Halfway thru Phase 1



  • berrygirl2013
    berrygirl2013 Posts: 264 Member
    I started week 3 this week and so far I've really enjoyed workout 3. Some parts of workout 4 make me want to curl up and die, but there are other parts that aren't so bad. I do feel stronger though, and I seem to be burning up to 100 calories more in these workouts than in workouts 1 and 2..so can't complain I guess! It nice to see that there are others at the same stage that I'm at. If you guys want to add me, feel free! I'm always happy to have new friends! :) Good luck everyone! :D
  • daterminedfatburnerX
    daterminedfatburnerX Posts: 346 Member
    I'm on my last week of phase 1 starting phase 2 next week :)
    Brings great results. I do hate the cardio so I do T25 or Insanity on those days.
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    I'm starting my second week on workouts 3 and 4 today. The hardest part is the upper body. I was amazed that I could actually do the military style pushups! I've been doing JIllian workouts since late May when I could barely do a modified pushup. So, stick with it! You'll get your results.

    I do 30 minutes on my stationary bike (or an outdoor bike ride) after each Body Revolution workout and that burns another 200-some calories.
  • bunnylion
    bunnylion Posts: 265 Member
    So I had my last time of workout 3 today. Well, at least technically. I watched workout 5 to know the routine before attempting it for the first time and now I'm really afraid to move on. I still can't do military push ups... Changing from workout 1&2 to 3&4 was a challenge but it was doable. Workout 5 looks soooo much harder! It looks like I could not ever ever come close to keep up.... *sigh*

    The last time I had these doubts, you guys convinced me to move on. What do you think about the transition from 3&4 to 5&6??
    I'm hoping for good news obviously ;-)
    Still have to do workout 4 for one last time, than *kitten* will get real. Ugh.
  • Workout 5&6 are much harder but I've noticed that I've gotten way stronger since it's been building up to this. After you get into it after a week it gets easier again.
  • downhomediva
    downhomediva Posts: 1 Member
    I am just finishing week 1, looking forward to week 2! I haven't been following the meal plan...wondering what those who are think of it?
  • shangrilamama
    shangrilamama Posts: 89 Member
    Sweet Jesus! I did workout 3 for the first time today. Glad I do this at home cause I was sweating, cursing and shaking by the time I finished! I did what I could, tried it the hard way at least once but whew am I wiped out. I know with her programs that perseverance is key so I will soldier on.

    Glad to be here with others who understand the struggle.
  • babyblues72
    babyblues72 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm starting week 3 today. I tried this program about 9 months ago after giving birth, and found it too challenging. Now I'm in much better shape and looking forward to workouts 3 & 4!
  • I'm just finishing up Week 1! Great to read all of this for some inspiration!
  • boxfish100
    boxfish100 Posts: 172 Member
    Finished Workout 5 & 6 this week - I spread these out over 3 weeks instead of 2 because I hurt my shoulder trying to do more than I am quite able to do just yet (did the same thing working through level 3 of 30 Day Shred so I should have known better). Mentally I was feeling tapped out. I didn't want to stop completely so I just did 2 workouts each week, plus cardio, to spread it out and give my shoulders a rest.

    Workout 6 was challenging but not too bad. Workout 5 was flipping tough, at least for me. I do notice I'm getting stronger week by week. I'm also starting to see muscle definition in my arms for the first time....ever. In my family the ladies tend to have upper arms shaped like turkey drumsticks, even if small/medium everywhere else.

    Bring on workouts 7 & 8....
  • annie_e12
    annie_e12 Posts: 202 Member
    I'm kind-of doing my own thing. Running is my main exercise, and I use these workouts for some strength training on the side. I've rotated through the program 3 times now. I don't do them according to schedule--usually I average 2-3x/week instead of 4, and I use running instead of the cardio workouts. I really like them, though--I've seen big changes in my strength and conditioning since I've added them.
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    Finished Workout 5 & 6 this week - I spread these out over 3 weeks instead of 2 because I hurt my shoulder trying to do more than I am quite able to do just yet (did the same thing working through level 3 of 30 Day Shred so I should have known better). Mentally I was feeling tapped out. I didn't want to stop completely so I just did 2 workouts each week, plus cardio, to spread it out and give my shoulders a rest.

    Workout 6 was challenging but not too bad. Workout 5 was flipping tough, at least for me. I do notice I'm getting stronger week by week. I'm also starting to see muscle definition in my arms for the first time....ever. In my family the ladies tend to have upper arms shaped like turkey drumsticks, even if small/medium everywhere else.

    Bring on workouts 7 & 8....

    I'll be finishing 5&6 this weekend, and also hurt myself a bit. I really strained my hip/groin doing those sumo squats. They felt fine at the time but hurt later on. Ouch! So I'm passing on those but still loving this system. We'll see what's in store with 7 & 8. Yikes!