Daily check in thread - all welcome!



  • VaxSA
    VaxSA Posts: 90 Member
    Hi All~! Hope your days are going well =)

    JM lvl2 kicked my *kitten*. But then I did some stair running so that was good too.

    Im so boring at the moment, I dont have much to say - I think I bombard my feed too much instead of saying hi here!

    Psych I hope your toddler gets better with a dehumidifier! Its awful hearing little ones cough away, isnt it?

    What's has everyone got planned for the weekend?
  • kkooge
    kkooge Posts: 70 Member
    Hi everyone. Just been to an aqua aerobics class for the first time ever. I usually go to the pool and do lengths and have seen this class going and noticed that everyone seems to be having a good time so thought I would give it a crack. It was hard work! And more than a little disconcerting when the instructor told us to travel around in a circle, but no matter how hard I tried, I didn't move. She must have felt sorry for me because she called out "running on the spot is ok too!"

    I am ringing the vets again about my dog tomorrow. He just isn't improving, and in fact I think he is getting worse. They are going to get mighty sick of me, but he can't speak up for himself so I will do it. He is usually such a lively and active little dog, but he is the extreme opposite. He has been on antibiotics since Monday - am I expecting too much? I would appreciate your input!

    Supposed to be going on a girls weekend to Waikanae Beach this weekend - will depend on how pooch is doing.

    Happy hump day everyone! Kathy.
  • Dizzzlel
    Dizzzlel Posts: 54 Member
    Evening all, just finished my fitstar work master 6 decided he wanted to watch ( and participate a little), and I'm not sure if it was the audience or what, but man did it take it out of me. Lol.

    Kkooge, I would be the same as you, you're right they can't talk and you will know better than anyone if he is right or not. But on the same note they are amazingly resilient so don't stress yourself more than you have to (easier said than done).

    Zaxie , I don't know how hard JM lvl2 is , but it's a great feeling having your *kitten* kicked, right? You feel like you've earned a seat in front of the laptop. Lol.

    Long weekend here, woohoo.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Anyone voted yet? Let's not get into politics though huh lol

    Kkooge def call the vets again, you know your pet better than anyone so if you think that doggies not right then get them to check it out :) good luck!

    Busy day at work today and lifting tonight. Fingers crossed for a good sleep from master 2. I never knew how little sleep I could function on before I had a kid lol
  • Dizzzlel
    Dizzzlel Posts: 54 Member
    Is there an election coming up?

    Yep, young uns, croup...I don't envy you .
  • traceyandelliemay
    I voted on Monday I think it was? Running on stress and lack of sleep at no bf stuff and having sick kid too so loosing track of days. Kooge I'm really hoping ur dog gets better. Good news everybody I'm 308 days smokefree so far I'm quite chuffed :) put 10kgs on since I got off nrt and its proven to b tough to shift. I started running again the other week but I've unfortunately hurt myself in my knee and was meant to see physio yesterday but having sick kid stopped me going. Its fine though kids come first. :)been working out with JM too some them exercise hurt my knee but I'll keep going as I get a decent amount of steps on fit bit by doing her exercises. Also guess what I found on utube! Who remembers Mari winsor!? Well her fabulous exercises r on u tube yay cause her pilates really does give u the lean sculpted look. I totally adored her circle series back I'm the day I still have her circle lol I can't find them exercises on u tube but her others yes! :)<3
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    TGIF!!!! WOohoo the weekend is so close!!

    Little man slept pretty well last night and even managed a 7am sleep in - woop woop! Feeling great!

    Lifted last night and felt strong, feeling a little stiff this morning so am going to try pacing the hallways at work to loosen up a little - currently drizzling with rain here!

    Oh I remember Mari Winsor! I had her Pilates stuff on VIDEO haha! She was really great though and one of the first times I actually stuck with a workout programme!

    I loved Jillian's 30DS back when I first started exercising - that woman knows how to make you work!
  • traceyandelliemay
    SAME! well mine was DVD Mari is boss and I even found out she's still training clients even miley Cyrus. Pretty cool huh
  • karinapeterson
    karinapeterson Posts: 197 Member
    Oh boy yesterday was a boomer of a day weather wise. So much wind and rain here. Glad I gymmed on Friday and did a good hard cardio and weights. Increasing my leg presses again. Earlier in the year I had got to 140kg presses, back to 80kg now but my legs know it haha, will get to 140 again soon :p Can see the definition starting again. So.. quite glad it was a yuck day because I could have a rest day and clean house :p I work all week and don't really get near the computer so I am a weekend commenter sorry. Anyway, much better day today so I have a run planned, aiming for 8k. I am doing a relay in mid October around Lake Rotorua and I have the 8.2k leg so I need to know I can run it hehe. Last year was the first year doing something like this and it was with other MFP NZers. We had never met each other but made fast friends. Was the best weekend. We dressed as Zombies, grubby and bloody haha. This year it is undies and capes so I am making my cape later today :D Maybe you could be there next year?? :D Hope you all have great days planned!
  • karinapeterson
    karinapeterson Posts: 197 Member
    TGIF!!!! WOohoo the weekend is so close!!

    Little man slept pretty well last night and even managed a 7am sleep in - woop woop! Feeling great!

    Lifted last night and felt strong, feeling a little stiff this morning so am going to try pacing the hallways at work to loosen up a little - currently drizzling with rain here!

    Oh I remember Mari Winsor! I had her Pilates stuff on VIDEO haha! She was really great though and one of the first times I actually stuck with a workout programme!

    I loved Jillian's 30DS back when I first started exercising - that woman knows how to make you work!

    I started with Jillian too haha, she is hard as :p
  • VaxSA
    VaxSA Posts: 90 Member
    She's killing me, plank by plank.
  • karinapeterson
    karinapeterson Posts: 197 Member
    She's killing me, plank by plank.

    Ugh, hate planks, don't mind side plank though :)
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Morning all

    Seriously, where is this year going?! It will be October before we know it!

    Lifted last night and felt good. Over head press needs some work, but was glad to get 30kgs up 4x5 and 1x4. Deadlift is almost back up to being bodyweight - where it was a month or so ago before I got a tweak in my back. Squats are progressing nicely. Overall pretty happy with my progress.

    Have a good day all :flowerforyou:
  • Dizzzlel
    Dizzzlel Posts: 54 Member
    Evening all , not much to report in my world but thought I would check in. Great day here in timaru today and the kids were amazed how light it was at tea time, and daylight savings not even here yet.

    Keep up the good work everyone.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Urgh sinuses are playing up majorly! Eyes streaming, face clogged up

    Bring on Friday home time lol

    Looking to be an ok day here in PN
  • VaxSA
    VaxSA Posts: 90 Member
    Same here no news to report! Went to circuit training today for first time... man it kicked my rear end so hard. I am honestly a tad surprised I managed to walk down the stairs afterwards, rolling down seemed a more viable option at the time.

    Hope everyone is doing well, kids are healthy, doggie's tails are wagging, and the sun is shining.
  • Dizzzlel
    Dizzzlel Posts: 54 Member
    Really didn't feel up to doing a work out tonight , so instead of canning it all together I took master 6 for a walk. We ended going for nearly an hour ( ended up having to carry him a few times but that's all good) , we both had a good walk. He found it to be a real novelty to be out walking in the dark.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Can you believe its Monday again?!! And just about October - seriously WTF?!

    My weight is on the way back down again, and i'm still suffering from DOMS from Saturday's fabulous training session! Loving it!

    Hope you all get a great start to your week!

    My aim is to get at least 8000 steps a day (busy week at work so not sure I'll crack 10,000), to lift Tues, Thurs, Sat and to keep my calories and macros in check

    Whats your plan?
  • mullycathNZ
    mullycathNZ Posts: 64 Member
    Happy Hump Day everyone, and 1st day of October (already?!?)

    Hope you're all having a good week :smile:

    Mine is going super well, I'm getting my training in and sticking to calories while enjoying some "me" time as the kids are away with their grandparents for school hols :happy:

  • EmmaOnTrack
    EmmaOnTrack Posts: 425 Member
    Happy October all!

    I've been a naughty little vegemite and completely forgotten I'd joined this lovely group!

    Been doing 5:2 for almost 3 weeks now and have lost 2.4kgs (depending on what day I weigh myself), so feeling pretty good heading up to my 41st birthday on the 16th.

    Bought myself a sexy slinky black jumpsuit and black/gold slut shoes for a night out with my husband to celebrate both our birthdays in style (flash hotel and dinner out in Wgtn on the 18th).