Day 2: Wednesday, 9/24/14



  • ketowerdefense
    ketowerdefense Posts: 397 Member
    Hit both my goals yesterday, so I'm going to add on one more today!

    - Drink 3.75L of water before I leave the office
    - Go to the gym at lunch for cardio+strength circuit
    - (new) No cookies after dinner!!! Seriously. Not even one.
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    Morning Folks!!! Great Job Everyone with getting it in with their goals!!!

    Met my goals yesterday.

    Today Goals

    Drink 10-12 8 oz glasses of water
    Cardio for morning workout - done
    Walk on my lunch break - 2 miles
    Track all my meals & close diary
    Stay in the green with my calories
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    Today's goals:
    hit water target
    5 am workout - done
    premeasure and log food
    stay under calorie count
  • libbeth_6212
    libbeth_6212 Posts: 28 Member
    I love that every day bring a new opportunity to meet our goals and refocus. My calories were on track yesterday. I didn't get home from work/appointments/volunteer meetings until after 9pm though so I did not meet the exercise/step goal I wanted. But today I will!

    Keep up the hard work, all!
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    today's goal:
    Get my 50 minutes walk - spread out through day. (2-15 min, 2-10 min).
    tonight: Weight training - upper body workout (30 min) + cardio - Elliptical (20 min)

    Drink min - 6 glasses of water. (already have in 2 - and I have the whole day ahead of me)

    Eat under 100 g carbs, and no processed sugars today! (yesterday I failed the sugar peice by craving sweets mid afternoon, and reaching for a cup jello, and a non-fat yogurt)
  • laf0026
    laf0026 Posts: 32 Member
    Day 2 Goals:

    1. Get out of my office and walk 5000 steps before I leave work.
    2. Workout after work
    3. Hit 10000 steps
    4. Stay within my calorie goal
  • jzychowicz
    jzychowicz Posts: 12 Member
    Day 2 Goals:
    Track everything accurately
    More WATER, less POP
    Dust off that workout DVD
    Tell myself I can walk past the candy bowl at work without taking a piece ;-)
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,605 Member
    I did meet my goal for yesterday also plus I was able to get a morning run in! I have to go to the DMV NOT looking forward to it! Before I go I WiLL have to me MY strength training done!

    Goals for the day!

    1. Get my morning 5 miles in! Done
    2. Get 15 mins stew training in! Done
    3. No late night snacking!
  • DebLF55
    DebLF55 Posts: 46 Member
    Goals for the day.....
    Get in the protein per plan
    Don't eat exercise calories
    Walk dogs to wear them out...and me, too!
  • throoper
    throoper Posts: 351 Member
    Good job yall! I am finally not in pain from my half marathon Sunday, so I'm going to go for a shorter run today and stay under my calorie goal!
  • nnylacire13
    nnylacire13 Posts: 26 Member
    I did well yesterday and met all of my goals. Today will be harder since I have a rough/long day at work, so I'll be happy with sticking to tracking my eating, meeting my caloric goal, and taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    Happy Wednesday!
    Goals for today
    Walk 3 miles - Done!
    Drink 8 glasses of H20
    Fill the cracks in my driveway
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Hi everyone! Congratulations on your motivation! You are all doing great!
    I have a somewhat busy life so I won't be posting every day but I do read most of the posts daily.
    For today I plan on hiking the trail for about 3 hours total with a "park play" break half way.
    Weather is great here today so I'm looking forward to some nature time.
    I will have my calories within goal, healthy home cooked meals, at least 2 L of water and a good night sleep later.
    See you all next time!
    Keep up the great work!
  • Icoza87
    Icoza87 Posts: 111 Member
    Morning every one! (well, mid-morning here)
    Congrats to everyone who met their goals for yesterday! I love this daily refocusing thing.
    I ALMOST met my goals yesterday. I was slightly over my calorie range, but I happened to be REALLY hungry yesterday.. So I just ate. My 7 year old has been getting in trouble at school (2 calls from the principal in 2 days :sad: ) so that's been a bit stressful to say the least.

    My goals for today:
    1. Stay within my calorie range
    2. Go workout at my new gym for the first time (C25k and SL5x5. I think I can do both, we'll see)
    3. Find 1 new recipe to try next week

    Here's to a better day than yesterday! :drinker:
  • kmcorc
    kmcorc Posts: 30 Member
    Went a little over (200) on calories yesterday, but it was mostly good eating even when the parents invited me out to dinner. I got my run/walk (C25K, went back to week 4 to re-focus) in, and I kept to my cleanse plans.

    Day 2 goals:
    - Get 10,000 steps
    - Eat well -- this one is going to be hard because I didn't plan my meals/snacks out last night or this morning
    - Take my dogs for a 1 mile walk
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    I did not meet my goals for yesterday.

    Goal - Work out a schedule to get everything in - meals, workouts, medication, and when to work on environmental hygiene.
  • phelan999
    phelan999 Posts: 37 Member
    I met my goals yesterday - which felt great :) Went over on calories, but I tracked them, so it counts.

    Today's goals are:
    Track food and exercise
    C25K training and Abs (but I'm still sore from Monday's exercise video, so, wish me luck)
    Go to bed earlier
  • rebetha82
    rebetha82 Posts: 125 Member
    Met my goals yesterday :)

    Today's goals:

    - day 2 of my 5:2 fast (then it's done for the week)
    - lots of fluids
    - 30DS lv.2 before dinner
    - DINNER :)
  • ghosthackexe
    ghosthackexe Posts: 181 Member
    Hit my goals yesterday ^_^

    -SL5x5 (done)
    -HIIT (done)
    -Log food for the day accurately)

    Good luck all
    day 2 / 100
  • mizzbugsy
    mizzbugsy Posts: 40 Member
    Hmm...Goals for today
    Actually do the Turbulence workout and not talk about it!
    More water, def...
    Not stress about how much has come off and how much hasn't.