Motivation and Accountability Thread Sept 15-21

I didn't notice one of these today, so I figured I'd start one!

I've got a really busy week ahead of me, so I'm only going to hold myself accountable to stay within my goals and to exercise 3 times this week. That seems like a good way to get back on track.

What about everyone else?


  • Neritel
    Neritel Posts: 24 Member
    We have family staying with us for a week! There are tons of unhealthy food and alcohol in the house at the moment. I want to stay under my kcal allowance on everyday and work out at least 6 hours! I have done 2 today already so it is looking good :) i will probably skip all alcohol. If i drink my kcals, then it better be a protein shake or an incredibly yummy frozen banana smoothie with vanilla!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Hey Allie...I didn't have time to get online before work today, so I was just gonna start this thread now....thanks for taking the time to start it!!

    I did -fair- last week, eating was not too bad, but I never did get to the gym :grumble:

    I do plan on going tomorrow, and Thursday, and maybe Friday.

    Wednesday night I am going to be alone for a couple hours in the evening so I am going to try and get a walk in after work. I also dug out a Biggest Loser work out DVD, so if I can't get to the gym, I am going to try that out instead of doing nothing!

    Starting last week, I tried to limit my evening snacking...a lot of nights I had nothing....only had junk two nights....which is for this week I am also going to try and limit evening snacking, twice a week for 'junk', like popcorn or something...and if I am hungry any other night I am going for cereal and milk, which my nutritionist says is one of the best evening snacks...or not snack if I am not actually hungry....I also bought some light cool whip, cuz I figured if I am really craving sweet, it is that time of the year for hot coco, and that is not so bad calorie wise.

    Other than that, have a busy week!! Gonna weigh in tomorrow since I didn't have time today....(literally was so bad I had to brush my hair when I got to work, lol) errands tomorrow, hopefully take my furbaby in to get her nails trimmed....and hit that gym, for the first time in 6 weeks or so.....

    How is everyone else doing??
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Trying to get to Curves in the morning this week 3 times and walk daily. Meditation twice a day is helping me manage my stress so not craving food as much. Fruits and veggies prepped for snacks for the next 3 days and menu planned for the week; now I just have to follow it. Have a healthy week everyone!
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    This past weekend was spent out of town for a family event. Anytime I'm out of my routine… it will not be my finest in terms of diet or exercise. But it was only 2 days and this is life… so, I'm not wasting time worrying about it or feeling guilty for it. I'm just back on track for this week. On the plus side… most of my family hasn't seen in me in 40-45 pounds. So, there were lot of compliments this past weekend and an extended conversation with my BIL about what I'm doing. He's wanting to lose about 20-30 pounds himself.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,615 Member
    this week has been crazy for me because this Sat is my mom's wedding and we just been running around the last few days getting things ready, but I planed out my meals for today and I am sticking to them. I also plan to do my c25k in an hour. and I have zumba tonight. plus dinner is in the crock pot cooking so I'm sticking to my mini goal today
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Planning ahead really helps me be more successful. Way to go! Stressful day at work so took an hour long walk with my dog and ended the day with 13,624 steps. Meditation, hot bath and early to bed for me.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I am having a really REALLY hard time getting back on track with food and exercise after summer, it has been a couple weeks now, and even though I have good intentions, I never actually get on the wagon....anyone have any advise on how to get on? Once I am on, I tend to do well for a while, but when I fall off, I seem to have one hell of a time getting back on! Anything helpful would be greatly appreciated....
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    Didn't make it to Curves at all this week; my cold is lingering, my students are wearing me out and I'm working late every night. This is not okay and I need to adjust things so I am not setting aside my workouts for more stress. Not to mention the junk food that my coworkers are constantly surrounding me with. So far I have managed to stay away but that is stressful too. Allie, what's our thread next week? I need to focus on something healthy....
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    I am having a really REALLY hard time getting back on track with food and exercise after summer, it has been a couple weeks now, and even though I have good intentions, I never actually get on the wagon....anyone have any advise on how to get on? Once I am on, I tend to do well for a while, but when I fall off, I seem to have one hell of a time getting back on! Anything helpful would be greatly appreciated....

    The reason why could be the way our brains react to food as an addiction; there is a lot of interesting research into the brain and food addiction. The Hunger Fix, a book by Dr. Pam Peeke, is what helped me get on track and lose 113 lbs.; she based her approach on the research and it totally makes sense, including how a relapse makes it more difficult to follow through with healthy choices. But there are lots of reasons why and everyone is different. I found having a notebook that I wrote all of my food, water, and exercise in as well as setting a small achievable daily goal helped more than the digital journaling on MFP as the notebook was a constant in my face accountability that I couldn't just log off and forget. Try to make small changes like switching from regular soda to diet soda to seltzer water to plain water over a period of time, or switching to 100% whole wheat bread from white bread. You can do this! Keep updating us too!
  • AllieLosingIt
    AllieLosingIt Posts: 150 Member
    So, my busy week kicked my butt, unfortunately. I did stay on track with my eating though and I broke through my plateau finally. I log my weight every day because I like to see fluctuation so I know my ticker currently says 24 pounds lost, but I hit 27 pounds lost yesterday...putting me at 309 pounds! I'm only 10 away from the 200s!!

    I'm sorry I've been so busy, birthday stuff is all over now though and I'm 100% on track. I just have to switch my head from wanting to walk outside (it's still dark and scary out in the morning now at the time I like to walk) to wanting to walk on that treadmill instead.

    I hope you all had a decent week, even if, like me, you didn't hit goals. :)
  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    I wish the MFP app would let you access the community forum because I'd be around here a lot more. I'm almost never at my PC.

    Literally the last 4 weekends I've been at kids birthday parties, including my own son who turned 1. It's hard, very hard, to say no to all the food I know I shouldn't have. Sometimes I indulge though. For me, when I know I'm going out to dinner or a birthday party, I will fight like hell to go to the gym and work out so I have those extra calories to eat in case I give in. Seems to work out (=
    Other than that, it's been going well. I'm about 75 days in and 25 lbs down. I don't crave fast food at all anymore which is HUGE for me. I was a fast food junkie. Now? I don't really see the point in wasting 1000+ calories on ONE meal and then feeling like I'm going to have a heart attack later.
    I wish I could go to the gym more than 3x a week. What are some of the things you guys do to exercise? What works for you?