Binge eating and keto diets


So I've been recommended to try the keto diet to help with my binge eating problems. (I gave it a half-arsed attempt a year ago but am back for another go!). I also have PCOS and I'm pretty sure I'm insulin resistant too.

My main question is should I be limiting calories for the first few weeks on keto?

I'm worried that my hunger will get the better of me if I limit too much whilst I'm still coming off the carbs. At the same time, if I put on weight after only doing keto for a short while then that's going to make me feel crappy, and I'll probably want give it up because of the weight gain.

Also, any tips for a newbie? Any big DO's or DON'Ts?

Thanks in advance! :)


  • PatchEFog
    PatchEFog Posts: 152 Member
    I wouldn't limit calories initially. I wouldn't even track calories initially for the first 2-3 weeks, but I would do hard core type of induction a la Atkins '72 (total carbs, not net) with only meat, fat, eggs an up to 4 oz hard cheese only.
    Then after I am stable with no hunger issues, I would begin tracking the calories and macros that satisfy me.
    This is how I began, though I wasn't actually knowingly following Atkins '72 induction protocol at the time. I didn't have a scale for the first 12 days either, so didn't weigh. Sometimes I wish I knew how much water weight I lost, but really, while I totally need to lose weight, I was losing for a myriad of reasons besides the scale weight loss. I didn't have binging problems, but the hard core induction will more quickly thrust you into ketosis to help with some of the cravings you might be experiencing. Atkins also suggested some supplements like L-glutamine and chromium picolinate to help with cravings. I still incorporate L-glutamine into my fasting days sometimes to curb hunger, especially since I had added a lot of carbs back in a few weeks ago to get my ketosis down to "optimal ketosis" range.

    Again, this is just my take on it. The mileage of others may vary.
  • I ate around 3000 cals initially and didn't restrict. I thought I would gain weight in first 2-3 weeks and was prepared for increase in weight. However, I lost the weight though I was eating more calories initially. You should focus on getting leto adapted and eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full.
  • Thanks for your responses PatchEFog and Leonidas_meet.

    I'm interested to give the l-glutamate and chromium a go, as I haven't tried either of those but I may see how the big drop in carbs affects my hunger first. Perhaps my hunger won't be triggered so much following keto properly? We'll see...

    I won't stress too much about tracking calories, for now at least. I'll just make sure to keep the carbs as low as possible, and eat enough of the allowed foods.

    I might check in on here after day 1 to say how it's gone...!
  • Saraisamom
    Saraisamom Posts: 26 Member
    Usually my body adapts by the second week of dropping calories. I will forget to eat because I don't feel hungry very often. You just need to make sure you are drinking lots of water.
  • mcpostelle
    mcpostelle Posts: 418 Member
    I wouldn't limit calories initially. I wouldn't even track calories initially for the first 2-3 weeks, but I would do hard core type of induction a la Atkins '72 (total carbs, not net) with only meat, fat, eggs an up to 4 oz hard cheese only.
    Then after I am stable with no hunger issues, I would begin tracking the calories and macros that satisfy me.
    This is how I began, though I wasn't actually knowingly following Atkins '72 induction protocol at the time. I didn't have a scale for the first 12 days either, so didn't weigh. Sometimes I wish I knew how much water weight I lost, but really, while I totally need to lose weight, I was losing for a myriad of reasons besides the scale weight loss. I didn't have binging problems, but the hard core induction will more quickly thrust you into ketosis to help with some of the cravings you might be experiencing. Atkins also suggested some supplements like L-glutamine and chromium picolinate to help with cravings. I still incorporate L-glutamine into my fasting days sometimes to curb hunger, especially since I had added a lot of carbs back in a few weeks ago to get my ketosis down to "optimal ketosis" range.

    Again, this is just my take on it. The mileage of others may vary.

    ^^^ This, I'm not tracking my calories really right now and I eat until I'm full. Within a couple of days you'll notice your food intake going down naturally without you starving or forcing yourself. The only thing I limit is that I don't eat 2 hours before bedtime. Since I have a harder time sleeping with a full tummy. :wink:
  • PatchEFog
    PatchEFog Posts: 152 Member
    Usually my body adapts by the second week of dropping calories. I will forget to eat because I don't feel hungry very often. You just need to make sure you are drinking lots of water.
    And sodium if there is no medical contraindication. 3000 mg to 5000 mg a day.
    1-2 cups of (non low-sodium) broth a day is usually enough to help get your sodium up there.
  • So the first day went well, didn't feel hungry at all. Today however has taken a bit of a nosedive...ended up eating some dark chocolate and a few too many nuts. However - I think I've learnt that I need to bulk my meals out a bit more with dark greens, and make sure I don't skimp on the protein (being mostly vegetarian before, I don't naturally go for the protein). I've eaten a hell of a lot of fat though and am still miraculously within maintenance calories. So yay! Am still a bit worried about putting on weight eating this way... :(

    By the way, what does everyone on here eat when they feel like a treat? I'm not sure the nuts and chocolate are a good idea on a regular basis, but I have been feeling a little bit bored with my food at times...
  • dcristo213
    dcristo213 Posts: 117 Member
    I agree. Don't focus on limiting calories, just focus on keeping carbs low and getting enough fat and protein into your daily diet. I usually have almonds or all natural peanut butter as a treat, or coffee with heavy cream or sugar free flavored creamer. Make sure peanut butter does not have any added sugar in it. I look for ones that only have peanuts as their ingredient.
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    My favourite treat is a spoon of coconut butter. I nibble it very slowly. :bigsmile:
    I do not get cravings or hungry very often since going Ketogenic. If I find myself with the munchies now I look back to see what I ate that set it off. Nuts, cheese, yoghurt, ready prepared chicken in a bbq sauce. Those are things that have made me hungry or stirred cravings for me. The more simple I keep things the better.
  • PatchEFog
    PatchEFog Posts: 152 Member
    So the first day went well, didn't feel hungry at all. Today however has taken a bit of a nosedive...ended up eating some dark chocolate and a few too many nuts. However - I think I've learnt that I need to bulk my meals out a bit more with dark greens, and make sure I don't skimp on the protein (being mostly vegetarian before, I don't naturally go for the protein). I've eaten a hell of a lot of fat though and am still miraculously within maintenance calories. So yay! Am still a bit worried about putting on weight eating this way... :(
    By the way, what does everyone on here eat when they feel like a treat? I'm not sure the nuts and chocolate are a good idea on a regular basis, but I have been feeling a little bit bored with my food at times...
    The reason I suggested hardcore-type induction is to put you into ketosis faster so you can better control cravings.
    I wouldn't eat a thing other than meat, eggs, fat and 4 oz cheese if I had binging issues just so I can get over said issues to have a fighting chance.
    I didn't allow myself any 'treats' for several months. A few Sundays, I had 1 Atkins PB cup that I fit into my macros. I found I didn't care for them much, so the rest are still sitting on the shelf all these months.
    I've been testing, so it's different, but every up day/feeding day (I alternate day fast, so this would mean 4 days a week) I have built anywhere from 2 tsp to 2 Tbs almond or almond/coconut butter and 1-2 squares (10-20gm) of dark chocolate 90% Lindt into my macros. I find this amount of carb/fiber at bedtime keeps my ketosis in the right range throughout the night.
    But again, I did not invite "good" carbs like veggies or 'treats' into my menu until I had control over carb craving issues, and I think for me this was key as I have had no "cheats" in all these months (since 3/25).
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Hi BB,

    I too am a binge eater with PCOS and insulin resistance. I find that I want to binge for various reasons but most commonly if I feel deprived, if I eat processed foods, or any of the white carbs (pasta, bread, sugar, potatoes, etc.)

    I do not limit my calories. Another problem I have is not eating enough. My body does not know when it is full or hungry. I do not know if it is because I have yo-yo dieted so much or some other cause Instead of worrying about it, I track my calories in MFP to make sure I eat enough each day. I used to try for 1000 calories and have increased it to 1200.

    I strive for less than 5g of carbs, 35-40g protein and the rest is fat. I eat 3 meals a day with one afternoon snack. I find I do not want a treat. The fats and proteins I am eating are so delicious.

    In the past I would binge on nuts and nut butters so I had to eliminate them. This was when I was eating high protein/low carb.Now that I have been eating keto again for 2 weeks, I have not have the urge to binge at all. I even eat 10g of nuts sometimes as my train snack in the afternoon.

    I agree with the suggetion to try the strict induction in the beginning. If you get the desire to binge, eliminate the food you want if it is around. Also make sure you are eating enough.

    You are going to do great!
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    Whipping cream! a tablespoon or two whipped to frothiness. I make a latte at work with a little handheld blender I got at Ikea, and usually eat some of the whipped cream before the coffee gets added! yum.
  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    I have PCOS and I was a binge-eater as well. The binges have completely stopped since starting keto. I monitored calories as well as macros; I'm not sure how you'd know you're hitting 65-70% fat without tracking calories. You cannot just go on a free-for-all of cheese and eggs and meat and think you'll lose weight; "calories in calories out" is still relevant with keto. Best of luck! I think keto is great for PCOS and I hope you find success.
  • I wouldn't limit calories initially. I wouldn't even track calories initially for the first 2-3 weeks, but I would do hard core type of induction a la Atkins '72 (total carbs, not net) with only meat, fat, eggs an up to 4 oz hard cheese only.
    Then after I am stable with no hunger issues, I would begin tracking the calories and macros that satisfy me.
    This is how I began, though I wasn't actually knowingly following Atkins '72 induction protocol at the time. I didn't have a scale for the first 12 days either, so didn't weigh. Sometimes I wish I knew how much water weight I lost, but really, while I totally need to lose weight, I was losing for a myriad of reasons besides the scale weight loss. I didn't have binging problems, but the hard core induction will more quickly thrust you into ketosis to help with some of the cravings you might be experiencing. Atkins also suggested some supplements like L-glutamine and chromium picolinate to help with cravings. I still incorporate L-glutamine into my fasting days sometimes to curb hunger, especially since I had added a lot of carbs back in a few weeks ago to get my ketosis down to "optimal ketosis" range.

    Again, this is just my take on it. The mileage of others may vary.
  • New here but not new to keto. I totally agree. Great to see folks here have similar experience and lessons learned. Looking forward to more in this group
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    How are you doing BB? Thank you for starting this topic. I am fighting the urge to binge and reading what members (including me!) have written has really helped me to identify the current triggers. Almost all of the usual...not eating enough, too restrictive, bored. The only one missing is that I have not eaten carbs.

    I am going to finish my last cup of water and go to bed without indulging.

    Good luck to you and everyone and thanks again.

  • Adkins.. suggested L-glutamine and chromium picolinate to help with cravings.
  • Hi! I've been on and off on keto because I often binge. Sad, i know.

    So if i stop counting calories at least for the 1st 2 weeks and eat strictly keto, i'll lose the urge to binge?
  • janhiness
    janhiness Posts: 32 Member
    I know people won't agree with this but it's what's working for me. I try to keep my calories under a certain amount I know technically I can have 1400 but I limit myself to 1200 and if I feel I need a treat I'll go up to the 1400 and not feel bad about it. You'll notice your not very hungry. I usually skip breakfast now or at least one meal a day. Not because I want to but because I really couldn't stomach eating anything else. I have a binge eating issue but I've kinda adapted to a little bite of something will not kill me. I know some people can't do this and I wouldn't try doing that until a few weeks in. I had a lick of my sons sucker last night and I couldn't believe how sweet it tasted to me. Not in a good way either. Butter and coconut are your friends I swear by bullet proof coffee. Good luck the people on here are helpful and if you slip up just get back on track. I'm not worried about ketosis I know I'm losing and I feel better than I've ever felt so that's enough for me.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    maemaymei wrote: »
    Hi! I've been on and off on keto because I often binge. Sad, i know.

    So if i stop counting calories at least for the 1st 2 weeks and eat strictly keto, i'll lose the urge to binge?

    I did. My cravings dropped away so drastically, instead of stopping myself from eating, occasionally I have to force myself to eat. Food has no ridiculous power over me anymore.

    OP, and others who also are starting and have binging trouble, I used to joke around that I had a little food-demon always on my shoulder. I called him Loki, picture Tom Hiddleston in his Loki costume, and he was always whispering insidiously, urging cravings on, "You're ravenous. Eat it all." After the first week of keto, he started getting really quiet. My life is so much happier without all that noise. He's gone on now and left me to bother someone else I guess. I haven't carb-cheated once. I've been ketoing since June 1st.

    I second the advice you have received. Induction yourself exclusively. Resolve that it will be so! Once you are in ketosis, you can add other things, but you will find if you follow this advice, the binge cravings will start to drop off. Then, when that is over, you can worry about calories. As long as Loki is bugging you, binges are going to derail you. Eat until you are full on the foods you should in induction. Your appetite will start to calm down after a couple weeks, and you will be satisfied with less food. You can worry about tracking calories then. Until then, hungry? Eat.

    Tell Loki he is a pathetic little turd, and he isn't going to screw you over any longer. Best wishes, and let us know how it turns out for you.

    You CAN do this.