Thankful Friday 9/19

13Strong Posts: 502 Member

Check In.
What you are thankful for

And if you get a chance, drop someone a note. It doesn't have to be in this group, but take time to say Hi, How are you? How's it going? The people around us, the people we interact with, are the people who help support us. Take some time for them too. :)


  • jiagetsfit
    jiagetsfit Posts: 273 Member
    I'm thankful that i'm hale, healthy and hearty, albeit with a few more kgs.

    Exercise: Brisk walking for 20 mins. Recovering from sorrow and sickness. Will be following my routine soon.

    Food: Did IF. But two parties made me go over my calories.

    Water: Drank a lot of it. Also had a cup of green tea and 2 cups of tea with skim milk.

    No cheating during weekend. Gotta stay strong.
  • sweetpea2820
    sweetpea2820 Posts: 181 Member
    I'm thankful that it is another beautiful day here.

    Exercise: I did a hiit exercise. Did not want to do it, but my boys told me that if I'm not in pain just a little sore that I have to. :happy:
    I may do my cross country ski later. We shall see

    Food: breakfast I had an everything bagel and a fruit smootie
    Lunch I have homemade soup left over from yesterday so will have that
    Dinner ??

    Water I am on my way to drinking my 3.5L

    Hope you all have a great day:flowerforyou:
  • whitneyh83
    whitneyh83 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm thankful for so much in my life.

    Today hasn't been great, going to have a light dinner. I have a wedding tomorrow to go to, it's been my big motivation to lose weight, now that it's here I'll have to work harder to stay motivated. I have some brand new knee high boots that don't fit because my calves are too big. I'll have to put those out where I can see them, I love them.

    No exercise today I had too many errands this morning and got a spray tan and she said not to get sweaty or shower until tomorrow.

    Next week my husband is out of town, makes it easier to have a light dinner so I'll be on track then.
  • bookfoxx1987
    bookfoxx1987 Posts: 98 Member
    Food - A sausage breakfast sandwich with some avocado slices and no bread, left over Papa John's for lunch, and for dinner I'll likely do either a sandwich with low carb bread, avocado, veganaise, cheese and turkey or leftover lasagna.

    Exercise - None today. Our shower was acting up and I didn't want to get all sweaty before work and not have a way to wash off. Plus, I had last minute packing to finish.

    Water - Lots of water! (Or at least I tried to) I was especially thirsty this morning. I think I had three cups before leaving the house

    Today, I am grateful for my vacation which starts once I get out work today! I am going on a road trip to Florida and back. So excited! I will try to check in but I may not be able to. I will definitely be back though the beginning of the following week :-)
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    What you are thankful for: Uh... Frozen meals. Saved me for lunch today/tonight.

    Food: Rasin granola bar, banana, frozen chicken alfredo, another banana, and dinner will be TBD

    Exercise: I shoved a lot of biomass for an hour. Upper body workout for sure.

    Water: I'm up to 60oz.
  • mamamageno
    late check in: I was bad yesterday. I made breakfast for my family (pancakes and sausage), then I went out to lunch with an old friend I hadn't seen in months and we went to our favorite Thai restaurant. Then my husband and I ate carne asada burritos for dinner. So, yeah I was NOT about to log all that and faint when I saw the total calories LOL.

    The only exercise I got was when I spent the morning cleaning the house, I worked up a sweat, but not sure if that really counts lol. To be honest, I'm struggling with some personal things and the depression has me eating too much and eating bad things. I'm trying to snap out of it, but it's hard when your marriage is hitting a rough spot, school is getting harder and more competitive, and my back pain is getting worse again. I also need to be better about taking my medications because my emotions fly off the handle when I'm not consistant with it. All this sounds like a bunch of excuses and I wish I was stronger than this. I know I can be, I just need to dust myself off and get a grip. Every day is a new day to start again...

    What am I thankful for? I'm thankful for this group. I appreciate the fact that you don't judge me and you have kind words and good advice. I appreciate that we share a lot in common and you help me when I'm feeling discouraged. I don't talk about these things with my other friends because I'm embarrassed. I'm thankful to have a place to vent my frustration and read about other people who are struggling with the same things that I am. Its nice to not feel alone in this.

    I hope everyone else is doing better than I am! lol have a great weekend!!
  • night_fire_goddess
    Late check in. Sorry I haven't been accountable for the last few days. My keyboard quit on me, and I was too busy to replace it.
    I'm so very thankful for a supportive so. He makes helps me celebrate milestones, and doesn't let me get too depressed when I mess up. He's so very good to me.
    I did really great on water and exercise, but I almost ran over my calorie allowance. I need to stop eating just because I'm bored.