September 16, 2014

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    What a great thread starter! The past week I have been slipping. Time to get the car the rest of the way up the hill!

    I swam for 55 minutes this morning. There were 10 of us in the 5 lane pool and the lady next to me seemed to think she should still be able to take up an entire lane by herself, so that was pretty awesome. Fortunately there are several people who swim but don't stay super long so by halfway through my swim I had more room. Think I'm going to try to get on my bike tonight after work since I skipped my ride on Sunday. I hate how early it's getting dark these days so I might not have too many more opportunities.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Had a huge slip this weekend. Thursday I skipped going to class. Friday I just went off the rails. All I did exercisewise was to get my bike to a state that I can ride it again and added lights to the front and rear. I didn't actually ride it, or run, or do anything else. I also ate, a lot. Saturday was a bit better as far as eating, but not much and no exercise. Sunday was slightly better eating (running out of food at home at this point), but still no exercise and it was a beautiful day. Monday I ate within my calories. I had an eye doctor appointment and had dialated eyes all afternoon and evening, which always makes me feel hurt and tired. Still no exercise. Today I'm back to normal. Going to trainer workout this afternoon.

    I had a big slip, but I'm back!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    I think today's threadstarter should be my apartment's wallpaper! It's a good reminder.

    Today, it wasn't in the cards. DH said he'd be working late, so I left in jeans with the intention of taking lil girl with me to drop son off at tutor. THEN, DH shows up at school to take lil girl, anyway :grumble: . So, I had the time , but the wrong clothes...but didn't matter, it came a lightening storm as I was dropping son off, so I got home as quickly as possible. By the time I picked him up--sunshine. At the moment--rain & thunder. grrrrr--make up your mind! lol.

    I'm going to have some major catching up to do on the gym and running this week. Luckily, this bad weather is postponing a photoshoot that my son was supposed to have tomorrow. That means that I can possibly get the gym or SOMETHING done tomorrow (on photoshoot days, I usu get nada; so glad it was cancelled for this week).

    Gotta keep my food tight and get all my steps today and then hit the reset button tomorrow wrt exercise. Fingers crossed. Looks like Donna and Laura are both digging back in, after some slipping. Nice inspiration for me to do the same!

    Have a good one!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    So, DH went to visit his aunt and he got back JUST in time to stay with lil girl while I took my son to I dressed to run and got in a little run (only 4km) while son was in tkd class. Also it was evening, so no sun and my heart rate didn't automatically shoot up. It was really nice. Yay! So glad I got some exercise in today!
  • toeatapeach
    toeatapeach Posts: 30 Member
    Today has gone fairly well so far... but it's also book club tonight! The plan is to eat dinner before hand so I am less tempted- but to leave enough calories for a glass of wine.

    Hopefully I'll have enough time to fit my yoga in before hand, if not it's another late night exercise session for me.