick fil a and order a chicken sammich with american cheese (no pickle) and a large fry and smear chick fil a sauce all over my face. I left work and on my way to chick fil a i said NO ZOE NO so I drove home, ate a lean cuisine pizza (I know they aren't good for you but they are low cal and I feel like I'm cheating when i'm not) and a kashi cookie and sat on my couch and continued to sip my haterade.So yeah I'd say it was a good day.
  • KarenOregon52
    KarenOregon52 Posts: 23 Member
    Michelle, sorry to hear about the pool closing down. Do you have community pool nearby? Kelsey, sounds like you had a fantastic day. Thanks for the laugh Zoe.... I could just picture it!! I'm sorry about what happened at work. I've had an o.k time. Sold some chickens and had to wrangle them into pet carriers, but 3 escaped so I didn't get rid of all of the ones I wanted. My weight was down this morning so I'm happy about that. Now I have to peel a ton of apples and figure out what to do with them. :smile:
  • Emmie112
    Emmie112 Posts: 121 Member
    Today was a good day. I stayed within my calories and did some light weight training. I haven't lost any inches yet. I think I need to cut out my cheat meals this weekend and push myself a little harder.

    Zoe good luck on your test tomorrow. I hope you were able to focus on studying. You can treat yourself to a chick fil after you pass. But personally I'd reward myself with a new pair of shoes. And I'm sure your acceptance letter is in the mail! You'll hear soon.
  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 287 Member
    Happy Friday! Sorry I have been missing from the group lately. I've been dealing with some stress at work and trying to work through that. I think after today things will get back to normal and I can refocus fully on my weight loss. Stress is AWFUL!!!

    I'm glad to see everyone is still hanging in there. It's hard to believe September is almost halfway over! I love this time of year though. The colors, the smells, and the coziness of fall - my favorite!

    Have a great day everyone and I will be back at it starting after work tonight. Circuit training and a 30 minute run are in the plan.
  • tams644
    tams644 Posts: 73 Member
    9/11 was a bad day for me :( I caught whatever is going around my house sick with a huge cold and my stomach was upset . really hoping by the weekend i feel refreshed so i can get back to working out again. :grumble:
  • MichelleV1990
    MichelleV1990 Posts: 806 Member
    Michelle, sorry to hear about the pool closing down. Do you have community pool nearby? Kelsey, sounds like you had a fantastic day. Thanks for the laugh Zoe.... I could just picture it!! I'm sorry about what happened at work. I've had an o.k time. Sold some chickens and had to wrangle them into pet carriers, but 3 escaped so I didn't get rid of all of the ones I wanted. My weight was down this morning so I'm happy about that. Now I have to peel a ton of apples and figure out what to do with them. :smile:

    Thanks, Karen! There's a YMCA//YWCA in the next town over. It's very awkward for me to get around once my foot braces are off so I prefer just to use my own pool.