Day 1: Tuesday, 9/23/14



  • knmurray02
    knmurray02 Posts: 32 Member
    Checking in from Ohio.

    My goal for today is to try a different exercise. I am a treadmill junkie so I think its time for me to branch out! Stairmaster here I come.
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    Hey there! I'm Lauren popping in from Wyoming. Goals today:
    - drink tons of water
    - stay within my calorie goal
    - lift weights at the gym
    - magically make my legs recover from the half marathon I did Sunday?!?
    Hello! Checking in from CO.

    Howdy neighbor!
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Hello...just wrapping my day here in the my steps in and stayed within my caloric goals. Weill try and push from more steps tomoro!!! Want to start some yoga too...maybe this weekend!! (which is Friday and Saturdays over here!)
  • DebLF55
    DebLF55 Posts: 46 Member
    How many of us will make it to the end and be successful about losing weight? Anyone want to make a guess?
    I'm going to say that more than half of us will lose some amount of weight.....maybe not all we are trying to lose.
    But I also think that at least half will drop out, because it isn't as easy as we thought it would be. Probably closer to 75% will drop out.
    Out of 171 people ( I think that is the number), I'll bet that only 40 or so will log all the way through.
    On the positive side, everyone who even tries is a winner. They have made the first step. Most of us fall down the first few tries......but we get stronger every time! :-)

    The realistic number is 10% of those who entered their Start Weight in the spreadsheet. That means my estimate is 15 to 20 lucky finalists. But all these will achieve 100% of their goals. So be one of these lucky die hard 100ths.

    I hope there will be at least 25% participation at the end of the 100 days. As far as successful weight loss, I have no idea how to predict that percentage.

    Wow, 10% is a sad number. :( I'm gonna try very hard to make it to the end and lose those pounds!
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    Ok I just joined the group and am looking forward to seeing how I will do with the weigh-ins.

    So for day 1:

    5 am: 30 minutes lower body weight training
    Leg curl: 55
    Leg extension: 60
    Leg press: 260
    Hip Adductor/Abductor: 155

    5 sets of 10.

    50 minutes of walking - broken into 2 - 15 minutes, and 2- 10 minute segments

    and tonight - 7 pm Water aerobics class.

    I am newly following the Primal Blueprint diet - which means I am eating a reduced carb, no grains, no refined sugar, and minimal processed foods.

    Trying to drink more than 6 glasses of water a day. I seem to stop around 5 most days, but I'm hoping to increase by one for this next month (baby steps).
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    Yes! Day one!!!!

    My goals for today:

    - log everything accurately (as per usual)
    - drink at least 8 glasses of water today (1:30pm and only have had one...)
    - get some form of exercise in (probably a walk)
    - make something yummy for dinner (that's well within my calorie limits)
  • phelan999
    phelan999 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, all :)

    I just joined the group today, and I think this will be fantastic and motivating. I marked all of the weigh-in days on my calendar so I remember them.

    Goals for today:
    - track foods and exercise
    - long walk tonight
    - get to bed earlier (I have been going to bed at midnight, and falling asleep way too late)
  • mora982
    mora982 Posts: 169 Member
    Hello from Cairo, Egypt :)

    Day 1 Goals :

    Walking for 60 min.
    Having one Cheat meal @ Lunch ( I haven't had any cheat meals for 10 days ) and having one fruit or yougurt for Dinner.
    Drinking 10 cups of water.
  • paulfields88
    Hello from Indiana

    My goals are --- Take one day at a time
    1) NO snacking NO junk food
    2) Cardio
    3) Strength training.
  • jzychowicz
    jzychowicz Posts: 12 Member
    Hello from Edgar, WI!

    Aiming to lose 15lbs by the end of the year. I would like to say that I am going to work out 5 days a week, but with 4 kids under 7 nothing is certain ;-) So I need to be more creative and get in activities when I can.

    Get outside and do yard work - get the kids involved
    Track ALL my food
    Cut out a caffiene beverage - drink more water

    Good Luck!
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    1) Eat something...anything that is not liquid
    2) Invest time in environmental hygiene no matter how cute my black cat, Alex the Mighty - see ticker - looks on the giant pink and black ladybug.
    3) Get in some organized exercise (thinking Rockin' Body - Mark, Move, and Groove - and a nice walk later.
    4) Remind myself of the quote "When one journey's to the center of their fear, they find only fear being afraid of itself."

    Checking in from Missouri, Buckle of the Bible Belt.
  • TaraDanielle40
    TaraDanielle40 Posts: 294 Member
    My goal today and every day is to keep going and not give up.

    Me too! I have a habit of getting into these things and then drifting off, and quitting.
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,234 Member
    Good morning everybody!
    Checking in from Austria - glad that the thread is already here :-)

    My goals for today:
    -) log everything
    -) 8 glasses of water
    -) 5 servings of veggies/fruit
    -) get another walk in

    Yes! I managed all of it. Stayed under the calories too, although I used up about half of the calories gained by walking around. I will try to reduce that tomorrow.
    Good night everybody!
  • bntEGYN2
    Hello everybody ^^

    I really don't think that I'll achieve my goal but I'll do my best.

    I really don't care about time too much but I just want to reach my optimal goal at my coming birthday which will be after 6 months and I hope I could do that. :)

    the problem is that I'm not in Egypt right now and the climate here in UAE is very hot that I can't even dare to walk outside home :(

    I only do zumba or some workouts and I don't do them everyday :/

    My everyday goal is to be under my calorie goal and hopefully exercising become a daily habit to me :)

    I'm really glad to do this challenge .. it's a kind of motivation to me because I often lose my hope to reach my goal :/
  • Christine_1085
    Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
    Christine of NOVA

    The only way to check my progress is by detailing the Daniel Plan

    Faith - okay
    Focus - okay
    Food - 790 calories. For sure I will make it below.
    Fitness: 1 hour of cardio

    this is a good day!!
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    Well, I made it to the library and got through my training, but my parent was a no-show for my meeting. Frustrating, as I set it up yesterday and had to drive 45 minutes each way, but oh well. I realize I'm starting to get a chest cold and my motivation to make dinner tonight is pretty low. Maybe I can convince my husband to do it!
  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    im pleased with myself for the start of this challenge, been out for lunch with the OH, and while he tucked into copious amount of pizza hut buffet I ordered a low calorie pizetta, and water.

    im hoping to get out for a run while kids are at their activities this evening

    well evening did not go as intended, took my son to rugby, then my daughter to brownies with the intention of a quick 3k run before picking them both up. Went ready to run only to find i had to attend a parents meeting at brownies. So no time left at all.

    I just managed to stay within my calorie goal by 13 calories - at least its green. Meal planning going well, satay chicken with noodles for tea.
  • MelsLeanDream
    MelsLeanDream Posts: 305 Member
    Stayed within my calorie goal. Worked out morning and night, but it was harder last night as I feel like my knee isn't enjoying the process. Got a good nights sleep. Was only up 3 times to the baby instead of the usual 13!
  • nnylacire13
    nnylacire13 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello from Southern California!

    My goal today is to log my calories, meet my caloric goals, and go for a swim. I had a busy morning teaching a microbiology lab and am working from home for the rest of the day. I can't eat or drink while at work, since I work in a lab, so I need to catch up on my water intake now that I'm home.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Curlychip
    Curlychip Posts: 292 Member
    In a fair amount of discomfort from yesterdays lunges, so shuffling around like an old lady today ;-)
    Ready for more tomorrow :wink: