Started BR today - 9/15 - anyone else? Anyone in Paris?


I started BR today 9/15/2014 - anyone else happen to have started today as well? Would love some 'group' motivation....

I'm also doing the kickstart diet this week. Just bought my carrots and salmon and such. I'm 45, 5'9" and about 150+ pounds. I'd like to be closer to 130-135. I've never been very motivated by regular exercise, although I've had times in my life where I ski or hike every weekend so I consider myself active. I was always skinny without trying until the last few years and it is going downhill quickly. Time to reverse that trend.

- Kim

(p.s. I also just happen to be in Paris - anyone else in Paris doing BR??)


  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    I'm on week 6, but I'm also 45 and have always been active and 5'9". I also used to be slender without trying and gradually got up to 147 last winter.

    I'm down to 138-140 or so now, and very happy with that weight. I'm even happier, though, about my new strength that I developed using Jillian workouts!

    I think you'll love BR and the results you'll see.
  • boxfish100
    boxfish100 Posts: 172 Member
    Hi! I'm also 45 (spotting a trend here) and used to be skinny but not for the last 10 years or so (LOL). I'm on workout 5&6 of JMBR and in the UK. I'm a bit bigger than you both; I'm currently at 161 and hoping to get to 145 (aiming for 25% body fat). I started at 173 and really saw improvements after using JM's 30 Day Shred and so started JMBR after that. Once I reach my goal weight / bf I might set a more ambitious goals.

    I think you'll love (and some days hate) Body Revolution. :D
  • Wow - awesome! We sound like a similar age/height/weight! I had been stagnating at 144lbs. for a year or so wanting to be at 135 and then we moved to Paris in February and I shot up to an unthinkable 155 for the first time ever. 144 had been my "largest" ever and THAT was bothering me a lot! Home in the US is Colorado so up to age 42 or so there was a lot of hiking and skiing so didn't think much about exercise. Then I married an amazing man, but for various reasons my new lifestyle includes more wine and decadent meals, lots of scuba diving for "sport" and less opportunity (or motivation?) for hikes!

    Anyway, If I could get back down to 140 that would be awesome. If I could make it to 135 that would be perfect. I really have a lot of visible, unhealthy fat on my frame now, even though my friends tell me I"m just fine. I hide it well, or they are just trying to be nice!!
  • Congrats on the loss so far! So do either of you follow the diet? I've been doing the kick start this week and can't stand it. I don't like meat and am forcing it down because I'm starved. Of course it has been hard stopping sugar/fruit/carbs/alcohol - but I suppose it does make me super aware of the impact of those things. I also am a HUGE milk drinker and stopped that this week. One more day and then screw it! I'd like to keep my diet somewhat normal (i.e. I eat well, but enjoy my wine, cheese, and bread - can't live in Paris and cut those things out altogether!!), but add in the daily workouts to see if by simply adding exercise I can make a difference. I did P90x two years ago for 2 full months and watched my food and stayed smack at 144 the whole time. Now I"m thinking that without it I probably would have gained some weight at that time in my life.
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    Congrats on the loss so far! So do either of you follow the diet? I've been doing the kick start this week and can't stand it. I don't like meat and am forcing it down because I'm starved. Of course it has been hard stopping sugar/fruit/carbs/alcohol - but I suppose it does make me super aware of the impact of those things. I also am a HUGE milk drinker and stopped that this week. One more day and then screw it! I'd like to keep my diet somewhat normal (i.e. I eat well, but enjoy my wine, cheese, and bread - can't live in Paris and cut those things out altogether!!), but add in the daily workouts to see if by simply adding exercise I can make a difference. I did P90x two years ago for 2 full months and watched my food and stayed smack at 144 the whole time. Now I"m thinking that without it I probably would have gained some weight at that time in my life.

    I set my MFP settings to lose one-half pound per week. Slow. Slow. Really slow. BUT it worked, just as projected.

    I've been working out 60 min per day (half with my friend Jillian and half random cardio) since late May and logging my food (most days -- not every single one) carefully and it worked! I've even eaten wine, cheese, and bread! I just plan ahead and 'save' calories for that kind of loveliness.

    So, I'm sure you could get down to 140 without much agony. :) And if you do your Jillian, you'll be stronger, too!
  • boxfish100
    boxfish100 Posts: 172 Member
    Hi again. I don't follow Jillian's diet - to be honest I think it is a marketing gimmick. Just as 7elizamae is doing, I am logging in consistently and eating normal food but making sure that I get a lot of high quality protein and staying within my calorie max. Sometimes I have bad days but generally it has worked well (you can see my diary if you like; I'll send you a FR). I am set to lose .6 lbs per week and so far have lost closer to 1 lb per week because I am exercising. I'm more interested in toning and body composition than the number on the scale for sure.

    Hope you like Paris - I'm based in Oxfordshire now but am from the US originally. Can't say that the British cuisine is as tempting as French wine and cheese though....
  • MelsLeanDream
    MelsLeanDream Posts: 305 Member
    Hi there. I just started body revolution today and am feeling good so far. I'm 35 and about 40 kg (80lb?) overweight. I've done 30 day shred before and loved it. I'm not following her diet plan, just watching portion sizes and cutting out the junk food.
    I'm in New Zealand by the way...
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    Hi again. I don't follow Jillian's diet - to be honest I think it is a marketing gimmick. Just as 7elizamae is doing, I am logging in consistently and eating normal food but making sure that I get a lot of high quality protein and staying within my calorie max. Sometimes I have bad days but generally it has worked well (you can see my diary if you like; I'll send you a FR). I am set to lose .6 lbs per week and so far have lost closer to 1 lb per week because I am exercising. I'm more interested in toning and body composition than the number on the scale for sure.

    Hope you like Paris - I'm based in Oxfordshire now but am from the US originally. Can't say that the British cuisine is as tempting as French wine and cheese though....

    I also added a lot more protein to my diet -- but that's the only major change I've made other than keeping track of calories. I also tried a few of Jillian's breakfast suggestions and liked those. I like the greek yogurt with cinnamon and almonds and also her frittata recipe. (Frankly, it's not a great frittata, but it's lots of vegetables and protein for breakfast which I was wanting.)